***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Trump supporters just blurt out hot take phrases. Absolutely no substance.

The establishment
Build a wall
Crooked Hillary
Muslim Brotherhood
Liberal media
Trump tells it like it is
Make America great again

This is literally all they will say :lol
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Rick Scott is apparently asking for Federal Aid now that Zika is spreading in Florida. The irony of this is that because of him refusing to expand Medicaid, and his constant cuts to health services, the state is not in a strong position to handle it themselves and needs the Feds help.

This is what happens when you indulge in stupid austerity policies, and put political games over helping people in your state. When something bad happens, you have to run to the federal government for help. And the further irony, is that the same agency that have to come in and help, are the same agencies the GOP continuously labels as wasteful.

Add to that, the Zika funding has been held up by GOP congressmen playing stupid political games regarding planned parenthood.
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Reminds me of this

You could also add Jews to this list:

Almost certainly Native Americans as well.

Not to mention people from foreign countries/allies.

So how anyone "undecided" leans towards voting for this monster is beyond me.

[COLOR=#red]50 GOP national security experts oppose Trump[/COLOR]


"We are convinced that in the Oval Office, he would be the most reckless President in American history."

But Donald Trump is not the answer to America's daunting challenges and to this crucial election,

"He is unable or unwilling to separate truth from falsehood. He does not encourage conflicting views. He lacks self-control and acts impetuously. He cannot tolerate personal criticism. He has alarmed our closest allies with his erratic behavior," the letter claims. "All of these are dangerous qualities in an individual who aspires to be President and Commander-in-Chief, with command of the U.S. nuclear arsenal."
that sounds like an assessment you would get from your kindergarten teacher, if you were an awful human being.


They talk about trump like he is a growing boy that needs to change to be successful in the upcoming school quarter.
What do you guys think these rumors about Hilary's health ?
I read about it. Any good doctor will tell you they can't make a diagnosis based on just watching someone's behavior on a video, much less a complex brain condition. What they can do is speculate based on what they see. 
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Speaking of health:

Obamacare Appears to Be Making People Healthier


A few recent studies suggest that people have become less likely to have medical debt or to postpone care because of cost. They are also more likely to have a regular doctor and to be getting preventive health services like vaccines and cancer screenings. A new study, published Monday in JAMA Internal Medicine, offers another way of looking at the issue. Low-income people in Arkansas and Kentucky, which expanded Medicaid insurance to everyone below a certain income threshold, appear to be healthier than their peers in Texas, which did not expand.

Still waiting for those death panels to happen...
Rick Scott is apparently asking for Federal Aid now that Zika is spreading in Florida. The irony of this is that because of him refusing to expand Medicaid, and his constant cuts to health services, the state is not in a strong position to handle it themselves and needs the Feds help.

This is what happens when you indulge in stupid austerity policies, and put political games over helping people in your state. When something bad happens, you have to run to the federal government for help. And the further irony, is that the same agency that have to come in and help, are the same agencies the GOP continuously labels as wasteful.

Add to that, the Zika funding has been held up by GOP congressmen playing stupid political games regarding planned parenthood.

This, but it works, because he can claim it's all Obama's fault. Same thing that's happening with the green algae in our waters, he sat around and did nothing, until it was bad enough now he wants federal funds for it. I work in social services, and the lack of funding for services, lack mental health care and shelters for the poor is outstanding. But hey, he can take credit for a "surplus" and "job creation", but never mind you can't support yourself with those jobs, because"Obamacare " has cut your hours. Sadly it works, and I encounter these fools everyday that blame Obama for this evil governor.
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What do you guys think these rumors about Hilary's health ?
I read about it. Any good doctor will tell you they can't make a diagnosis based on just watching someone's behavior on a video, much less a complex brain condition. What they can do is speculate based on what they see. 
You're giving that video too much credit.

The video is absolute bull ****.

I stopped after they said she avoids stressful situations. As if she's been chilling on a beach the past year.

I do think you can make a diagnosis based on videos. I am diagnosing the creator of that video with a delusional disorder where he thinks he is an actual doctor.
You're giving that video too much credit.

The video is absolute bull ****.

I stopped after they said she avoids stressful situations. As if she's been chilling on a beach the past year.

I do think you can make a diagnosis based on videos. I am diagnosing the creator of that video with a delusional disorder where he thinks he is an actual doctor.
My post was just generally speaking, not directed at the conspiracy theory video specifically. If licensed medical specialists comment on these health rumors, it's still just speculation regardless of their qualifications. 
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How do you go from a 50.1% chance on winning the election on July 30, to 12.5% on Aug 8? :lol @ Trump's past 8 days.

When it was 50.1%, 538/Silver said that people should take it with a grain of salt because it was right after the RNC convention but before the DNC's.

It includes Trump's bump but not Clinton's. Most other forecast still had Clinton around 60-70%

But still, Trump put on a master class in footing yourself in the foot these past couple days. :lol And the 538 forecast are two nice snapshots of how badly Trump screwed himself.

This is another forecast. Basically lays out how ****** Trump is right now. If Trilly can win Ohio or Florida or Georgia or N.Carolina or Arizona. Baby girl pretty much gonna take the W.

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Came across this gem on reddit

The hardcore Trump supporters are so far into this "the elections are rigged" narrative they're trying to argue Russia has a better democratic process than the US 
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