***Official Political Discussion Thread***

-Trump is now suggesting that he must have veto power over the moderators for him to be willing to debate

I can already predict Trump supporter defense for that nonsense:

-Say he was joking

-Say he was talking about voting

-Playing video of Hillary's gaffe regarding RFK during the 2008 primaries.

But never acknowledging that Trump should pick his words better, if he really wasn't try to hint at her being assassinated.
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-Trump is now suggesting that he must have veto power over the moderators for him to be willing to debate

I can already predict Trump supporter defense for that nonsense:

-Say he was joking

-Say he was talking about voting

-Playing video of Hillary's gaffe regarding RFK during the 2008 primaries.

But never acknowledging that Trump should pick his words better, if he really wasn't try to hint at her being assassinated.
Da Donald has no plans of picking his words better

"Trump: I’m not changing strategy or my temperament"

Trump's party already responded by saying that he was trying to remind 2nd amendment supporters that they make up a strong, unified voting group :{ :lol


But Jason Miller, Trump's senior communications adviser, said Trump was merely talking about Second Amendment supporters large influence as a group.

"It's called the power of unification -- 2nd Amendment people have amazing spirit and are tremendously unified, which gives them great political power. And this year, they will be voting in record numbers, and it won't be for Hillary Clinton, it will be for Donald Trump," he said.

These type of excuses sound like what Ninjahood, Krispac, and the 13 year old version of me would use :lol
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I'm just tryna figure out what this guy's intentions really are. He's clearly not concerned with winning the white House
The tell-all books that are released once this campaign is over are going to make sooooooo much money
It has to be a frustrating job to work in the Trump campaign. Surely someone in his camp realizes how certain things he says sound and how they'll be received, but Trump clearly gives no damns
I'm just tryna figure out what this guy's intentions really are. He's clearly not concerned with winning the white House




We got a glimpse during the RNC..

Welp, Trillary's campaign is going to put extra resources in Arizona and Georgia. They are now legit swing states.

If ones of those falls, game over. Black people screwing Trump on one side of the country, and Latinos screwing him on another.

I love it when black and brown are one the same page :smokin
Trump really doesn't want the job, it'll get in the way of his life.

Hilary literally has to do nothing but keep quiet, Trump is his own worst enemy.
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Donny an ugly person but this will go down as one of the greatest trolls of all time
Trump will go down as Goldwater 2.0 if he loses.

But people have to remember, Goldwater laid the ground down work for a racist piece of **** like Reagan to get elected. From now on, people must be on the look out for someone who repackages Trump's bigotry with better dog whistles.
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all these cats that support trump.

do you not see the people that support him lol?
yeah...about that extrapolating candidates based on who supports em...imagine had da shoe been on da other foot and some gun nut's family went

to a Trump event.

Add to that, the Zika funding has been held up by GOP congressmen playing stupid political games regarding planned parenthood.
This is the most disgusting part of it all.
figuring that Planned Parenthood has affected millions upon millions more baby fetuses than Zika can ever do, i found this humorous...
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trump inserting foot into mouth again when discussing the possibility of Hillary winning & picking the next Supreme Court judge... "[COLOR=#red]nothing you can do, folks ... although the Second Amendment people, maybe there is.[/COLOR]"

Former head of the CIA retired Gen. Michael Hayden responded to the dummy's comments by saying, "[COLOR=#red]If someone else had said that said outside the hall, he'd be in the back of a police wagon now with the Secret Service questioning him[/COLOR]." He went onto say, “[COLOR=#red]You’re not just responsible for what you say. You are responsible for what people hear[/COLOR].”

This guy is so stupid but he's too arrogant to realize it. He really is the emperor with no clothes.. :rollin
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yeah...about that extrapolating candidates based on who supports em...imagine had da shoe been on da other foot and some gun nut's family went

to a Trump event.

u picking one example.

have you not seen a trump rally? lol
even if i was for trump id be like damn these people are scum.

people may not agree on the candidates, but it is clearly obvious whose group of supporters are more intelligent and composed.

if you cant see that youre lying to us and yourself.
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This guy is so stupid but he's too arrogant to realize it. He really is the emperor with no clothes.. :rollin

:lol Yeah especially when a Former McCain adviser goes...

Kori Schake, who served on President George W. Bush’s National Security Council and was an adviser to Arizona Sen. John McCain’s 2008 presidential campaign, said Trump is “much more reckless than Sarah Palin — and that’s quite a standard.”

Trump dumber than Palin? Who would have thought! :lol

There goes da liberals playing da identity polti....................Oh wait :lol

--------BTW, if anyone needs anymore evidence that Wikileaks is now a agent or Russia and as a result the Trump campaign. They are offering a cash reward for any evidence regarding the murder of a DNC official.

I guess da Kremlin is getting worried, and thinks Hillary be getting her Putin on, and what another scandal to help Trump :lol
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It has to be a frustrating job to work in the Trump campaign. Surely someone in his camp realizes how certain things he says sound and how they'll be received, but Trump clearly gives no damns
I would almost feel sorry for anybody working there thinking the intent is to win if you know, they weren't supporting Donald and working to get him elected.
yeah...about that extrapolating candidates based on who supports em...imagine had da shoe been on da other foot and some gun nut's family went

to a Trump event.

u picking one example.

pretty big example...da father of a serial killer attended a political rally no damns given. had this been Trump there would be a countdown clock to when he would "disavow" any potential endorsement and endless questions about "what are you doing in your rhetoric that attracts these people? :lol :{

and lets not get started on that video about how opposite campaigns treat people with opposing views...last time i checked there was a whole lot more of Trump supporters gettin their ish split cuz of rabid rioters..

so this who premise of "da candidates is liable for da wackos who support em" is asinine.
That guy was planted by Trump and his campaign, and da liberal media is blowing it up.
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yeah...about that extrapolating candidates based on who supports em...imagine had da shoe been on da other foot and some gun nut's family went

to a Trump event.

u picking one example.

pretty big example...da father of a serial killer attended a political rally no damns given. had this been Trump there would be a countdown clock to when he would "disavow" any potential endorsement and endless questions about "what are you doing in your rhetoric that attracts these people? :lol :{

and lets not get started on that video about how opposite campaigns treat people with opposing views...last time i checked there was a whole lot more of Trump supporters gettin their ish split cuz of rabid rioters..

so this who premise of "da candidates is liable for da wackos who support em" is asinine.

This happened kuz Trump supporters are just like Trump, talk a big game, but aint bout ****.

Deal with it [emoji]128129[/emoji]
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