***Official Political Discussion Thread***

dwalk31 dwalk31

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what the **** you mean decide whether to charge them? They ****ing shot someone jogging on public property on video. Put those *******s away for life

Life or an official death penalty would be huge waste of resources for these two racist dirtbags. They need to “disappear“ while in custody. I think dismemberment while live and awake is a good call. Drop what’s left off at a pig farm.
from the time this didn´t kill his campaign until the ¨grab ´em¨ tape, I was 100 percent sure he was winning.

once he survived ¨grab ´em¨ at the height of #metoo, I knew dude was bending social reality around himself.

I mean, dude is basically a nonfactor if not a net negative in an active pandemic and is STILL THE FAVORITE.

the #metoo and Hispanics aren't his base so insulting them and their issues didn't matter.

Now people are dying/getting sick/losing their farms/going bankrupt, plus a woman isn't running against him this time. I like those odds.

But I know in reality people are morons and will still vote for that jackass. They can go bankrupt and catch da 'rona too.
My goodness, where is this guy's neighbor? Out paws on this man.

I always laugh when I think about this...how much of a capital D do you have to be in your everyday life for your neighbor, seemingly an otherwise law-abiding citizen, to fully wreckursht to the point of internal injury?

not even just one ¨I´m gonna finally pop this mf¨, a full beatdown without Big John McCarthy to call a stoppage.

dude got 6 of his ribs broken. SIX. a US Senator got whomped on his own land, and the neighborhood watched.

you really gotta be Richard Head himself to get treated like that in a gated community.
reflecting on the recent discord in the #EchoChamber made me realize that the most common disconnect stems from two different understandings of the facts that can each be seen as equally valid.[/COLOR]

somebody that describes themselves as a hardcore leftist can probably afford to look up and take the long view, see the bigger picture...yes, it does makes so much sense to buy things in bulk, they´re like half price.

similarly, climate change and the resulting food and water insecurity that will result will drive billions of immigrants north...that is a 100 percent reality that I would bet both my typing fingers will come to pass.

¨developed nations¨ are going to have to welcome these people with roses or guns. binary choice, 25 years max.

...and so it makes solid sense for leftists to DEMAND public representatives that espouse these values in everything they do, because the inarguable fact is that ¨socialism or barbarism¨ ain´t just a bumper sticker.

this will become ever more clear over the next 2-5 years.


somebody with lower standards for a politician (5 or less sexual assaults, 0 recorded Hard Rs, does not eat live kittens) is just looking to solve the issue of the day...the type of people who would buy a single roll of TP.

one cigarette. who the **** buys one *** cigarette?

someone who just cannot afford anything else and just wants the thinnest ray of sunshine in their ****ty life.

¨my cousin´s niece is in an ICE jail,¨ ¨racist cops beat up my dad last week¨ ...¨wolf-at-the-door¨ issues vs. ¨house on a bad foundation¨ issues, and although both suck severely no one can be blamed for seeing either.

in the end, although this crisis certainly flavors the discussion with the urgency a ¨radical¨ might prefer--I did not forget I typed ¨we no longer have time for incremental change¨--both are right and should realize it.

Captain Obvious out. [whoosh]

Sometimes stating an obvious and well known thing, but in different ways, is how a point sticks. Since 2015, I have generally known the dilemma faced by black voters and why they were not inclined to vote for Bernie but until a couple of days ago, I didn’t feel it.

For me, Bernie losing was about more than one politician losing a primary, it was evidence that capital was so strong and people’s assessment of their own material interests was so infected by capital’s intellectual hegemony that the horror show will continue and we will continue hurdling towards the double threats of climate apocalypse and the political barbarism that will accompany it.

I figured that every Biden voter was either a well off person, who believes that their affluence will cause them to be immune to climate catastrophe; or an old person who got there’s and was ready to die in the next 25 years, before climate crisis will really makes itself inescapable. I was ready to be done with national politics, be done with electoral politics and generally retreat into local politics and mutual aid and hope against hope that I could insulate myself and my family and my own local community against the climate driven terror that will surely come. I did not wish Biden supporters ill so much as I figured that solidarity and left politics is doomed to fail on a national scale and we’re all on our own. When I get so down and hopeless, I see every little data point that supports such a conclusion and don’t see anything else.

After I said I was done here, Rusty made two posts and the second one really stood out. It wasn’t any insight that was brand new but the way it was said and the way it showed that for black voters, especially those who are older and living in the South, that they are scared and beaten down and have to suffer the humiliation of having to consider the preferences of other voters, other voters who never consider those black voters’ preferences and who will still probably vote for a Republican any way. After seeing it that way and seeing that are like me, scared for their own well being and even more worried about their kids’ well being, it was like a fever breaking. Every countervailing data point was lit up including the posts by others who were also trying to tell me.

Looking at things more rationally, things are, overall, still pretty dire but I’m not as isolated and doomed as I had thought and instead of thinking how do I survive the long term threat? It’s now, how do we make voters, who are afraid of short term threats, safer and able to focus on preventing the long term threat.
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what the **** you mean decide whether to charge them? They ****ing shot someone jogging on public property on video. Put those *******s away for life

One of the accused, "Gregory McMichael worked as an investigator in her office" - the office of the district attorney. That's why the D.A. recused herself.


He’s struck a Coasian bargain with the virus, he’s paying the virus to respect the property rights of his lungs.

I always laugh when I think about this...how much of a capital D do you have to be in your everyday life for your neighbor, seemingly an otherwise law-abiding citizen, to fully wreckursht to the point of internal injury?

not even just one ¨I´m gonna finally pop this mf¨, a full beatdown without Big John McCarthy to call a stoppage.

dude got 6 of his ribs broken. SIX. a US Senator got whomped on his own land, and the neighborhood watched.

you really gotta be Richard Head himself to get treated like that in a gated community.

The logistics of that are astounding. Most fights quickly turn into awkward grappling matches. This guys was able to deliver picture perfect hooks to Rand’s rib cage over and over. The dominance was probably so complete that the neighbor did even bother with the advice that aepps20 aepps20 gave him to set him up with the jab.

A 60-year-old dude named Rene breaks six of your ribs; and has your miserable *** looking like you just went 12 rounds with Julio Cesar Chavez Sr.

I really don't know how you show your face at the next HOA meeting after that.

He found a way. Probably put on one of his powerful fedoras and was ready to tell everyone about the vicious ad hominem and argumentum ad baculum he was subjected to.

He probably asks his pops to go with him to the HOA meetings so Rene won't put paws on him.

Of the two Pauls, Ron and Rand, one is a virgin and the other is a chad and I don’t need to say which is which.
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