***Official Political Discussion Thread***

“eye-un-iz-ice-un it’s eye-un-ice-shun of the air....”

Folks have done much worse for a check. At least they are likely getting paid for it.
Well, it will go directly to their medical bills. However, in this climate, can there be worse behavior for a supposed descendant of African slaves?
Well, it will go directly to their medical bills. However, in this climate, can there be worse behavior for a supposed descendant of African slaves?

Yea, much much much worse. It's a photo-op they were probably paid well to attend.

They can take the money they get from that and directly invest into black communities/causes. I doubt any really goes to medical expenses.

The masks are more about protecting those around you than protecting yourself.

From what I'm reading, Paris (and the guy dancing) seem a bit young to be worried about dying from COVID unless they have an underlying condition.
Yea, much much much worse. It's a photo-op they were probably paid well to attend.

They can take the money they get from that and directly invest into black communities/causes. I doubt any really goes to medical expenses.

The masks are more about protecting those around you than protecting yourself.

From what I'm reading, Paris (and the guy dancing) seem a bit young to be worried about dying from COVID unless they have an underlying condition.
Did you hear about my man DL Hugley? This virus does not give a damn.
It's a photo-op they were probably paid well to attend.

They gave up their dignity, pride and respect as African Americans with that photo-op. There is no price for that.

They can take the money they get from that and directly invest into black communities/causes.

They tap danced for the world to see at a Trump Rally. Do really believe they’re investing in black communities/causes?
They gave up their dignity, pride and respect as African Americans with that photo-op. There is no price for that.

They tap danced for the world to see at a Trump Rally. Do really believe they’re investing in black communities/causes?
Paris Dennard feels that if you support the Black community without white inclusion, that this is Black supremacy.
Did you hear about my man DL Hugley? This virus does not give a damn.

Yea, I heard about that. Sad story. He just happened to find out after being treated for passing out due to dehydration.

But being positive for the virus and dying/being seriously sick as a result from it aren't synonymous.

Tons of celebrities have stated they have it: Kevin Durant, Idris Elba, his wife Sabrina, Rudy Gobert, Andy Cohen, George Stephanopolus, Tom Hanks, Pink, CNN anchors Chris Cuomo and Brooke Baldwin, etc.

The high death rate, from what I understand, seems to be more tied to older populations or populations of people with pre-existing conditions.

But I could be wrong on that.
Yea, I heard about that. Sad story. He just happened to find out after being treated for passing out due to dehydration.

But being positive for the virus and dying/being seriously sick as a result from it aren't synonymous.

Tons of celebrities have stated they have it: Kevin Durant, Idris Elba, his wife Sabrina, Rudy Gobert, Andy Cohen, George Stephanopolus, Tom Hanks, Pink, CNN anchors Chris Cuomo and Brooke Baldwin, etc.

The high death rate, from what I understand, seems to be more tied to older populations or populations of people with pre-existing conditions.

But I could be wrong on that.
Hey, if you do not need to expose yourself to this thing? Don't. Political affiliation will not save you, as do many think. That Norman Vincent Peale thing only works if you apply critical thinking skills.
They gave up their dignity, pride and respect as African Americans with that photo-op. There is no price for that.

They tap danced for the world to see at a Trump Rally. Do really believe they’re investing in black communities/causes?

Maybe your financial situation affords you the ability to think no amount of money justifies a photo-op.

Everyone doesn't have that same situation.

They all likely have black families that they contribute to/support. And are also probably members of black organizations that they support. I wouldn't be quick to assume that they don't.

You'd probably be surprised where donations to causes come from. And, more importantly, how they often don't come from the loudest/most visible sources.
Paris Dennard feels that if you support the Black community without white inclusion, that this is Black supremacy.

This for real?

I don't follow the brother like that, but my views on some of the clear failures of integration don't align with that take.
Hey, if you do not need to expose yourself to this thing? Don't. Political affiliation will not save you, as do many think. That Norman Vincent Peale thing only works if you apply critical thinking skills.

I don't think political affiliation will save anyone--clearly folks have got Covid on both sides of the aisle.

I'm just saying that getting it is clearly not a death sentence. Many of the people who have it are back working after a 14-day quarantine.

I am fortunate to be able to work from home and earn, but that isn't everyone's situation.
This for real?

I don't follow the brother like that, but my views on some of the clear failures of integration don't align with that take.
Damned straight. This is why I have a problem with him. You've said a few things that I see, then get. However, Dennard would go full Sammy Sosa if having the chance.
Damned straight. This is why I have a problem with him. You've said a few things that I see, then get. However, Dennard would go full Sammy Sosa if having the chance.


Let's hope dude is using the money he gets paid for those controversial sound bites is being used to invest into black communities/causes.
Yea, I heard about that. Sad story. He just happened to find out after being treated for passing out due to dehydration.

But being positive for the virus and dying/being seriously sick as a result from it aren't synonymous.

Tons of celebrities have stated they have it: Kevin Durant, Idris Elba, his wife Sabrina, Rudy Gobert, Andy Cohen, George Stephanopolus, Tom Hanks, Pink, CNN anchors Chris Cuomo and Brooke Baldwin, etc.

The high death rate, from what I understand, seems to be more tied to older populations or populations of people with pre-existing conditions.

But I could be wrong on that.
Having worked in the ICU throughout the entire first wave in NY, COVID doesn't discriminate as much as the flu or pneumonia with regard to age and pre-existing conditions. Saw countless 40-50 year olds with no past medical history intubated and in the throws of death, most of whom didn't make it.

