***Official Political Discussion Thread***

I don’t agree with everything he says.

And I don’t defend the indefensible.

Ive stated my opinion on the matter. And I speak for myself.

It’s as if every other poster agrees with everything Biden says or something. Get real.
You’ve defended him as not being a racist person for the entire time he’s been in office. Who is talking about agreeing with everything he says? YOU constantly defend him, his ineptitude, his blatant disrespect towards BLACK women, among other vile and despicable things. So spare me trying to make this about agreeing with everything he says. I said what I said. Now keep defending this racist POS as you’ve been doing.
You’ve defended him as not being a racist person for the entire time he’s been in office. Who is talking about agreeing with everything he says? YOU constantly defend him, his ineptitude, his blatant disrespect towards BLACK women, among other things. So spare me trying to make this about agreeing with everything he says. I said what I said. Now keep defending this racist POS as you’ve been doing.

I said what I said, as well.


Delk sounds just like the few black people that voted for Barry Goldwater because they thought Jim Crow was what was best for black people.

Then they act shocked as to why people think the worst of them.

Of all the nonsense he has spewed, his stance on the social safety net best exposed his hostility toward black people.
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You have so many garbage, bad faith arguments that make absolutely no sense. You’re comparing your stance as a private citizen to that of prosecutors and judges?

My stance as a black conservative lawyer, yea.

The logic is truly not difficult to understand.
Delk sounds just like the few black people that voted for Barry Goldwater because they thought Jim Crow was what was best for black people.

Them he act shocked as to why people think the worst of him.

Of all the nonsense he has spewed, his stance on the social safety net best exposed his hostility toward black people.

You have an issue with my stance on what you characterize as a social safety net. I have no issue with defending my position on that. And agreeing to disagree with you on my stance.

You choose to use charged language and Ad hominem attacks (pedo, hates black people, would have agreed with Jim Crow etc.) because it is difficult for you to flesh out your arguments.

Nothing I have defended would suggest that I would have thought Jim Crow was best. And that assertion is--on its face--ridiculous.

In this thread, alone, I have consistently supported Kaep, consistently discussed systemic racism, due process issues, income inequality, prison reform, etc. I was on a call yesterday about diversity and inclusion, for black people in particular, in law.

You simply do not like my approach to my ultimate goal of empowering people that look like me.

I could careless if you think "the worst of me," that's why I don't ignore people, report people, or leave the thread when I hear opinions that are different than my own.
You have an issue with my stance on what you characterize as a social safety net. I have no issue with defending my position on that. And agreeing to disagree with you on my stance.

You choose to use charged language and Ad hominem attacks (pedo, hates black people, would have agreed with Jim Crow etc.) because it is difficult for you to flesh out your arguments.

Nothing I have defended would suggest that I would have thought Jim Crow was best. And that assertion is--on its face--ridiculous.

In this thread, alone, I have consistently supported Kaep, consistently discussed systemic racism, due process issues, income inequality, prison reform, etc. I was on a call yesterday about diversity and inclusion, for black people in particular, in law.

You simply do not like my approach to my ultimate goal of empowering people that look like me.

I could careless if you think "the worst of me," that's why I don't ignore people, report people, or leave the thread when I hear opinions that are different than my own.
Dude please.

Whenever the conversation turns to economics facing the black community, you run away from a discussion with me. In the discussion about the social safety net I and others broke down why your argument is silly and all you could say in response was basically "we should give it a try and see what happens".

Forming an argument has never been a problem to me. I say what I say to you because it is true. You are a racist, you do hate black people, you do support conservative sexual deviants, you are a troll, your behavior is pathetic. All these things are observable reality.

I don't like you because you are hostile to black people and proudly support bigots and white supremacist. You seemingly only take pro-black positions when you can use them to bolster your support for republican racist.
discussed systemic racism
The top Trump officials who have spoken on this matter all deny systemic racism exists. Barr, the DHS Secretary, the top NatSec Adviser, ...
They've all explicitly said they don't believe there is such a thing in criminal justice.

Those beliefs have tangible impacts, especially when it comes to DOJ, where Bill Barr is interfering with the implementation of the First Step Act with varying degrees of success. A majority of the judges have refused to entertain DOJ's efforts to lock FSA applicants back up and have condemned what they refer to as 'impeding' the Act's implementation but DOJ has also succeeded in those efforts.
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Dude please.

Whenever the conversation turns to economics you run. In the discussion about the social safety net I and others broke down why your argument is silly and all you could say in response was basically "we should give it a try and see what happens".

Forming an argument has never been a problem to me. I say what I say to you because it is true. You are a racist, you do hate black people, you do support conservative sexual deviants, you are a troll, your behavior is pathetic. All these things are observable reality.

I don't like you because you are hostile to black people and proudly support bigots and white supremacist. You seemingly only take pro-black positions when you can use them to bolster your support for republican racist.

I don't go down the economics road with you because you are an economist, to my knowledge.

I defer to you out of respect.

I will just agree to disagree with the remainder of your post because it is evident that your mind is made up.

Meanwhile, I hope that we get further criminal justice reform passed under this administration and more funding to black causes.

I'll leave the name-calling to you.
The top Trump officials who have spoken on this matter all deny systemic racism exists. Barr, the DHS Secretary, the top NatSec Adviser, ...
They've all explicitly said they don't believe there is such a thing in criminal justice.

Their opinions, on that issue, are not mine.

I speak for myself.
Yet you will vote to make sure the people that don't believe in systemic racism stay in power

I care about the policies that get implemented.

It is great that Biden acknowledges systematic racism. He played a large part in said system by writing and passing the Crime bill.

If you think that supporting him gives you some moral high ground, then so be it.
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