***Official Political Discussion Thread***

UPN already had Platinum fail

Where tf was I when this happened
Problem is too many Mexicans really think they're white. See it way too much here in Texas.

I’m actually not aware of this from my own life experience but that’s interesting to hear. Maybe they’re all also trying to distance themselves from a “certain type” (ones with more Native American/chino/black heritage.) Either way all they do is hurt themselves by enabling racists who aren’t going to accept them, and slow down the progress that will lead to their actual acceptance.
Look at Tucker Carlson :rofl:.

And the backtrack begins. This is some wild ****


This begs the question: what was in that box from UPS?

Either it was an obvious troll job and Tucker realized he was being played, or it was a bunch of kompromat on Tucker and he got spooked.
too bad it wasn’t anthrax for him to inhale.
these people are worried about anthrax? these people are truly morons, you know what I mean? I mean, give -- give me a break. the reality is this. if you look -- i put it up on my instagram a couple days ago because i went through the CDC data because I kept hearing about new infections. well I was like why aren't they talking about this? oh it's because the number is almost nothing. because we've gotten control of this thing, we understand how it works, they have the therapeutics to be able to deal with this. if you look at that, look at my instagram, it's gone to almost nothing.

(don jr said all this in 20 seconds)
Don't let this get lost in the shuffle:

If you know anyone in Kentucky, make sure they're informed about this - because it is on the ballot.

Warning for everyone.

On the morning of the 29th, third-quarter GDP numbers will be released. It will show big growth, probably the highest in history.

But that doesn't mean everything is wavy. This was expected with the economy reopening, that does not mean the structural problem are still not there. It doesn't mean we are no in a recession anymore. In fact, no matter how good the numbers seem, there will be bad news in the details.

@dwalk31 is a troll and post the numbers on after they are released. In a coy attempt to make it seem this is good news for Trump. Then when he gets called out and educated he will play dumb

So just so, fair warning, Delk is full of it and will be up to the same tricks.

I will give another warning tomorrow.
i called game.gif

Economy grew at record 33.1% pace in Q3 as more businesses reopened after COVID-19 shutdowns

we at precovid levels yet for any economic metric that matters? :nerd:

Still waiting to see somebody call him well-intended, but naïve like when HellaSteph HellaSteph shared information about an organization that provides food for people waiting in long lines for the polls. (Which, incidentally, I believe Rudd worked with in this instance.)

Although I can't personally support any organization that distributes dairy products (child separation is a standard practice in the dairy industry, as cows are forcibly impregnated, their babies taken within hours of birth, and subsequently sold for slaughter), the fact remains that these efforts are not for nothing.

If voting requires you to wait in a line for hours after work, access to food can be the difference between staying in that line and leaving. Everything we know about this election tells us that we need to do all we can to ensure that each voter's voice is heard to counter extreme and, in some cases, unprecedented voter suppression.

If you're fortunate enough to vote with ease, consider using some of the time you won't have to spend in line to help others exercise their right to vote.


This begs the question: what was in that box from UPS?

Either it was an obvious troll job and Tucker realized he was being played, or it was a bunch of kompromat on Tucker and he got spooked.

They supposedly shipped a flash drive - in the year two thousand and twenty.

Apparently, the only DropBox they've ever heard of are the ones they're trying to sabotage:

They must think FTP is an NWA song.

download (16).jpg

Don't forget to check the attachments!
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