Official Real World New Orleans Thread - Premieres June 30th (First trailer out)

Talk about a cockblock. I don't even like dude but I'm happy he smashed and now I hope somebody takes advantage of McKenzie when she gets drunk just so she can wake up in 3 different ppl's fluids.

She seem like the type that'd change in to that bad girl if some real dark black dudes was in the house.

Good ep
Originally Posted by Master Zik

Talk about a cockblock. I don't even like dude but I'm happy he smashed and now I hope somebody takes advantage of McKenzie when she gets drunk just so she can wake up in 3 different ppl's fluids.

She seem like the type that'd change in to that bad girl if some a real dark black dude was in the house.

Good ep
ryan dugg out her bff, victory for the little guy
The girl must have taken +%!% block 101. Good god. She was relentless in her pursuit of trying to hate on other trying to get it in. SMH.

Kinght's the man. That thumbs up was classic.

All in all the cast isn't too bad this season. From first look I thought it was going to be terrible, but it's actually been mildly amusing.
Ryan and gay but he will not admit it.

Dude said..."How am I gay if I could sleep with plenty women?"

Mckenzie is a weirdo.

Feeling will get involved with Knight and the hick.

You could tell he's catching feeling, when they were in the club. Then he told her he was going to the bathroom.
Anywhere to watch that last episode, because it wasn't posted on yet..?
Sahar is too level-headed for this *!$*... damn shame

Can't say I hate watching this season while browsing the web... good filler
Originally Posted by Kiddin Like Jason

[table][tr][td]Kiddin Like Jason[/td][td][/td][td]#136[/td][td]http://[URL="http://"][/url][/td][td][-][/td][/tr][tr][td]

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Posts: 36000

07/14/10 10:47 PM

 log off, dude 
Originally Posted by badmoonRison

Originally Posted by Kiddin Like Jason

[table][tr][td]Kiddin Like Jason[/td][td]

Registered Member

Posts: 36000

07/14/10 10:47 PM

 log off, dude 

Originally Posted by AMafia

Originally Posted by badmoonRison

Originally Posted by Kiddin Like Jason

[table][tr][td]Kiddin Like Jason[/td][td]

Registered Member

Posts: 36000

07/14/10 10:47 PM

 log off, dude 


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