***Official Political Discussion Thread***

People like Bloomberg are literally GIVING their money away for causes they believe in. You might feel the government can give away Mikes money better by enlisting harsher tax laws but I trust Mike a little more, besides the wealthy will always skirt these laws. The middle and lower classes always get screwed.

I always make the abortion comparison, god forbid Roe is overturned, you don't think the Don is sending his sidepiece to Europe to get the procedure done?

I don't read comments like that and cape for billionaires, lol, they don't give a **** about me. I DO roll my eyes because its an easy sound bite without much meat. Bloomberg deserves his wealth as much as any wealthy (top 20%) individual does, of course there is luck involved, of course Bloomberg benefited from societal systems.

IMO fiscal/monetary policy should be overhauled, look no further than who is winning from this crises. 80% of the country is praying for the stimulus and the other 20% is buying homes over ask for gods sake. But don't tell me Bloomberg having 100M to spend towards election while others are poor is obscene....it's an oversimplification.
Do you trust Sheldon Adelson, the Koch Brothers, and the Mercers too? Because your argument implies they should be trusted to spend on the social good over the government as well.

Also, Altruism from billionaires is not doesn't mean they our socioeconomic system has to be injected with a **** ton of bad economics just so his wealth can increase so he can have more money to spend how he would like. Because he wants to spend his money on causes he believes in, that doesn't mean the system needs to make sure he has as much as possible to spend on whatever he wants

BTW, Please show me a country that has built a successful social safety net off of the backs of altruism from billionaires? Please, I will wait. Sorry, but it is utterly ridiculous to argue that billionaires should be trusted above a well-functioning government. Society democracy should not depend on charity from the rich.

Billionaires can exist and poverty greatly reduced. It is not an either-or, no one in here made that argument. So I don't know what strawman you have an issue with. However the economic and moral argument is stronger for the poor being priortize. Right now the affluent are.

But you think someone slighted a billionaire, you boy Bloomberg, and you took your shirt off and put your cape on. It is as simple that income inequality in America is obscene. Someone has 100 million to drop like it is nothing while people starve is an example of that.

And you again make this weird argument of you believe in reform out of one side of your mouth. But act like the status quo is unavoidable out the other.

Mike Bloomberg can do whatever the **** he wants with his money, but for a functioning society, and equitable society, people like Bloomberg would have less money to throw around, and or people with a respectable standard of living.

So yes, again, this level of income inequality is obscene.

It is that simple.
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All skin folk aint kinfolk..

of course she’s a tory

Olukemi Olufunto Badenoch (née Adegoke; born January 1980)[3][4][5] is a British Conservative politician and has served as Member of Parliament (MP) for Saffron Walden since the 2017 general election. Badenoch was born in Wimbledon, London to parents of Nigerian origin. Her childhood was spent in Lagos, Nigeria and the United States. She moved to the United Kingdom at the age of 16. After studying Computer Systems Engineering at the University of Sussex, she worked as a software engineer at Logica. Badenoch went on to work at RBS as a systems analyst before working as an associate director at Coutts and later as a director at The Spectator

osh kosh bosh osh kosh bosh I'm holding you and your uncle personally responsible for this woman.
All skin folk aint kinfolk..

of course she’s a tory

The Daily Mail comments are unfortunately exactly what you’d expect too - “about time... enough political correctness... we need more like her... there’s more racism against white people anyway...”

My parents read that “newspaper” sometimes now and it drives me crazy. It’s exactly like watching Fox “news” that the constant drip of drivel skews their thinking.
Speaking of Nigeria, it's a damn shame what's happening there right now. I know we have a lot going on in American politics but as a species we need to stand together against this type of corruption and abuse of power. When America was hurting during the George Floyd protests, other countries stood with us and I'd like to do the same for them.

If anyone in here is Nigerian or more connected to their community than most of us, post some links to gofundme, petitions, etc. I tried doing as much as possible on my own as I have a Nigerian former coworker I still speak to but I'm sure others would like to help as well. Like MLK Said, injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.


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Speaking of Nigeria, it's a damn shame what's happening there right now. I know we have a lot going on in American politics but as a species we need to stand together against this type of corruption and abuse of power. When America was hurting during the George Floyd protests, other countries stood with us and I'd like to do the same for them.

If anyone in here is Nigerian or more connected to their community than most of us, post some links to gofundme, petitions, etc. I tried doing as much as possible on my own as I have a Nigerian former coworker I still speak to but I'm sure others would like to help as well. Like MLK Said, injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.

Yah my female cousin who lives there told me a crazy story of almost getting kidnapped and by a SARS goon for no reason.

They tried to throw her in an unmarked van, she managed to get a way and hind underneath a parked truck untill her husband showed up.

who knows what would have happened if they got her.

Older Nigerians who remember military rule and all that just accept the corruption of police as a given, and better than a military dictatorship

but younger Nigerians who didn't live through that,

many of them are educated abroad and are exposed to western community policing norms and are starting the buck back.

im not hopeful, but maybe the younger generation of Nigerians can make some change.
Just their right to exist, this money is bad section of the left needs to kick rocks!
Did anyone call for Bloomberg's head?
Did anyone call for reducing the impact of money on politics? Yes. Unfortunately, that includes reducing how much of our society's resources the billionaire class gets to control. If we don't do that, we then agree with Mike Lee about what democracy is: a means to an end, and not an end itself.
the billionaires conversation takes me back to something BaeOC said. When it's healthcare/social programs, the right shouts "how will we afford that" while literally signing checks over to defense contractors. we have the money to cover all those social programs, yet choose not to.

congrats to bloomberg for making it, but it's disgusting that he has hoarded enough wealth to spend 100m on campaign advertisements when millions of americans can't pay for the roof above their head.
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