Let's hope dude is using the money he gets paid for those controversial sound bites is being used to invest into black communities/causes.
Don't hold your breath, because the case that we are fighting for, is not his. He has a problem with the statues that are coming down, because they are our history. Why vandalize?

That's his thing.
Having worked in the ICU throughout the entire first wave in NY, COVID doesn't discriminate as much as the flu or pneumonia with regard to age and pre-existing conditions. Saw countless 40-50 year olds with no past medical history intubated and in the throws of death, most of whom didn't make it.
How are people still not aware of this by now? What news sources are they using?
Delks posts are synonymous to thoughts and prayers at this point.

depends on the puppet. If they begin installing family into prominent positions or whatever then yeah I could see him being protected up to his death. it’s less about the GOP body and more about having the right people in the right places (Barr for example) and stacking the courts. You don’t need an entire team, just a couple dudes ready to burn it down for you.

With that said, we still don’t know what’s in the stuff that was stolen from the RNC server. The party we see now may be what we get from here on out with Trump or not. You can tell them boys are shook over there just off how many of them flipped that switch so fast when Trump won and started having meetings in secret with these dudes.

I don’t believe they’re caping for him because he’s their leader, I fully believe they are all compromised particularly Graham and McConnell and I think some of it may be connected to Epstein + worldwide money/bank schemes.
I’m waiting for the new flag unveiling. I wouldn’t put it passed trump to just sell the whole corporation.
dwalk31 dwalk31 But you are a brother, don't forget that.
All your skinfolk ain’t kinfolk. This “brother” actively participates in the suppression of black votes (voices) and helps further along systemic racism by supporting the people he chooses to support.
Having worked in the ICU throughout the entire first wave in NY, COVID doesn't discriminate as much as the flu or pneumonia with regard to age and pre-existing conditions. Saw countless 40-50 year olds with no past medical history intubated and in the throws of death, most of whom didn't make it.

Sorry to hear that. Has to be tough to work in those environments.

40-50 is a bit older age range than Paris and that boy that was dancing. I have heard the same as it relates to that age range (got a homeboy that is an RN and one that is an NP) but it doesn't seem to be as much of a death sentence for folks in their 20s and 30s. Has that been what you've seen as well? Or is it consistent in that age group too?

Article from Oct 2012....

Peter Turchin is a Russian-American scientist who specializes in population biology and devises theories, backed by cumulative scientific evidence, that, in their essence, predict the future by tracking “temporally varying processes and the search for causal mechanisms” throughout history. He calls his field of study “cliodynamics,” after Clio, the Greek Muse of history, and it’s been getting a lot of attention lately following an article about his research in the science journal Nature.

Peter’s work suggests that peaks of violence in the US work on a 50-year cycle, with the next state of upheaval set to hit humanity in 2020. It’s sort of like that 2012 Mayan-apocalypse nonsense, except Peter’s theory is the result of the hard work of a modern, living, and well-respected scientist rather than something hippies like to talk about while taking heavy psychedelic drugs. We spoke to Peter to find out what’s supposedly going to make the US descend into a horrifying, dystopian pit of violence in eight years’ time.

VICE: Can you humor me and explain your cliodynamic theory of violence in layman’s terms?
Peter Turchin:
Sure. Historical studies show that society goes through long-term cycles of violence: There’s a build-up for roughly a century, then a period of violence, or upheaval, for ten or 15 years. Then people get tired of it and the next generation goes back to being peaceful. It’s then the grandchildren of that generation—who never experienced the severity of upheaval firsthand—who are likely to start causing problems again. My theory suggests that it will be 2020 when the US hits a new peak of violence.

What does the term “violence” include in regard to your theory?
There are three distinct kinds of violence that I’ve included in my research. Firstly there is “groups on groups,” which, in the case of modern-day America, would be riots. Then there is “groups against individuals,” which would be lynchings and that kind of thing. Lastly, there is “individuals against groups,” which are what we call rampage killings. We’ve seen a very fast rise recently in that last one. It’s where one person mows down a group of people by himself, which is essentially terrorism, but it’s not referred to as that here because it’s American-on-American violence.

Like the Dark Knight shooting, for example?
Yes, exactly. Things like Columbine, Virginia Tech, and the Timothy McVeigh bombing might be better examples, because rampage attacks are usually directed toward large institutions, like the educational system or government. Those kinds of incidents have grown over the last generation by a factor of 20 or so.

In your view, what causes these upheavals?
Historically, the trouble has always come from people with power, and the number of those people who want the most power. There are too many political entrepreneurs who are all trying to get power, and they get frustrated, which is how revolutions start: when members of the elite try to overturn the political order to better suit themselves.

2012 Is Bull****; 2020 Is When We’ll Really Be in Trouble
Delks posts are synonymous to thoughts and prayers at this point.

I’m waiting for the new flag unveiling. I wouldn’t put it passed trump to just sell the whole corporation.

All your skinfolk ain’t kinfolk. This “brother” actively participates in the suppression of black votes (voices) and helps further along systemic racism by supporting the people he chooses to support.
Hey, trust, I do know this. However, the ancestors whisper differently and more intently, once the right voice taps into play. The difference between DWalk and Dennard is that DWalk acknowledges that we were doing better on our own, before integration, am I right dwalk31 dwalk31 ? He also admits that a Black woman is God. That, I can get with.
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