Official Real World New Orleans Thread - Premieres June 30th (First trailer out)

knight is so out of shape but hes my fav character
eric is a simp. take ur l and keep it moving. your in new orleans theres p00n on every may be dirty...but its there.
ryan is a jerk and i hope he gets punished by some guys at a bar or something

Knight is a 23 year-old Wisconsin native who has lived and breathed hockey for as long as he can remember. Recently his life was turned upside down after a severe shoulder injury cost him his athletic/academic scholarship at Arizona State University and left him unable to play the sport. During recovery he became addicted to painkillers, and now everyday is a battle to remain clean. 


As vocal supporter of gay marriage and legalization of marijuana, Jemmye doesn't necessarily come off as someone from a conservative Mississippi hometown. She enjoys casual sex with no commitment, and she has a preference for black men (until she meets fellow roommate, Knight)


It's not often that you meet a Real World roommate who's a stand-up comic AND holds a job at the State Department, traveling the globe briefing foreign service personnel on American policy. Far from Mr. Serious, Eric's true passion is comedy.


Sahar grew up in a conservative Arab community in Dearborn, MI. It would be easy to assume that because of that she's a submissive, conservative girl. But that would not be the case. She's a strong-willed, liberal Muslim.


Coming to New Orleans fresh out of a rocky break up, Ashlee is anxious to explore new opportunities. That could include pursuing her ultimate dream job of being a sideline sports reporter. Or it might just mean partying hard in the Big Easy. Ashlee grew up in a small New Jersey suburb, where it was easy for her to cement herself as the top athlete of her high school.


Preston's first childhood memory is of crying in the back seat of the car while his mother went to score crack. Needless to say, his family life was anything but ideal. When he was 17, his mother essentially abandoned him, leaving Preston to fend for himself. 


Twenty-one-year old McKenzie is a down to earth sorority girl attending the University of Central Florida and majoring in psychology. Raised on Florida's beaches with her three siblings and happily married parents, McKenzie's childhood was pretty idyllic. As a practicing Catholic who experiences her beliefs on a deep and emotional level, McKenzie is nonetheless quite open-minded.


One part: unpredictable, two parts: ADHD and OCD, twenty-one year old Ryan is one of the most bizarre roommates in New Orleans. Whether it's his fascination with cold ears or his tendency to chase his roommates around the house naked, Ryan's high energy makes him the life of the party and chief instigator of the group.
Originally Posted by RocSole

Originally Posted by cleansneaksonly21

Ryan is the best thing to happen to this show.....seriously
Seriously? I think he's annoying.
Knight is dopeness though.
could you imagine how boring the episodes would be if this fruitcake wasnt waltzing around starting +!%@ and blowing himself 
"Casual sex is like binge eating - it feels good while you're doing it, but you feel bad about yourself later."

I don't agree with that, but that's exactly how I feel about watching this show, so that's ironic.

 at Knight's reaction to Preston asking him for condoms: :sigh: "Yeah...
at Mckenzie trying to #$!@ block.

Knight finally got it in with Jemyne (sp?)


Sahar is the best girl to me.
Originally Posted by ArsnalJ23

Originally Posted by Kiddin Like Jason

Presto about to get AIDS... presto.
you definitely just wasted your 36,000 post on that.

Gawd damn.

The blocking was just disrespectful.

's off to Knight.

Girls play way too many games, though.
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