***Official Political Discussion Thread***

This Country put Bush in Office for 8 years.........
Obama has got this in the bag......................
And besides, as much as white folk wanna talk that talk, they know they don't have the cojones to kick the BLACK GUY out of office...............Race relations have actually gotten "weird" since Obama has took office, no one trying to get that mean mug on November 5th from the Black Collective............
Yeah, I said it.............

What's the "mean mugging" going to do? Put Obama back in office if he loses?

You really can't be this dumb tho, their has to be some type of common sense up there.
Obama doesn't need to go into "attack mode" in the next Tuesday's debate, as some of you have suggested, but he cannot fold if/when Romney misrepresents his platform. If Romney lies, call him on it, and reinforce the point with facts. He doesn't need to be animated, either. Just say, "Look, this is what you're website says. America can look it up now. And this is what you're saying tonight. Which is it? Can the American trust a leader that is so indecisive?" In a similar way, ask for specifics regarding the Romney-Ryan budget plan.

Some more free strategic advice for the Obama campaign:

1. Stop reverting back to the "We inherited a brutal economy" line. Americans hate excuses, and it leaves Obama vulnerable to attack (i.e. Ryan: "If we're elected, we won't make excuses." or "Look at all of the promises you broke in office.") That said, if it's going to invoked it should be done in two contexts:

i) By reminding the country about the failures of laissez-faire economics. They did a great job of this at the DNC (I believe the Democrats used "failed economic policies"), and Biden made mention of this with "fall out of the sky" comment, but they need to stress this point more during the campaign: "We got here because Republicans like George W. Bush and Mitt Romney allowed the free market to run wild. Why should we trust them again?" Also, anyway you can associate Romney with Bush is probably a good one.

ii) By discussing how the country has improved economically. Remind Americans that things are have gotten better-- even if it is only marginal. Talk about more about the job numbers. Talk about the auto industry. Stay positive.

2. Second, Romney is weak on foreign policy. Zero experience, and Obama has the incumbent advantage here (specific policy knowledge and he killed OBL). If Romney needs to be pressed, do it here.

3. Obama should (key: should) shine in a town hall format. Romney tends to come off as robotic, so Obama should make a concerted effort to connect and sympathize with those in the room. Don't get abrasive or dismissive if they criticize your policies.

The race is a lot closer than it looks, and things always tighten up as election day nears.

Pundits will be looking for Obama to bounce back, and if he doesn't, it could be over. Often, the post-debate chatter matters more than the debate itself and they'll roast him in the event of a flop.

The upcoming debate, then, is crucial.
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This guy...

Obama doesn't need to go into "attack mode" in the next Tuesday's debate, as some of you have suggested, but he cannot fold if/when Romney misrepresents his platform. If Romney lies, call him on it, and reinforce the point with facts. He doesn't need to be animated, either. Just say, "Look, this is what you're website says. America can look it up now. And this is what you're saying tonight. Which is it? Can the American trust a leader that is so indecisive?" In a similar way, ask for specifics regarding the Romney-Ryan budget plan.
Some more free strategic advice for the Obama campaign:
1. Stop reverting back to the "We inherited a brutal economy" line. Americans hate excuses, and it leaves Obama vulnerable to attack (i.e. Ryan: "If we're elected, we won't make excuses." or "Look at all of the promises you broke in office.") That said, if it's going to invoked it should be done in two contexts:
i) By reminding the country about the failures of laissez-faire economics. They did a great job of this at the DNC (I believe the Democrats used "failed economic policies"), and Biden made mention of this with "fall out of the sky" comment, but they need to stress this point more during the campaign: "We got here because Republicans like George W. Bush and Mitt Romney allowed the free market to run wild. Why should we trust them again?" Also, anyway you can associate Romney with Bush is probably a good one.
ii) By discussing how the country has improved economically. Remind Americans that things are have gotten better-- even if it is only marginal. Talk about more about the job numbers. Talk about the auto industry. Stay positive.
2. Second, Romney is weak on foreign policy. Zero experience, and Obama has the incumbent advantage here (specific policy knowledge and he killed OBL). If Romney needs to be pressed, do it here.
3. Obama should (key: should) shine in a town hall format. Romney tends to come off as robotic, so Obama should make a concerted effort to connect and sympathize with those in the room. Don't get abrasive or dismissive if they criticize your policies.
The race is a lot closer than it looks, and things always tighten up as election day nears.
Pundits will be looking for Obama to bounce back, and if he doesn't, it could be over. Often, the post-debate chatter matters more than the debate itself and they'll roast him in the event of a flop.
The upcoming debate, then, is crucial.

