***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Yeah, more or less.

And the usually "you don't under your oppression" stuff.

I know in some chapters it got so bad that some black comrades have set up the BSA, black socialist of America. I don't blame them but I wish that more white comrades would do more to make it so that people don't feel the need to splinter as that is antithetical to mass politics.

A big problem is that we don't have a large, long lived, mainstream left political tradition. As a result: we have gaps in understanding theory, writ large; applying that theory to the material conditions of America, the only country that had large scale plantation economies and early industrialize both within its borders, and translating that theory into a useful praxis, which allows us to build mass political movements. That project takes time but like with all long term political projects being proposed, we better do it quickly.

The Vox article provided tons of sensible advice, that is support by expert.

So it is guaranteed that the GOP will do done of it, and the buffoons that support them will say the only way to save the economy is to try to act like there isn't a pandemic.
I mean, do we even know if this is caused by a virus? What is a virus, anyway? How does it magically fly through the air? Has science actually really proven germ theory? If bleach is more deadly than the virus, why not use the bleach to kill the virus? What is it that "Dr." Fauci is not telling us? Why is Bill Gates so worried about this virus, unless he is the one who created it himself? You smelt it you dealt it amirite?

But breaking covfefe for a moment, point #6 (open up outdoor spaces) is a good idea. We are concentrating everybody onto limited outdoor space currently. The idea of convincing people to stay home to save lives doesn't work because we are idiots, so we have to work with what we have and do the practical thing. The practical move is to open everything outdoors.
The Vox article provided tons of sensible advice, that is support by expert.

So it is guaranteed that the GOP will do done of it, and the buffoons that support them will say the only way to save the economy is to try to act like there isn't a pandemic.
I mean, do we even know if this is caused by a virus? What is a virus, anyway? How does it magically fly through the air? Has science actually really proven germ theory? If bleach is more deadly than the virus, why not use the bleach to kill the virus? What is it that "Dr." Fauci is not telling us? Why is Bill Gates so worried about this virus, unless he is the one who created it himself? You smelt it you dealt it amirite?

But breaking covfefe for a moment, point #6 (open up outdoor spaces) is a good idea. We are concentrating everybody onto limited outdoor space currently. The idea of convincing people to stay home to save lives doesn't work because we are idiots, so we have to work with what we have and do the practical thing. The practical move is to open everything outdoors.

I’m glad to hear others saying that we should be more moderate about outdoor spaces (while being more “hawkish” in every other way).

A month ago, I figured that this thing will be a marathon and not a sprint and demanding that people stay at home for months on end is cruel, especially people with crowded or small housing situations. Therefore, letting people lightly use playgrounds, play tennis, shoot hoops, use hiking trails and enjoy less crowded beaches is a better out key than reopening bars and restaurants. I was thinking I was being a crank but apparently I wasn’t.
Attach files

anyone else think this could end up being something bigger than just those stock trades? maybe im tripping but feels like that could open a can of worms if any tomfoolery to be found
The investigators could always expand their criminal investigation if they find sufficiently suspicious activities in addition to the stock trades they’re looking at.

For now I don’t really see anything to suggest additional wrongdoing. Either way there is a very high bar for investigating Senators in the first place, especially getting any type of warrant. It has to be authorized at the highest levels of DOJ.

Hmm, to back the US’ top infectious disease expert or to back the pathological liar who repeatedly lied about the virus and suggested injecting UV light and disinfectant.

I think the EU and US divisions of the Coal Gang have an easy choice to make.
By the way, whistleblower Dr. Rick Bright is testifying before the House Energy & Commerce panel at 10 AM EDT today. Grab some popcorn.

In a preliminary review, the Office of Special Counsel determined there is “reasonable ground to believe” Bright faced retaliation in violation of the Whistleblower Protection Act.

Link to full complaint: (89 pages)

Ousted vaccine director files whistleblower complaint alleging coronavirus warnings were ignored
Dr. Rick Bright, the ousted director of the office involved in developing a coronavirusvaccine, formally filed an extensive whistleblower complaint Tuesday alleging his early warnings about the coronavirus were ignored and that his caution at a treatment favored by President Donald Trump led to his removal.

"I was pressured to let politics and cronyism drive decisions over the opinions of the best scientists we have in government," Bright said on a call with reporters after filing his complaint.
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On January 30 in a conversation with HHS Secretary Azar, Dr. Fauci expressed his support for the ban on Chinese nationals traveling to the US. Fauci was a bit skeptical initially about the travel restriction but quickly supported it privately and publicly.

Fauci’s testimony this week clearly angered Trump.
Trump calls Fauci remarks on risks to reopening schools, economy unacceptable
“To me it’s not an acceptable answer, especially when it comes to schools,” Trump told reporters at the White House when asked about Fauci’s warnings to senators on Tuesday about the risks of reopening the schools and economy too soon.

Fauci, who directs the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, also warned that a premature lifting of lockdowns could lead to additional outbreaks of the deadly coronavirus, which has killed more than 82,000 people in the United States and brought the economy to its knees.

Trump, in contrast, said on Wednesday the only thing that would be acceptable would be professors or teachers “over a certain age” not holding classes. “I think they ought to take it easy for another few weeks,” he added.
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