***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Posted in the lia Thomas thread given how worked up republicans got worked up over that whole thing

It was hard for me to get worked up because I grew up swimming and running track.. and I was well aware of how the governing bodies for both work

In swimming they regulate the amount of swimsuit men and then women can wear (similarly they regulate the amount of shoe that can be used in road races, for example).. on top of basic medicines that can be used/taken

This legit is going be the death of a number of college swimming programs given the lack of funds they actually bring into schools (along with other non revenue sports at a lot of places)

Interesting that the other thread doesn't have a ton of new replies since certain folks were allegedly so concerned about the health of the sport
Interesting that the other thread doesn't have a ton of new replies since certain folks were allegedly so concerned about the health of the sport

Was always hilarious to me that somehow me mentioning the unprecedented things Kate douglass was doing at that very same meet, got somehow misconstrued as some sort of defense for a whole other person

Kate Douglass, born a woman, was doing things that maybe 2 or 3 people have ever done in men’s or women’s championship meets.. right there, at the same time

Meanwhile Riley Gaines still finishes 5th in a event with or without lia Thomas being factored in the equation
That would so funny if we, one day, found out that In n Out is a front for drugs.

I’d still eat there if that were the case.

Also, I think this fast food chain might be an IRL Pollos Hermanos.

Over a hundred location throughout the US and Latin America. AND their chicken is great. We know what’s going on in the back room at those places.

I like pollo campero but who tf was flying it here from Central America before it came to the states? :lol:

there is nothing there I can't find somewhere else. I guess if you live in New Hampshire or something maybe.
Watched this earlier and it just made me angry.

For “I’ve always voted Conservative” just think about traditionally republican areas - same song, just in a different key.

I just don’t understand how some people think that never changing the party your family has voted for for decades is a positive - especially when the party has doubled down on hurting people.
The smartest thing libertarians have done to date.

I figure that after 15 years of the GOP more openly embracing White Supremacy, first through the Tea Party then with Trump, that it’s caused a lot of closeted racists to leave the Libertarian Party.

If you’re in the LP in 2024, you probably are there because you are genuinely anti-tariff, you oppose a militarized border, and you don’t like corporate welfare. That’s why mentioning the guy who is for all of those things, will get you boo’d.

I like pollo campero but who tf was flying it here from Central America before it came to the states? :lol:

there is nothing there I can't find somewhere else. I guess if you live in New Hampshire or something maybe.

That’s what I’m picturing, you live far from any other Central Americans. Fast food, snacks, junk food, and foods that were served to you as a kid seem to invoke the most nostalgia, especially when you don’t have easy access to them anymore. That’s why so many Americans, who are going to live abroad in Europe or Asian, bring rootbeer and peanut butter with them.
Can’t wait until he’s back to podcasting

(Whole thread is great)

yooooo WTF

This game of Liberals and Leftists playing chicken with the prospect of Donald Trump's second term, it has to stop.

We need to defeat Trump and Netanyahu this year.

Leftists need to grow a brain and be willing to vote strategically. Liberals need to get some damn heart and courage and pressure Biden into changing course on Palestine.

We all want a better and a more just world. Our interests are conjoined and doing anything that helps the monsters in Mar-a-Lago or Tel Aviv win, is detrimental to that effect.

kdawg kdawg I know you know way more about this than me so correct where I'm going wrong.

Isn't it the case that the most rock solid Tory voters are basically boomers who got to own/buy their Council House very very cheaply during the Thatcher Years and most of them now rent that house out now. Moreover, these boomers want to imagine themselves as having fought in WWII and/or surviving the Blitz. As a result, the go-to Tory move is to appeal to this sense of synthesized nostalgia on the part of boomer petty landlords?
kdawg kdawg I know you know way more about this than me so correct where I'm going wrong.

Isn't it the case that the most rock solid Tory voters are basically boomers who got to own/buy their Council House very very cheaply during the Thatcher Years and most of them now rent that house out now. Moreover, these boomers want to imagine themselves as having fought in WWII and/or surviving the Blitz. As a result, the go-to Tory move is to appeal to this sense of synthesized nostalgia on the part of boomer petty landlords?

That makes sense - particularly in that context of national service. That was a thing in my grandparents generation - you did time in the army or something else and it was abolished in 1960 - but as you say these boomers want the young people of today to do it because they think they won the war etc - when they had nothing to do with it and also didn't do national service.

They've had a number of benefits - cheap council houses is one, gold plated final salary pensions is another. A lot of them have retired early, pulled up the ladders and burned them - and that's a significant proportion of Tory voters.

Another large cohort is similar to the Republican voters in the US - they're voting against their own interests hoping that some day they'll come into money - and they're looking for someone to hurt and to blame, and those people tend to be darker skinned than them.

It's also just a corner of England that somehow gets these people in - if you ignore that area of the country it leans a lot more liberal - and Tories have basically been extinct in Scotland for a decade now at the upper levels - there's only the rare Conservative member of Parliament/Scottish Parliament, although they do seem to run a number of local councils.
Leftists need to grow a brain and be willing to vote strategically.
You're preaching to the choir ITT. I know a crowd that needs to hear you, but you might just get ignored :tongue:

Liberals need to get some damn heart and courage and pressure Biden into changing course on Palestine.
And the best way to do it is to ensure the guy that can't be pressured by anything other than money wins.


I think it should be obvious by now that the Left's inability to win where/when it matters is linked to their rejection of pragmatism. I don't know how you fix it. There are enough disgusted Republicans/independents out there to give Biden a road to victory, but winning with the support of the political center/center-right will not make Democrats move "further left" on foreign policy.

On a more general level, the Left needs to articulate a foreign policy that takes into account the reality that not every country wants to be pacifist. Europeans made a lot of economic concessions to Russia, at the expense of their own security, because they believe in broader cooperation. We can see the results today.
This game of Liberals and Leftists playing chicken with the prospect of Donald Trump's second term, it has to stop.

We need to defeat Trump and Netanyahu this year.

Leftists need to grow a brain and be willing to vote strategically. Liberals need to get some damn heart and courage and pressure Biden into changing course on Palestine.

We all want a better and a more just world. Our interests are conjoined and doing anything that helps the monsters in Mar-a-Lago or Tel Aviv win, is detrimental to that effect.
To put it bluntly, a lot of those people live in some deluded fantasyland where because the candidates for aren't an ideal match, they choose to just abandon the process altogether as if that stops reality from happening.
Instead of confronting the reality that they're never going to get exactly what they want in any country, they overdose on copium and abstain altogether. All while simultaneously thinking they're doing something productive rather than possibly destructive.
Two choices with at least multiple diametrically opposed policy positions? Nah, nuance is too hard. Woe is me, both sides are obviously the same. It's lazy, entirely delusional and comes off as an extremely privileged way of thinking.

It's not like those of us with a broad selection of choices in a parliamentary system don't have largely similar issues despite a much broader spectrum of choices.
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