Anybody here investing in the Cannabis industry... I been buying $acb for a while and I'm down a **** ton... 😂

We need some Cannabis legislative measures to get us back on track...

Will weed go to the moon this decade???
For me it’s leaving a successful trade too early. Couldve easily paid off all my student loans real early if I didn’t sell too fast. Wont time the top but still have a solid 4-6 trades where more than 6 figures coulda been combined if I was more patient.
It cost me $69 to fill up my Accord yesterday. That's the most I've ever spent to fill her up.

I wish there was an options like market for local gas stations where you bought and sold contracts for the right to fill up at a certain amount. Me with a call for gas at $1.50/gallon =


It cost me $69 to fill up my Accord yesterday. That's the most I've ever spent to fill her up.

I wish there was an options like market for local gas stations where you bought and sold contracts for the right to fill up at a certain amount. Me with a call for gas at $1.50/gallon =


Futures market playboi. Play them oil futures. Get your gas money in them markets. mplsdunk mplsdunk let him know.
I made money on an NVDA p last week. Although, I sold way too early in the am on Friday. Only L I'm taking so far is this damn margin loan that I got. Wish I'd have never got that clearance to begin with.

I didn’t know this bloodbath was going to be so drawn out 😔.
I really wasn’t interested in the market pre2020. So I never experienced previous crashes or bear markets. I saw that covid flash crash that recovered so damn fast, and in the back of my mind had the mentality of “you can’t time the market. Time in the market >”.
We knew rate hikes were coming and the ARKK type growth companies were going to get beat down, I just thought maybe they’d rip the bandaid, valuations would correct quickly and we’d be on our way. Like trying to time an exit and re-entry would be foolish.

In hindsight, just should’ve went all cash in November at the least, if not even shorting the F out of growth. Now I’m still wondering if it’s not too late to go all cash and buy back our highest conviction names at a lower entry. Only like 8 months late on that so idk if it’s too late to bother. I did raise some cash over the past few months but not even close to enough. Like why am I still holding shares if I know it’s going lower??
I didn’t know this bloodbath was going to be so drawn out 😔.
... Like why am I still holding shares if I know it’s going lower??
This is how we reach "max pain" in the cycles. Beat down retail and hedge funds, beat them down again, toss em a pump fake, then beat the ever loving **** out of them when they thought they were already dead.

Now repeat 4 times to reach max pain in the bear cycle.
2020 wasn't a bear market. It was a black swan shock correction. It set off the chain of events that's going to cause 2022 to look like 2009 all over again, minus the housing market calamity.

We'll be okay tho. Trim anything you're worried about to preserve cash, but don't close the position altogether if you still believe in the company and your thesis.
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