***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Mike Pompeo very explicitly conceded that his speech and even just his appearance at the RNC is illegal. In a memo that Pompeo himself issued, he warned that
Senate-confirmed Presidential appointees may not even attend a political party convention or convention-related event.”

The law does apply to the peasants of course. After all, what administration so dedicated to corruption would allow those plebeians to operate under the same legal impunity that Trump’s finest loyalists are blessed with?

In an email after Pompeo issued the memo, a top State Dept official said “in my case, as a Senate confirmed Department official, I will be sitting on the sidelines of the political process this year”

As Trump has said many times, “LAW AND ORDER!”

dwalk31 dwalk31 Thoughts?

I don’t think Pompeo wrote that memo.

But, in any event, I think that was policy based on norms and precedent not any actual law.

If anything, I think we can all agree that this administration is no stranger to breaking norms and precedent.
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And how, exactly, are you going to accomplish that by not voting in the Democratic primary? Blindly hope that primary voters will choose the progressive candidate you purportedly want, yet refuse to directly support?

From the press release issued by the Trump campaign in lieu of an actual policy agenda or party platform:

The Senate majority is in play. Our votes will determine which criminal justice reforms - if any - are adopted in the coming years.

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris oppose cash bail, the death penalty, mandatory minimum sentencing, and private prisons.

Someone who describes Black Lives Matter as a "symbol of hate" is obviously not going to champion the movement's goals. To pretend otherwise beggars belief.
If the Republican agenda stands against your stated values on criminal justice reform - and it plainly does - then continued support for Donald Trump serves as an admission that this is not truly a top priority for you.

So much to unpack here.

First, the argument is that not voting for Biden will force the DNC to put its efforts behind a more progressive candidate at the top of the ticket. It was clear from the coverage, and well-timed withdrawals, who leadership wanted to win the primary.The argument is that voters refusing to settle would change the DNC’s tactics.

Second, axios reporting doesn’t overcome Trump openly touting the success of, and his continued support of, the First Step Act.

Third, this is currently up on the White House’s page, and shows the administration is committed to building on the First Step Act:

President Donald J. Trump Is Committed to Building on the Successes of the First Step Act

Also, both Biden and Harris currently support initiatives that I am a fan of. Biden, as you know, has changed his stance significantly from when he authored the Crime Bill but there is no doubt that he and Harris have better proposals than Trump on the subject.

It is also clear that Trump is no champion for the black lives matter movement. This is problematic.

The argument that I’ve made, and continue to make, is that this administration has shown an ability to get measures like the First Step Act through a Senate that has proven to be obstructive as it relates to the same measures under different administrations. That obstruction would likely rear it’s ugly head if Biden was in office.

Last, the idea that the Senate will he flipped this term seems to fall into that “beggars belief” that you mentioned. If the current landscape were different, this would not be the same discussion.
I don’t think Pompeo wrote that memo.

But, in any event, I think that was policy based on norms and precedent not any actual law.

If anything, I think we can all agree that this administration is no stranger to breaking norms and precedent.
"Do as I say, not as I do"
As a Christian, you should have a problem with that, but I'm not surprised you don't.

If you are going to change something that is in quotes that you’ve attributed to me, please make it clear with a bold, asterisk, underline, etc. As many people will come in this thread and think I’ve said something I didn’t—and then run with it.
First, the argument is that not voting for Biden will force the DNC to put its efforts behind a more progressive candidate at the top of the ticket. It was clear from the coverage, and well-timed withdrawals, who leadership wanted to win the primary.The argument is that voters refusing to settle would change the DNC’s tactics.
Those of us who actually voted for candidates to the left of Joe Biden pushed him further to the left.

What message did you send by voting for Donald Trump?

Democrats trying to peel away repentant Trump voters lean toward the center. Your "strategy" is nonsensical and self-defeating - assuming you are honestly representing your true priorities.
Second, axios reporting doesn’t overcome Trump openly touting the success of, and his continued support of, the First Step Act.

Third, this is currently up on the White House’s page, and shows the administration is committed to building on the First Step Act:
The Axios report speaks to Trump's mindset this summer. The Republican Party "platform" speaks to Trump's mindset this week.
And all you've got is a stale press release from April.... of last year.

This is the best you can do?!

Also, both Biden and Harris currently support initiatives that I am a fan of. Biden, as you know, has changed his stance significantly from when he authored the Crime Bill but there is no doubt that he and Harris have better proposals than Trump on the subject.

It is also clear that Trump is no champion for the black lives matter movement. This is problematic.
You support Democratic positions, so you vote Republican.

I'll tell you what you told the SBA to secure your dubious $1,000 loan advance: nobody is buying what you're selling.
Those of us who actually voted for candidates to the left of Joe Biden pushed him further to the left.

What message did you send by voting for Donald Trump?

Democrats trying to peel away repentant Trump voters lean toward the center. Your "strategy" is nonsensical and self-defeating - assuming you are honestly representing your true priorities.

The Axios report speaks to Trump's mindset this summer. The Republican Party "platform" speaks to Trump's mindset this week.
And all you've got is a stale press release from April.... of last year.

This is the best you can do?!

You support Democratic positions, so you vote Republican.

I'll tell you what you told the SBA to secure your dubious $1,000 loan advance: nobody is buying what you're selling.

In all this you conveniently ignored senate obstruction.

The First Step Act, if you recall, couldn’t pass under the prior administration because of obstruction.

This administration has a unique ability to get measures past an otherwise obstructive senate.
In all this you conveniently ignored senate obstruction.

The First Step Act, if you recall, couldn’t pass under the prior administration because of obstruction.

This administration has a unique ability to get measures past an otherwise obstructive senate.
You keep acting like Republicans maintaining the Senate is a fait accompli. With that attitude, it is.

We’re to believe that Democrats have no shot simply because you claim that’s the case? Need I remind you that Democrats retook the House in 2018?
You’re the Sam Hinkie of social justice. Willfully sign up for 4+ years of abject failure and then brag about the Michael Carter Williams of criminal justice reform bills.

You keep acting like Republicans maintaining the Senate is a fait accompli. With that attitude, it is.

We’re to believe that Democrats have no shot simply because you claim that’s the case? Need I remind you that Democrats retook the House in 2018?
You’re the Sam Hinkie of social justice. Willfully sign up for 4+ years of abject failure and then brag about the Michael Carter Williams of criminal justice reform bills.


to be fair, hinkie got screwed by the league

Byran colangelo would seem like a better example, to keep it to the Sixers
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