People don't hate the we inherited the economy statement.. Because it's true.. Republicans hate that excuse, as for the average American they get it. When you put it in the context of the economy improving despite the **** hole it was left in, makes your argument better.

2. Agreed. And the Obama camp has even said we want him to bring on a debate of foreign policy.

3. I agree.. But he still has to point out LIES. Not in the same manner as Biden who did it effectively in his own way... Obama can't have pauses, stumbles, or stuttering... He needs to speak clearly, quickly, and in a simple manner.
What's the "mean mugging" going to do? Put Obama back in office if he loses?
You really can't be this dumb tho, their has to be some type of common sense up there.


You try to play someone and you got phonics issues?


January 20 2009-The Dow Jones Industrial Average suffered its worst one-day drop since December 1, slumping by 332 points to 7,949

As of this post- 13328.85------------:tongue:

If you want to measure the US ECONOMY, you have to measure the STOCK MARKET, all this economy crap is a big smokescreen...

You want to know how the economy is doing, go to your local malls, any empty stores? The only people you see on the streets are people waiting in line to get a phone they already have- Bill Maher
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i don't like any of em
so don't get me wrong, but if obama is slightly out of his comfort zone, just out of his element, not coached just right
he can come off as ignorant, even embarrassingly so and bomb

and then romney, his cold ceo scumbag stare downs look like he wants to literally strangle someone who crosses him
like those who oppose are ants under his feet & it's his destiny to crush them
What's the "mean mugging" going to do? Put Obama back in office if he loses?
You really can't be this dumb tho, their has to be some type of common sense up there.


You try to play someone and you got phonics issues?


January 20 2009-The Dow Jones Industrial Average suffered its worst one-day drop since December 1, slumping by 332 points to 7,949

As of this post- 13328.85

If you want to measure the US ECONOMY, you have to measure the STOCK MARKET, all this economy crap is a big smokescreen...

You want to know how the economy is doing, go to your local malls, any empty stores? The only people you see on the streets are people waiting in line to get a phone they already have- Bill Maher
The economy is A LOT more than just the stock market. It encompasses employment, inflation, trade, and a whole lot more. The only thing the stock market tells us is the earnings for the companies within those indexes.
You try to play someone and you got phonics issues?
January 20 2009-The Dow Jones Industrial Average suffered its worst one-day drop since December 1, slumping by 332 points to 7,949
As of this post- 13328.85------------:tongue:
If you want to measure the US ECONOMY, you have to measure the STOCK MARKET, all this economy crap is a big smokescreen...
You want to know how the economy is doing, go to your local malls, any empty stores? The only people you see on the streets are people waiting in line to get a phone they already have- Bill Maher

Actually driving around town and in malls I see tons of store fronts that are now EMPTY and FOR LEASE because the prior tenant shut down shop. Couldnt afford to remain open
The economy is A LOT more than just the stock market. It encompasses employment, inflation, trade, and a whole lot more. The only thing the stock market tells us is the earnings for the companies within those indexes.

