***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Nah, Bryan Colangelo had the self-awareness to use a burner account for his wretched, self-sabotaging hot takes.

i mean he was given a ton of assets and 2 under 25 all nba level guys

feel like the colangelos and Elton brand are good analogies for the gop

hinkie would have definitely pulled the okafor trade that I think was offered by Boston
You’re the Sam Hinkie of social justice. Willfully sign up for 4+ years of abject failure and then brag about the Michael Carter Williams of criminal justice reform bills.

The First Act was a watered down version of the Obama criminal reform.

Which begs the question, in a choice between a watered-down version of the bill. Or no bill at all, which would you choose?

I think the watered-down version does more good than the obstructed version that couldn’t pass.

But we can agree to disagree on that.
In all this you conveniently ignored senate obstruction.

The First Step Act, if you recall, couldn’t pass under the prior administration because of obstruction.

This administration has a unique ability to get measures past an otherwise obstructive senate.
You're talking as if the Senate is apolitical and unaligned.
The Senate is majority Republican and can be voted out. The make up of the Senate changes every two years too. That's called voting.
I think it’s worth mentioning again that Dwalk voted for Trump after he ran a campaign on stop and frisk. He couldn’t give two ****s less about criminal justice reform. If he took the words Trump said during his first campaign he certainly would not have voted for him the first time if he truly cared about criminal justice reform.

Once you all simply acknowledge that the sole reason dwalk is voting for Trump is money the better this thread will be. It’s abundantly clear that’s the only proposition he cares about. If that were not the case then it wouldn’t take a direct cash payment to get him to vote for Biden. He votes with his wallet because he couldn’t give two ****s less about other people.
Once you all simply acknowledge that the sole reason dwalk is voting for Trump is money the better this thread will be. It’s abundantly clear that’s the only proposition he cares about. If that were not the case then it wouldn’t take a direct cash payment to get him to vote for Biden. He votes with his wallet because he couldn’t give two ****s less about other people.
You’re talking as if the Senate is apolitical and unaligned.
The Senate is majority Republican and can be voted out. The make up of the Senate changes every two years too. That's called voting.

Not at all. As I stated, if the landscape was different this would not be the same discussion.
If you ignore him he'll go away

dude just wants attention and y'all keep engaging him giving him exactly what he wants

Exactly. Trump's entire 2016 platform was hating mexicans, stop and frisk/tough on crime policies, deregulation, lower taxes. It was at that point that dwalk decided that money meant more than him than what he proclaims to care about today and that's fine. I don't blame him for wanting to keep his money, but at least stop being intellectually dishonest about it.

Even his comments about police shootings in 2016 were damn near the exact same stance he has now.

Regarding rioting in the city of Charlotte that followed the death of Scott, Trump said in an interview on "Fox and Friends" on September 22, 2016, “There's a lack of spirit between the white and the black. It's a terrible thing that we're witnessing. There's a lack of something. Something is going on that's bad. What's going on between police and others is getting worse. You have to have law and order. At the same time, you have to have a level of spirit, a level of unity. There's no unity. You look at the level of hatred, the rocks being thrown.”[16] At a campaign event in Pennsylvania on September 22, Trump said, “If you're not aware, drugs are a very, very big factor in what you're watching on television at night. … There is no compassion in tolerating lawless conduct. Crime and violence is an attack on the poor and will never be accepted in a Trump administration. Never, ever.

In a Fox News interview on September 21, 2016, Trump responded to a question about what he would do to cut down on inner-city crime by advocating the use of stop-and-frisk, a policing technique known for its use in New York City. He said, “I would do stop-and-frisk. I think you have to. We did it in New York, it worked incredibly well. And you have to be proactive and, you know, you really help people sort of change their mind automatically. You understand. You have to have – in my opinion, I see what’s going on here, I see what’s going on in Chicago, I think stop-and-frisk, in New York City, it was so incredible, the way it worked. Now, we had a very good mayor. But New York City was incredible the way that worked. So I think that would be one step you could do.” A federal judge ruled stop-and-frisk unconstitutional in 2013.[18] The next day, Trump clarified that he was talking specifically about the city of Chicago, telling Fox and Friends, “Chicago is out of control, and I was really referring to Chicago with stop-and-frisk. They asked me about Chicago, and I was talking about stop-and-frisk for Chicago.”[
This is real-life Darwinism man. These "scientists" willing to sacrifice their careers for Trump's approval over their DIGNITY and purpose, and when the ol' "GOTCHA!" comes to bite them in the ***, it's all my bad from left to right.
I bet a lot of academic departments are taking note of those scientists who are willing to put politics above their research, and I'm sure it's going to come up when they eventually angle for research positions and tenure (for those who don't have it yet). Then, you're gonna hear about "liberal bias" from those idiots when they can't find a job in their fields of study.

You wouldn't believe these numbers if you only watched the RNC and only watch Fox News and OAN.

Today, there's was conservative Black gay veteran on the WJ who explained how by merely existing in the US, you were in the top 3% income earner in the world. The daily income in the world averages $2, but what does that means for someone who can't live on $7.50/hr in the US? Absolutely nothing.
I think it’s worth mentioning again that Dwalk voted for Trump after he ran a campaign on stop and frisk. He couldn’t give two ****s less about criminal justice reform. If he took the words Trump said during his first campaign he certainly would not have voted for him the first time if he truly cared about criminal justice reform.

Once you all simply acknowledge that the sole reason dwalk is voting for Trump is money the better this thread will be. It’s abundantly clear that’s the only proposition he cares about. If that were not the case then it wouldn’t take a direct cash payment to get him to vote for Biden. He votes with his wallet because he couldn’t give two ****s less about other people.
When he entered this thread, he cited his main reason for voting for Trump was lower taxes and somehow getting him closer to obtaining a rental property

Now he an activist :lol:
When he entered this thread, he cited his main reason for voting for Trump was lower taxes and somehow getting him closer to obtaining a rental property

Now he an activist :lol:

As you’ve stated, I haven’t hid the ball at all.

But a person can care about multiple things.

The discussion about rental properties was specifically about barriers that black people, in particular, often face because of systemic barriers as it relates to such property. So that still follows, despite how you are trying to couch it now.
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