***Official Political Discussion Thread***

What really grinds my gears is when people will casually say that Obama was a bad president. I'll hear this from Democrats, non-whites, etc.

Just shows how good right-wing racists have been at sowing disinformation about Obama, and also shows how fickle some people on the left really are.

There's only two criticisms I'll even entertain at this point: one is the use of drone strikes (which at its heart is parallel to the "should we have nuked Hiroshima" debate) and the second is that he was too nice or cautious. That's literally the only substantive critiques people can bring up, especially in the context of the presidents of the past 40 years.

For the most part I agree with you. I could nitpick but being the first black president there is no way you are going to get to everything you want to during your time in office. Republicans made getting anything of substance done impossible in the last couple of years of Obama's administration. That's not surprising though since this is the same group that had the house, senate and the white house recently but still couldn't come up with a good plan to "repeal and replace" Obamacare.

The right-wing folks are like sheep and trump is their Shepard. If they have to march off a cliff for the cause then hey so be it. Worst of all though are black republicans. It's like a scene from Django where Stephen hears Monsieur Candie tell a joke. Doesn't matter if it's a good joke or a bad joke Stephen will shuck and jive and howl with laughter while trying to convince everyone that this is their master.
Didn't Dr. Bright get fired two days ago? How can he not go to work, if he has no job?
He was removed from his position and placed in another department (NIH), not fired from the Trump Administration entirely. The Office of Special Counsel's preliminary determination was that "there is reasonable ground to believe" that the removal was a form of retaliation that violated the Whistleblower Protection Act.
The OSC's full investigation is still continuing, the above was just a preliminary review.

A bipartisan amendment to protect Americans' internet browsing and earch history from federal surveillance failed to meet the 60 vote requirement. It was only a single vote short of 60 but a couple Senators who presumably would've voted to adopt the amendment didn't show up for the vote.

Sen. Lamar Alexander (R) told reporters that he would've voted in favor of adopting the amendment but he is in quarantine.
Sen. Patty Murray (D) said she would've voted yes as well but she was not in Washington and thus couldn't attend.
Sen. Ben Sasse (R) and Bernie didn't show up either but they both had no comment in response to reporters.
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dwalk31 dwalk31 come with and excuse for this yet?


Allowing companies to reopen and requiring them to reopen are different.

If you do not want to go back to work, or reopen your business, you don't have to based on any of the guidance or orders.
The Republican-led Senate Intel Committee issued a report this year in which they affirmed the conclusions of US intelligence and stated those conclusions were the result of proper tradecraft. Back when House Republicans issued their 'final Russia report', the report denied the conclusion that Russia wanted to help Trump win. Shortly thereafter, Senate Intel concluded that Russia displayed a clear favor for Trump. Senate Intel has reaffirmed that conclusion multiple times now.

House Republicans' final Russia report was also littered with clearly false witness statements, aided by Republicans' stonewalling of attempts to subpoena documents that would have irrefutably proven lies by Cohen and Roger Stone. Even when Roger Stone documents that refuted his testimony started appearing in the press, House Republicans continued stonewalling motions to subpoena those documents, as well as blocking motions to provide Stone's testimony to the Special Counsel. Eventually Mueller formally requested it himself to charge Stone.
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I agree with everything except contact sports and playgrounds.

Yeah, playgrounds, even if used by one family at a time has too many shared surfaces. For hoops I just mean you shooting baskets alone or maybe playing HORSE with two or three people each using their own ball. Obviously five on five is not smart right now.
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