***Official Political Discussion Thread***

You read history books and you think to yourself how is it that these things could happen? How could people not have known better? Then you try to take solace in the idea that we’ve somehow grown and progressed beyond those “dark times” of the past. The truth is, we haven’t progressed anywhere near as much as people would like to think. Our country is crumbling at its foundation more and more by the day and all we’re able to do is watch.


conservatives screaming that they need college football is hilarious. those same athletes gonna go to the NFL and kneel only for the conservatives to then boycott them and call them spoiled/entitled millionaires.

You read history books and you think to yourself how is it that these things could happen? How could people not have known better? Then you try to take solace in the idea that we’ve somehow grown and progressed beyond those “dark times” of the past. The truth is, we haven’t progressed anywhere near as much as people would like to think. Our country is crumbling at its foundation more and more by the day and all we’re able to do is watch.

and when you try to address it for the better, they tell you to leave it you don't like it. america is a snowflake that doesn't do well with criticism. america is the kid that was smarter than everyone else in grade school and stopped working hard, then got jaded as the other kids caught up and passed it from working harder.

It's honestly a miracle that majority of kids with COVID recover from the virus because if it was like 2% death rate they'd still be pushing for schools to open because 98% will be fine and act like 100k+ kids dying was just collateral damage

the wildest thing to me is them using the death rate to justify pushing open schools. "if they don't die, it must be okay." what about the effects we don't know about? why are we throwing caution to the wind with the nation's youth?

conservatives screaming that they need college football is hilarious. those same athletes gonna go to the NFL and kneel only for the conservatives to then boycott them and call them spoiled/entitled millionaires.

I understand it's at the intersection of education and sports, two things that are hot GOP topics right now, but the push for college football is weird. Is it because they don't expect to say "BLM ads and messages" during these broadcasts? Are players not going to kneel?
I understand it's at the intersection of education and sports, two things that are hot GOP topics right now, but the push for college football is weird. Is it because they don't expect to say "BLM ads and messages" during these broadcasts? Are players not going to kneel?

they own college football and the revenue generated from it. No season messes up the money for a lot of rich people
they own college football and the revenue generated from it. No season messes up the money for a lot of rich people

Who is "they" exactly? I really don't know how the money works for college football (or basketball for that matter). I did hear something today that the Power 5 conferences are looking at losing on average ~$78MM each if the season is cancelled.
Who is "they" exactly? I really don't know how the money works for college football (or basketball for that matter). I did hear something today that the Power 5 conferences are looking at losing on average ~$78MM each if the season is cancelled.

Take in account where these universities are and the old money behind some of these power 5 programs. A school like USF has seen its enrollment increase because of the success of the football team. More students equals development opportunities for student housing. The list goes on

Take in account where these universities are and the old money behind some of these power 5 programs. A school like USF has seen its enrollment increase because of the success of the football team. More students equals development opportunities for student housing. The list goes on

I didn't realize that $78MM figure I overheard was per school :wow: . The article did a great job breaking down the various economic factors which explains why state officials would have sucha vested interest. Thanks for sharing bruh!

CFB has to be the 2nd most “good ol boy” sport there is (second to nascar) so not surprised the GOP is pushing it hard. Gotta appease your base who love CFB but never sniffed any sort of college.

I agree with everything you wrote :lol: That segment of the base never made any sense to me. I'm glad it'll be pushed back to the spring, if it goes down at all. These plays are amateurs and only a handful of them have a future in football. Unfortunately, it's too much to ask of the higher ups to consider the long-term health and safety of these players beyond the length of their scholarships :smh:
I didn't realize that $78MM figure I overheard was per school :wow: . The article did a great job breaking down the various economic factors which explains why state officials would have sucha vested interest. Thanks for sharing bruh!

I agree with everything you wrote :lol: That segment of the base never made any sense to me. I'm glad it'll be pushed back to the spring, if it goes down at all. These plays are amateurs and only a handful of them have a future in football. Unfortunately, it's too much to ask of the higher ups to consider the long-term health and safety of these players beyond the length of their scholarships :smh:

Watch college game day and it tells you all you need to know about their audience. Look at the guests they have on the show. Listen to the music.