This. The stock market is not an overall indicator of the health of the economy. I was having this same conversation earlier today. Back in 1999-2000, the stock market was at record highs at that time in the dot com boom but the economy obviously was not in as good shape as the stock market was indicating since we had the recession soon after. When GWB was re-elected in 04, people could have pointed to the stock market to make an argument for the economy improving since the 00-01 recession but obviously our economy was not on the right track.
These moderators are pre-screened by both campaigns and Crowley picks and chooses which questions to ask. So in a sense the American peoples' choices for president are already chosen because both parties would have to agree to let a 3rd Party into the debate and the person moderating the debate is picking the questions to ask in a "townhall forum". This is so full of ****. :lol:
Obama doesn't need to go into "attack mode" in the next Tuesday's debate, as some of you have suggested, but he cannot fold if/when Romney misrepresents his platform. If Romney lies, call him on it, and reinforce the point with facts. He doesn't need to be animated, either. Just say, "Look, this is what you're website says. America can look it up now. And this is what you're saying tonight. Which is it? Can the American trust a leader that is so indecisive?" In a similar way, ask for specifics regarding the Romney-Ryan budget plan.
Some more free strategic advice for the Obama campaign:
1. Stop reverting back to the "We inherited a brutal economy" line. Americans hate excuses, and it leaves Obama vulnerable to attack (i.e. Ryan: "If we're elected, we won't make excuses." or "Look at all of the promises you broke in office.") That said, if it's going to invoked it should be done in two contexts:
i) By reminding the country about the failures of laissez-faire economics. They did a great job of this at the DNC (I believe the Democrats used "failed economic policies"), and Biden made mention of this with "fall out of the sky" comment, but they need to stress this point more during the campaign: "We got here because Republicans like George W. Bush and Mitt Romney allowed the free market to run wild. Why should we trust them again?" Also, anyway you can associate Romney with Bush is probably a good one.
ii) By discussing how the country has improved economically. Remind Americans that things are have gotten better-- even if it is only marginal. Talk about more about the job numbers. Talk about the auto industry. Stay positive.
2. Second, Romney is weak on foreign policy. Zero experience, and Obama has the incumbent advantage here (specific policy knowledge and he killed OBL). If Romney needs to be pressed, do it here.
3. Obama should (key: should) shine in a town hall format. Romney tends to come off as robotic, so Obama should make a concerted effort to connect and sympathize with those in the room. Don't get abrasive or dismissive if they criticize your policies.
The race is a lot closer than it looks, and things always tighten up as election day nears.
Pundits will be looking for Obama to bounce back, and if he doesn't, it could be over. Often, the post-debate chatter matters more than the debate itself and they'll roast him in the event of a flop.
The upcoming debate, then, is crucial.

People don't hate the we inherited the economy statement.. Because it's true.. Republicans hate that excuse, as for the average American they get it. When you put it in the context of the economy improving despite the **** hole it was left in, makes your argument better.

2. Agreed. And the Obama camp has even said we want him to bring on a debate of foreign policy.

3. I agree.. But he still has to point out LIES. Not in the same manner as Biden who did it effectively in his own way... Obama can't have pauses, stumbles, or stuttering... He needs to speak clearly, quickly, and in a simple manner.

I disagree.

The polling data I've seen suggests that the backwards looking rhetoric is unappealing to voters-- at least those who are undecided. They want change, not continuity because, for most part, things haven't improved for the average American. When Obama talks about the past it allows Romney to disparage the progress made in the last four years, and in turn, look like a better alternative. Moreover, Obama doesn't have a solid retort to this line of attack as Romney lacks a comparable record in terms of fiscal or monetary policy (for voters to judge him on), and is also perceived to be an adept businessman.

This much was basically said in a memo released by Democratic strategists, James Carville and Stanley Greenburg, earlier today.
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Romney still has given ZERO in-depth details on his so called plan to fix the economy or about these loopholes in the tax law he's going to close.

I do not hold Obama's last 4 years in high favor AT ALL, but I don't see how you can support a candidate who won't give any details on his big plan.

That's not absurd to anybody else?
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Romney still has given ZERO in-depth details on his so called plan to fix the economy or about these loopholes in the tax law he's going to close.

I do not hold Obama's last 4 years in high favor AT ALL, but I don't see how you can support a candidate who won't give any details on his big plan.

That's not absurd to anybody else?
His ideas are better. He's going to repeal all Obama's doings and replace them with... something better.
Can anyone give me legit reasons why Romney is better and examples to back it up?

Most people view it as a vote "against Obama" instead of "for Romney". I've asked a ton of people this question, first thing out their mouth is an attack on Obama.
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