***Official Political Discussion Thread***

That was revealed in 2017.
In a recent interview with the radio station Hot 97, the rapper, whose real name is Curtis Jackson III, explained that he believes Trump’s staffers intended for his endorsement to be an appeal to black voters.

“Before he got elected, they were having issues with the African American vote,” he said. “They wanted to pay me $500,000 as part of the campaign to just make an appearance.”

He went on to explain why he rejected the alleged proposal: “I was like, ‘Nah, that’s not good money. Nah, I’m not going to do that. That’s not worth it!”

Wonder how much he got offered this time...

:lol: He's running out of songs, may as well use some 50.

I’m thinking his intro at his rallies would be “in da club” then he’d describe how he destroyed Joe “Ja Rule” Biden’s career and Joe Biden can’t be trusted because his son, Hunter, did the fyre festival. Also he was shot a bunch of times by the deep state and many, many Hollywood pedos wish death upon him. Also, he made some fantastic deals with vitamin water. Then he’d play his way off stage to “21 Questions” and kiss everyone in the crowd.

There’s a few obvious points: Missouri, and most red States, take more in federal taxes than they pay out while California, New York, Connecticut and most blue States do the opposite. There’s also the fact that all 50 States face budget shortfalls due to the virus and its economic effects. There is also the fact that his parochial approach endangers Federalism itself (which he claims to support) and it even endangers the long term integrity of the United States as a viable entity.

Never mind all that. Let’s just look at Hawley’s narrow, parochial interests. While Missouri is hardly a hub of global finance, it still has vast amounts of New York State, Massachusetts and California bonds churning through its State pension systems. Now we know Senator Hawley couldn’t care less about teacher and DMV worker retirement plans but he may care that he’s going to tank police pensions. More importantly, all the petite bourgeois/upper middle class Missourians who support the GOP will be harmed. Not only that, his real bosses: Wall Street bankers and other monied interests (most of whom are based in blue States) with take a huge loss if Blue States start to default (and presumably red states as well).
I need America to follow in the footsteps of Bolivia

No you don’t.

No offense, but every single person from the US that I’ve seen comment about how great this is for Bolivia is extremely ignorant about Bolivia’s politics.

What they are marketing to the rest of the world is that socialism won and the people of Bolivia withstood a government coup. The truth is Evo Morales is an evil person who is, potentially, the world largest cocaine dealer, using indigenous communities as a cover. There was also no coup. It was a nation wide protest called a “paro.”

Shaun King, AOC, and even Bernie have had extremely ignorant takes on this subject. I guarantee none of them have ever stepped foot in Bolivia. Most people from the US haven’t. But everyone is an expert these days because they read a couple articles.

If this guy turns into the next Evo, Bolivia will continue to dive into the dumps. Did you happen to know Evo rewrote the constitution TWICE so that he could run for a 3rd and 4th term? Like the US, the term limit was 2 election cycles (5 years each instead of 4). He committed fraud to try to win the last election, which was exposed and led to the “paro.”

But it’s socialism and the indigenous people are winning so that makes all of this ok.

and just to be clear, Evo Morales was a seemingly great person and fit for the country when he was originally elected. He did some good things for the country (ex. Teleferico).Eventually greed took over him and he became a raging psychopathic dictator. People in my wife’s family had their lives threatened because they were members of the media speaking out against Evo. Guarantee him and Trump would get along great if Trump actually understood the basics of Bolivian politics.
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At minimum, the situation in Bolivia, over the last year or so, was pretty sus.

The US has a long history of launching or supporting coups in nearly every Latin American Country and in some countries, the US supported coups on multiple occasions. Those coups always favor the right wing. Those coups tend to claim much more local support than actually exists and the pretext of those coups is usually abstract or process based e.g. the defense of “liberty” or “rule of law.” Moreover, the US tends to launder its pretext through supposedly neutral bodies like the OAS or a local politician who claims to speak for the entire country. In addition, the US denies it did a coup then History shows it did indeed do a coup then the US apologies for coups in decades passed but insists that it doesn’t do coups anymore.

So what happened in Bolivia seemed to fit that fact pattern. Now whatever bad things Morales or MAS officials did or do doesn’t change the basic fact pattern around whether or not a coup happened.

A popular leftist president appeared to, once again, get a majority in 2019, the results were invalidated by the Bolivian rightwing with help from the US. The pretext was clean elections (a real joke considering how the US conducts its own elections) so the solution was to let an avowed Christian and white supremacist rule a largely indigenous country for a year. After a year of labor militancy by indigenous workers, the “interim” government finally decided to do elections and guess what, the leftist party won.

Again, this is not an endorsement of MAS but I doubt there is enough local insight to nullify the facts surrounding the US’ approach to Latin American politics, the undeniable racial and economic caste system in Bolivia and Anez’ own words about who should get what in Bolivia.

And if everything I said is wrong, it’s sure is interesting how Tesla (a company whose core product needs lithium) responded to the undemocratic rise and democratic fall of a pro business government in the lithium rich nation of Bolivia.
Pretty funny how you just skipped over the fact that Evo rewrote the constitution TWICE to get a 3rd and 4th term. Imagine Trump doing that here, destroying the federal land so he could grow more cocaine to export, and was murdering political/media enemies.

September 2019, I sat on the roof of my mother in laws house and saw the Amazon burning from miles away. On the TV behind me was Evo Morales telling the world that they had extinguished all of the fires. Millions of acres burned. They are still burning today.

I’m well aware of the history of US “intervention” in Latin America.

I’ve gone back and forth with you about Bolivian politics back when Evo was ousted. We’re not going to agree on this, so respectfully, save your breath.
Laugh if you want to but 50 cent and Ice Cube endorsements fake or not...

sounds like a good way to target potential Trump voting black men.
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