***Official Political Discussion Thread***

-Voter ID laws meant to disproportionately hurt black folk
-Cutting off options for black folk to get IDs by restricting DMV hours
-Closing of hundreds of polling stations to make the wait to vote stretch hours upon hours
-Purging black voters off voter rolls close to the election
-Lawsuits to disqualify ballots
-Suing to strike down the rest of the Voting Rights Act. A piece of legislation that black people gave their lives in the fight to get.

-A president that admits that black people not voting helps him.

These are some of the racist things dwalk31 dwalk31 supports with his ballot. And is too much of a coward to admit he hates black people.
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Open up the ignored comment to see this clown say that Voting Rights for POC haven’t been abolished :rofl:

No good faith discussion to be had when this is the standard. He’s perfectly fine with the attack on voting rights as long as he can say the rights haven’t been abolished, which has been the case for Black men since the 15th amendment. Really a despicable guy.
Open up the ignored comment to see this clown say that Voting Rights for POC haven’t been abolished :rofl:

No good faith discussion to be had when this is the standard. He’s perfectly fine with the attack on voting rights as long as he can say the rights haven’t been abolished, which has been the case for Black men since the 15th amendment. Really a despicable guy.
Dude is disgusting

Mans is outchea living like Uncle Ruckus :smh:
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Open up the ignored comment to see this clown say that Voting Rights for POC haven’t been abolished :rofl:

No good faith discussion to be had when this is the standard. He’s perfectly fine with the attack on voting rights as long as he can say the rights haven’t been abolished, which has been the case for Black men since the 15th amendment. Really a despicable guy.
Don't know why ya'll surprised, dude celebrates mediocrity and the bare minimum in policy for his own people.
Dude is disgusting

Mans is like a chicken-legged Uncle Ruckus :smh:
It's honestly getting worse and worse. He can't struggle debate that he's voting for the party that's passing meaningful legislation when the writing is on the wall that they won't be winning **** without literally stealing the election, so now he has to double down and show his true colors even more.
Open up the ignored comment to see this clown say that Voting Rights for POC haven’t been abolished :rofl:

No good faith discussion to be had when this is the standard. He’s perfectly fine with the attack on voting rights as long as he can say the rights haven’t been abolished, which has been the case for Black men since the 15th amendment. Really a despicable guy.


-Voter ID laws meant to disproportionately hurt black folk
-Cutting off options for black folk to get IDs by restricting DMV hours
-Closing of hundreds of polling stations to make the wait to vote stretch hours upon hours
-Purging black voters off voter rolls close to the election
-Lawsuits to disqualify ballots
-Suing to strike down the rest of the Voting Rights Act. A piece of legislation that black people gave their lives in the fight to get.

-A president that admits that black people not voting helps him.

These are some of the racist things dwalk31 dwalk31 supports with his ballot. And is too much of a coward to admit he hates black people.

I don't disagree with most of this but I'm pretty sure the Voter ID laws were generally intended to suppress the Hispanic vote, which ironically, is currently helping republicans.

But all of this is still trash and its ridiculous that its happening here.
It's honestly getting worse and worse. He can't struggle debate that he's voting for the party that's passing meaningful legislation when the writing is on the wall that they won't be winning **** without literally stealing the election, so now he has to double down and show his true colors even more.
Dude is vile

He is basically saying that as long as white supremacy leaves some crumbs for black people, then it is cool.

In this was 1964, his *** would be voting for Barry Goldwater and defending Jim Crow.
Was the goal to get that guy to stop supporting trump? I never really got why you all went back and forth with him when it was obvious he was supporting trump no matter what foolishness took place. Not only was it clear from day 1 that trump is a racist, misogynist, xenophobe, and pathological liar, he’s also incompetent. He knows nothing about foreign policy, the economy or even how govt is run. All that was obvious from before the election in 2016. If someone still supports him after seeing all of that regularly for 4+ years, nothing said in here would change that. Trump said/did racist **** regularly, and I think dude was in here like he has until the election to clarify or apologize. Why play along with him in here all that time?
Dude is vile

He is basically saying that as long as white supremacy leaves some crumbs for black people, then it is cool.

In this was 1964, his *** would be voting for Barry Goldwater and defending Jim Crow.

Goldwater wanted lower taxes as well so you would not be wrong in assuming this since that's the only reason Delk is voting for Trump again.
I don't disagree with most of this but I'm pretty sure the Voter ID laws were generally intended to suppress the Hispanic vote, which ironically, is currently helping republicans.

But all of this is still trash and its ridiculous that its happening here.
Nah, it was meant to suppress tons of groups, but black folk was a major target....

  • Minority voters disproportionately lack ID. Nationally, up to 25% of African-American citizens of voting age lack government-issued photo ID, compared to only 8% of whites.

They are intended to hurt all minority voters that vote Democrat, and students. Besides black people have government issues IDs at much lower rates, and voter ID laws really becoming popular after black turnout surpassed white turnout in 2008, the GOP snitched on itself about it being about black voters because you have states like Alabama who passed voter IDs laws then tried to DMVs in counties with high black populations. So black folk were definitely one of the major targets.

Actually, all things considered, voter ID laws probably hurt Native Americans the worse. But it is all bad everywhere.
Was the goal to get that guy to stop supporting trump? I never really got why you all went back and forth with him when it was obvious he was supporting trump no matter what foolishness took place. Not only was it clear from day 1 that trump is a racist, misogynist, xenophobe, and pathological liar, he’s also incompetent. He knows nothing about foreign policy, the economy or even how govt is run. All that was obvious from before the election in 2016. If someone still supports him after seeing all of that regularly for 4+ years, nothing said in here would change that. Trump said/did racist **** regularly, and I think dude was in here like he has until the election to clarify or apologize. Why play along with him in here all that time?
Because this thread doesn't have to be a safe space for his *******.
Because this thread doesn't have to be a safe space for his ****ery.

True, but he’d be gone I guess for a while then would get @ed in here like a dozen times.Then, when this administration did something that he thought was worthy of accolades, he’d pop back up only to be told to go away like he was Rodger trying to get with the twins next door. It seemed like people were expecting him to change when it was obvious he was full of **** a long time ago. Just didn’t get why people sought him out to argue over **** when they knew he wasnt being genuine and pretty much was a ****** person overall.Trying to understand the opposing view is one thing, but this wasnt that.
*michael Jackson shrug*
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