Official Real World New Orleans Thread - Premieres June 30th (First trailer out)

Originally Posted by DT43

Originally Posted by AMafia

Originally Posted by badmoonRison

Originally Posted by Kiddin Like Jason

[table][tr][td]Kiddin Like Jason[/td][td]

Registered Member

Posts: 36000

07/14/10 10:47 PM

 log off, dude 



That !!!%* McKenzie need a *@$! upside her head.
Is it just me or is MTV ODing with some of a gay scenes. That last episode when Wiz Khalifa was like "we didn't finish" and borrowed dudes condom had me
I wish mtv did a recast mideseason. ashley, sahara, and eric need to get drop asap. Ashley has been in like two scenes, sahara is useless and boring, and eric is catching feelings for a girl with a bf. eric your on mtv with a camera crew, pick up some random b**** off the street and go with it like andrew did. However, i still have hope, eric will come through as a solid castmember. He has too, he's a stand up comedian. 
i wish i worked on the set, I would dropped everything and gave mckenzie the d right there. 

c blocking women = easy women 
Originally Posted by Wordy Dirts

Is it just me or is MTV ODing with some of a gay scenes. That last episode when Wiz Khalifa was like "we didn't finish" and borrowed dudes condom had me

This dude Ryan is probably an actor, he's started @!+@ with almost everyone thus far.
plus he's strange, really strange.

Preston is that dude though, gay, straight, whatever. Cool and funny as hell

btw i havent watched real world in eons... fml.
Originally Posted by Hyper Cutter

^ What? Real World hasn't even been on for ONE eon, talking bout plural eons. %$@$ noob.

its call exaggeration.

why don't you go somewhere point Dexter.
I'm actually a fan of Back to New Orleans--it's the first season I've watched since Real World XX (with Greg Halstead

All the girls this season are smashable. Ashlee is
with those lips... and you KNOW she loves brothas
I am assuming it's just me because no one has mentioned this yet but that white chick Ashlee with the big lips looks kind of off in the face. Great lips, but that's about it. Sahar is probably the best looking overall. Eric was a simp for going after like he did in such an obvious way, though. It was pretty clear that she just liked the early attention.
Originally Posted by SaintVitus07

I am assuming it's just me because no one has mentioned this yet but that white chick Ashlee with the big lips looks kind of off in the face. Great lips, but that's about it.

I agree. I think she looks horrible..and that chin
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