***Official Political Discussion Thread***

dwalk31 dwalk31 pretending he’s pro life while supporting people that clearly don’t give a **** about people.


dwalk31 dwalk31 been down with the buffoonery

I've been so desensitized to Trump and the GOP's insanity that it barely registers at this point.

Except when I'm intoxicated. That's the only time this **** actually hits me like it should.

Right now, as I've got a lil early buzz going, I'm just think about how far gone we are that an inebriated state of mind, rather than a sober one, is better suited to properly process this endless tsunami of bull****.

I've been so desensitized to Trump and the GOP's insanity that it barely registers at this point.

Except when I'm intoxicated. That's the only time this **** actually hits me like it should.

Right now, as I've got a lil early buzz going, I'm just think about how far gone we are that an inebriated state of mind, rather than a sober one, is better suited to properly process this endless tsunami of bull****.


What you sippin on?
-Red- -Red- outchea like the drunk Unc at the cookout that tells your scumbag cousin that he ain't ****, and the whole family hates him.

Big Momma gonna tell Unc he went to far, and he should have stopped after calling him a jackass. Why you gonna let the boy know all that.

But the rest of the family just being quiet, nodding their heads, and whispering to one another "He ain't lying doe"
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-Red- -Red- outchea like the drunk unc at the cookout that tells your scumbag cousin that he ain't ****, and the whole family hates him.

Big Momma gonna tell him he went to far, and he should have stopped after calling him a jackass. Why you gonna let the boy know all that.

But the rest of the family just being quiet, nodding their heads, and whispering to one another "He ain't lying doe"
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