***Official Political Discussion Thread***

So again, you prioritized what you cared about in 2016. Cash > what you claim to care about now and what you are using as a crutch to vote for him again, but its cool, people like the freedom of low taxes and to do with it what they please. Just be honest with yourself and everyone else about it.
As you’ve stated, I haven’t hid the ball at all.

But a person can care about multiple things.

The discussion about rental properties was specifically about barriers that black people, in particular, often face because of systemic barriers as it relates to such property. So that still follows, despite how you are trying to couch it now.
When people brought up criminal justice reform you downplayed and handwaved it. You agreed but it wasn't a major concern. It was not until after Trump signed the First Step Act did it become a big issue for you.

I have no interest in engaging with your *** after the ******** you did yesterday. But I refuse for you to use my post to spread more of your *******.
When he entered this thread, he cited his main reason for voting for Trump was lower taxes and somehow getting him closer to obtaining a rental property

Now he an activist :lol:

let an athlete knee during the anthem and you’ll certainly hear about it. Hmm I wonder why

When people brought up criminal justice reform you downplayed and handwaved it. You agreed but it wasn't a major concern. It was not until after Trump signed the First Step Act did it become a big issue for you.

I have no interest in engaging with your *** after the bull**** you did yesterday. But I refuse for you to use my post to spread more of your ****ery.
Delk is an activist when it comes to black folks obtaining rental properties. That’s certain
Back in 2017, dacomeup dacomeup asked Delk this question....
What policy presented will help black people? Curious to hear this one. Especially as wealth inequality widens in this country by the second, and policies are being rolled back to encourage more disproportionate incarcerations of black people.

Delk's response....
The shot
Great question. I am talking about policies that help middle class black people. Specifically household incomes between 150k-350k. Often there are barriers that many don't realize exist. It is difficult, for instance, to purchase a downtown condo for rental property. Older white men are grandfathered in so they can rent their units out. Sadly, often black people who are first or second generation in terms of capability to purchase these units are prevented from doing this because the units must be owner-occupied. The stated reason is the FHA, if you believe it. Also, I am all for his tax reform. These are some of the issues that I believe will help our communities. The barriers aren't just limited to blacks in poverty.

Mans was asked a direct question involving mass incineration. And his response was talking about rental properties and tax breaks for affluent people.

And if there was any doubt about his motivations about cutting welfare.

The chaser...
I can handle it. I am not running out of the thread or hiding content like you use to do. It is all good over here. I know who I am. Your characterization doesn't change reality. It is actually pretty tired at this point.

David Duke ran as a Democrat. People didn't say that because Democrats were in the same coalition as David Duke they were all white nationalist racist... cut the noise.

The truth is a lot of people agree with things for the wrong reason. I can want welfare reform because I think it will help my people overcome systematic oppression that I think develops as a result of intentional government-funded complacency.

At the same time an idiotic white supremacist can say they want welfare reform because my people "are lazy and using the government."

That doesn't mean I want it for the same reason. Me and you see a pathway to empowerment differently. But don't diminish my actual positions with a half-baked attempt to align me with scum.

SO next time he comes back with the "I don't want welfare cuts, I just want to change the funding source" I that was just to clean up him parroting a known right wing racist talking point.

Delk is full out ****. :lol:
Back in 2017, dacomeup dacomeup asked Delk this question....

Delk's response....
The shot

Mans was asked a direct question involving mass incineration. And his response was talking about rental properties and tax breaks for affluent people.

And if there was any doubt about his motivations about cutting welfare.

The chaser...

SO next time he comes back with the "I don't want welfare cuts, I just want to change the funding source" I that was just to clean up him parroting a known right wing racist talking point.

Delk is full out ****. :lol:

I don't think delk realizes how few families in this country make between 150k-350K. Its pretty amazing to be that out of touch.

"I'm interested in the 4% of americans who make in this income range. That's where the benefit is going to be." Not to mention that 4% is going to be made up predominantly of white people.



I better post my sources lest he call me a liar again
Back in 2017, dacomeup dacomeup asked Delk this question....

Delk's response....
The shot

Mans was asked a direct question involving mass incineration. And his response was talking about rental properties and tax breaks for affluent people.

And if there was any doubt about his motivations about cutting welfare.

The chaser...

SO next time he comes back with the "I don't want welfare cuts, I just want to change the funding source" I that was just to clean up him parroting a known right wing racist talking point.

Delk is full out ****. :lol:

Everything posted is consistent with what I’ve said.

I’m interested in solving problems that plague black communities, period.

To try to take what I posted to show I don’t care about mass incarceration is gaslighting.

Ridiculous even.
Everything posted is consistent with what I’ve said.

I’m interested in solving problems that plague black communities, period.

To try to take what I posted to show I don’t care about mass incarceration is gaslighting.

Ridiculous even.
Spare me the pearl clutching
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I don't think delk realizes how few families in this country make between 150k-350K. Its pretty incredible.

"I'm interested in the 4% of americans who make in this income range. That's where the benefit is going to be." Not to mention that 4% is going to be made up predominantly of white people.



I better post my sources lest he call me a liar again

What’s missing is the larger context of the discussion in which I was focused on those issues.

Many of my friends face the issues I described and I was speaking to that segment.

That doesn’t mean that other issues aren’t important.

And the idea that I don’t really care about mass incarceration because I highlighted another issue is ridiculous.

Believe it or not, one can care about multiple things at once.
Everything posted is consistent with what I’ve said.

I’m interested in solving problems that plague black communities, period.

To try to take what I posted to show I don’t care about mass incarceration is gaslighting.

Ridiculous even.
You're so interested that you can't provide any useful analysis that supports your claims.

Also, when you're this resistant to being wrong in any way, it really doesn't show that you care about the actual issues.
I think it’s worth mentioning again that Dwalk voted for Trump after he ran a campaign on stop and frisk. He couldn’t give two ****s less about criminal justice reform. If he took the words Trump said during his first campaign he certainly would not have voted for him the first time if he truly cared about criminal justice reform.

Once you all simply acknowledge that the sole reason dwalk is voting for Trump is money the better this thread will be. It’s abundantly clear that’s the only proposition he cares about. If that were not the case then it wouldn’t take a direct cash payment to get him to vote for Biden. He votes with his wallet because he couldn’t give two ****s less about other people.
That's it, and deep down he's disgusted by himself hence the irrational arguments here trying to justify it.
this lady at wawa just now was complaining about masks and goes “that governor or whatever he calls himself needs to read the new CDC release”

dude behind her goes “did you wear masks when they said you should?” she goes of course not and everybody just sighed at the same time :lol::lol::lol:

this chicken caesar wrap bout to hit 😩
Welp, the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree :lol:. I was hoping for a twist/chaos. Oh well


How can normal people look at this and think they have any understanding of what they're dealing with on a daily basis?

No morals clause in those contracts? His life is the antithesis of what he's supposed to represent. There has to be a workaround, especially with that amount of money involved, :smh:
so this where we at now

these the folks roaming the streets to “protect” property. November bout to be a **** storm.
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