OFFICIAL: PS3 SLIM Unveiled Today at GamesCom...$299 120GB NO BC 3.0 FW...9/1

Originally Posted by Al3xis

why yall care how it looks?
For real lol. Likes it gonna kill the decor in their ninjahoodesque rooms
no way im gettin rid of my bc-80 even if i dont play too many ps2 games on there

ill pick a slim up eventuall but those are really starting to look like actual buttons to me, and it just makes me marvel at the current models
Originally Posted by Al3xis

why yall care how it looks?

Exactly what I came in here to post..I think its because they already have the old ps3 and pretty much want to make themselves feel better..I really don'tcare if the system is ugly, as long as it is SLIM (space efficient) and plays the games I'm good.
Originally Posted by undefinedinc

Originally Posted by Al3xis

why yall care how it looks?

Exactly what I came in here to post..I think its because they already have the old ps3 and pretty much want to make themselves feel better.
not really, it just looks more "pretty" - that's all

besides, i was able to buy it for 285 a few months ago. So it's not like I'm mad at the price cut or anything like that
Originally Posted by NewZ05

Originally Posted by pr0phecy718

There's only a live blog right now

click this link

Sony 2009 Gamescom Presser Liveblog Spectacular
something is better than nothing...thanks

Sorry i didnt post the link...took the kids for a bike ride.

I regretted not picking up the mgs4/killzone2 package from BestBuy last month. I dont regret it now. I know the slim isnt the pretiest thing to look at buti'll be too busy looking at the tv and not the actual console to care. If K-Mart/Sears was correct it will hit the US on 8/24 and than 9/1 globally.
Originally Posted by undefinedinc

Originally Posted by Al3xis

why yall care how it looks?

Exactly what I came in here to post..I think its because they already have the old ps3 and pretty much want to make themselves feel better..I really don't care if the system is ugly, as long as it is SLIM (space efficient) and plays the games I'm good.

Ya'll are hilarious. I don't care what other people think and having a PS3 model that I like isn't going to make me feel better. If that is thecase then people got issues.
yall forgot the price drop effective now, so if yall dont like theslim ...yall can get the bulky ps3 for the same price
a smaller ps3? it doesnt looks smaller. thinner, but its wider. i dont get it. if its cheaper to produce these then ok.

^^ it doesn't look that bad actually ....if u got a nice entertainment system will blend right in
It's crazy when you think in just 2 years, you can shrink the size by about half... And have the same features while running cooler...

I'm going to cop.
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