***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Legit looks like DJT goes to his tailor and asks for the LEGO Fit



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You seem to have a great deal of knowledge on Antifa. Is there a significant difference between Antifa and what I assume is the anarchist flag in your avi?

If that is a different flag, excuse my ignorance.

You’re correct. The black flag represents anarchism and the red represents leftism. It’s not an official antifa logo or flag, the flags in my avy symbolize a political leaning rather than any group or movement.

The rest of the avy is supposed to kinda playful, if not downright campy. It’s a big hockey mascot in an antifa type of mask with flames in the back ground just putting it all over the top.

As far as the actual group antifa goes, it’s a movement with a pretty narrow mission and it’s basically to physically block or remove organized gatherings of far-right groups. The theory is that the allure of far right groups is the prospect of getting to terrorize marginalized people out in public spaces. The antifa theory is that if those far-right groups cannot impose their will on public spaces, they will not be able recruit new members and they will melt away through attrition over time.

Antifa is more of a tactic within political anarchism. Most work done by Anarchists involves mutual aid and community building and as a result is not permanent insurgent group nor is it the armed wing of a left ideological project. While there is some crossover in the sense that members of leftist organizations will also do antifa action, antifa is not a Marxist movement, per se.

They do and they don’t, it depends on the context.

The outcome of an election can have a great deal of consequences.

For some groups: real estate developers, gentrifiers, rich people, police departments and finance a tech moguls, not a damn thing changes based on what State they are or the partisan makeup of Congress and the White House.

So do vote AND agitate in these streets (or more realistically, send money and water or do child care or make snacks and sandwiches because successful street protests require more support than they need additional demonstrators)
I'm waiting for people to explain how Hillary Clinton would've been just as bad or worse than The Bigot™.
Incompetence and instigation worsened both the pandemic and the protests.

Everything we were worried about with Trump has come to be true.

There's one last remaining domino, which I don't even want to utter because it would be a devastating, long-lasting blow for years or decades to come. Along the lines of Vietnam, Iraq....
If we’re talking about how Hillary Clinton would have handled the uprisings, I can’t imagine a very different response materially. Clinton would be limited by the same power of capital that guides Trump. Clinton would do what ever Democratic governor and mayor has done, used force to protect private property.

Now with Covid, it’s a totally different story. If Hillary were president, we’d have tens of thousands fewer people dead. So that’s reason enough to vote, preventIng 20 9/11s by voting for a presidency that will actually have an office of pandemic prevention is fairly compelling.
If we’re talking about how Hillary Clinton would have handled the uprisings, I can’t imagine a very different response materially. Clinton would be limited by the same power of capital that guides Trump. Clinton would do what ever Democratic governor and mayor has done, used force to protect private property.

Now with Covid, it’s a totally different story. If Hillary were president, we’d have tens of thousands fewer people dead. So that’s reason enough to vote, preventIng 20 9/11s by voting for a presidency that will actually have an office of pandemic prevention is fairly compelling.
Yup, plus with any of these complex systems issues we have to consider the dominoes that fall. It's conceivable that the depth of this pandemic has contributed to the fall-out of the current protests. With everyone out of school and 30% of young adults unemployed currently, we have a lot more people with nothing to lose. We probably also have a lot more cops who are itching to flex their muscle. Who knows what effects the lack of socialization for 2+ months has had as well.

So even if Hillary's response was identical this may have all played out differently.
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