***Official Political Discussion Thread***

any back ground on the female who was shot and killed? Seeing someone reaching for air is always tough to see.

Was she really 16?
todays stuff was outrageous to you? Was it the final nail in the coffin?

this man up until literally weeks ago didn’t believe trump was a racist.. he also didn’t believe trump was blatantly lying on the regular

i mean he was just asked about why he supported trump and started talking about Hillary.. when trump does racist things and you ask him about, he talks about Biden

given how much trump has failed at things, zero clue why anyone would blindly trust him to do a job that he clearly wasn’t qualified to do nor did he actually want to do.. and then you figure how important that job is to not only the country but the whole damn world

Oh new season is up?
That's the backlash America deserves for all the instability, violence and deaths it caused in Latin America and the Middle East (at least). And what happened today is nothing compared to what Syrians endure every day.

That was a perfect pilot episode today, hope they will continue the show, really eager to see next episodes :rofl:
Quite the hypocrite aren’t you? Pathetic. But when Black people do and say what you just have? We are complaining. Methodical Management Methodical Management , get a load of this guy right here...:lol:

They brought out the old ECW crowd barriers :emoji_confounded:

c fence.jpg

Washington _C

Also, it won’t matter in here that no one is going to find the post where I said I voted for Trump.
No, just the posts of you saying you'd probably vote for Trump, probably continue voting for the GOP, and that you'd "continue to vote" for people who do exactly what you claimed Trump did that warranted your "support."

This is cowardice.

You want it to be one way:

But it's the other way:


Delk thinks he is Anakin Skywalker :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

"I get it. I stopped my support for the Empire a while back. The helmet? I threw it out! I'll have you know that I transferred credits to the Rebel alliance in my hometown of Tatooine - but I won't get into a laser blasting contest over amounts. Now isn't the time to point fing- *ahem* to place blame over what happened in the past."
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