It’s crazy these people will dangle a $50k scholarship in front of a kid ignoring the billions college athletes are worth.
It’s crazy these people will dangle a $50k scholarship in front of a kid ignoring the billions college athletes are worth.

One good thing I've noticed gaining traction is the players using this opportunity to finally take some power. I saw they were issuing demands about how funds should be used for fighting against social injustice and now there are talks of a players association.

First the NBA with the G-League alternative and now this. You love to see it.
I understand it's at the intersection of education and sports, two things that are hot GOP topics right now, but the push for college football is weird. Is it because they don't expect to say "BLM ads and messages" during these broadcasts? Are players not going to kneel?
Who is "they" exactly? I really don't know how the money works for college football (or basketball for that matter). I did hear something today that the Power 5 conferences are looking at losing on average ~$78MM each if the season is cancelled.

while I don't intend to generalize and this is based on my own interactions with folks, I've typically found conservatives and those leaning right view college athletics much differently than I do.

the conservative types I mentioned always said things to the effect of "they should be grateful to get scholarships." "i didn't get a free education." "they wouldn't have a shot at the pros without college". always felt like subjugation of athletes, predominantly minorities, based on some notion that the athletes didn't deserve it and should be grateful, while wholly turning a blind eye to the billions of dollars the NCAA generates.

I've always viewed it as the exploitation of young athletes. it never felt right that student athletes were "compensated" in scholarships. It's like a retail worker only getting paid in gift cards. Also never felt right that athletes had to sign away their likeness to the NCAA or couldn't accept benefits. students on academic scholarships were free to intern and work wherever they chose, but athletes were prohibited from doing the same.

**** that irks me to this day. 2 kids created that "running man challenge". maryland basketball players "popularized" the dance. ellen invites em all on the show, she gets all that advertising money. she gives the two kids 10k, and gives the athletes some god damn underwear because stupid *** NCAA rules :smh:

I always understood that football players couldn't go straight to the NFL because of the physical impact of the game and needing to physically mature but not allowing them to make money along the way seemed trash, especially since most will never make it to the nfl. let em make some money while they can.

at least basketball gives options for entry into the pros without having to go to college and play for free.

can't remember where I heard this, but this is always the republicans calling card. they never wonder where the money is coming from when it's funding the military. those checks get signed expeditiously. when they issue tax cuts to the rich, gutting our revenue and increasing our deficit, no one wonders how we'll over come that. whey they want to spend money?


when it comes to using tax dollars to provide healthcare, help folks sustain their lives during pandemics where they can't work, etc



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while I don't intend to generalize and this is based on my own interactions with folks, I've typically found conservatives and those leaning right view college athletics much differently than I do.

the conservative types I mentioned always said things to the effect of "they should be grateful to get scholarships." "i didn't get a free education." "they wouldn't have a shot at the pros without college". always felt like subjugation of athletes, predominantly minorities, based on some notion that the athletes didn't deserve it and should be grateful, while wholly turning a blind eye to the billions of dollars the NCAA generates.

I've always viewed it as the exploitation of young athletes. it never felt right that student athletes were "compensated" in scholarships. It's like a retail worker only getting paid in gift cards. Also never felt right that athletes had to sign away their likeness to the NCAA or couldn't accept benefits. students on academic scholarships were free to intern and work wherever they chose, but athletes were prohibited from doing the same.

**** that irks me to this day. 2 kids created that "running man challenge". maryland basketball players "popularized" the dance. ellen invites em all on the show, she gets all that advertising money. she gives the two kids 10k, and gives the athletes some god damn underwear because stupid *** NCAA rules :smh:

I always understood that football players couldn't go straight to the NFL because of the physical impact of the game and needing to physically mature but not allowing them to make money along the way seemed trash, especially since most will never make it to the nfl. let em make some money while they can.

at least basketball gives options for entry into the pros without having to go to college and play for free.

Very well said. I think what they're asking them to do with COVID onlymagnifies the problem. They're really asking them to take all the risk of the pandemic and they get NOTHING in return :sick: :smh:
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