Official Stock Market & Economy Thread

Dude, yes SKF is a flipping rocket off to space. And SKY with the way the DOW is looking right now, it's definitely a reality it could dip below 8K. Goodcalls above.

Oh and FAZ > SKF. Ride it to the top, then short it haaaaaaaaaaaaaaard. SKF is mean today.
I'll probably let go when the DOW is around 7,700 ~7,500. I don't think it's over.
Can someone advise me on the best online broker for a person looking to invest 2K, im a buy and hold type person not someone trying to make a quick flip. Whichis ideal Sharebuilder, E*Trade, Wells Fargo, Scottrade. Im looking for decent commission fees, great research analysis and low annual fees
What do you guys think about BAC and WFC? WFC at 20 is very tempting and BAC at 8? thats ridiculous so much panic selling and shorting. I'm tempted to buyone of these stocks and see what happens they have to bounce rite?

SKF is ridiculous rite now, so is FAZ. They scare the crap out of me tho because they fluctuate in price so much. I always think a huge sell off is about tooccur. What are your guys' stops at?
Originally Posted by NostrandAve68

Can someone advise me on the best online broker for a person looking to invest 2K, im a buy and hold type person not someone trying to make a quick flip. Which is ideal Sharebuilder, E*Trade, Wells Fargo, Scottrade. Im looking for decent commission fees, great research analysis and low annual fees
try zecco. i'm going to use zecco as a broker and use think or swim for analysis.
truth- not yet. financials aren't even that great on the long side on bounces, you have to realize almost all of these institutions are insolvent, if itwerent for bernanke, theyd all be 0s. skf and faz are going up a lot but theyll keep rising until the market bounces at its november lows. dont fight thetrend.
if the market can bounce at around these levels for the next 3-4 trading days, that would be very healthy for this downtrend. if WFC can bounce, buying puts onit next week will probably be great. breaking its $20 level could spell huge trouble for wells fargo
Citigroup, already double it's average volume, the institutional guys are selling off and shorting. Bank of America down 20%.

These companies are dunzo.
truth- not yet. financials aren't even that great on the long side on bounces, you have to realize almost all of these institutions are insolvent, if itwerent for bernanke, theyd all be 0s. skf and faz are going up a lot but theyll keep rising until the market bounces at its november lows. dont fight thetrend.
truth- not yet. financials aren't even that great on the long side on bounces, you have to realize almost all of these institutions are insolvent, if itwerent for bernanke, theyd all be 0s. skf and faz are going up a lot but theyll keep rising until the market bounces at its november lows. dont fight thetrend.
Lunch break is coming to an end on the street so things look like they're picking up again...

Should i get in at SKF NOW or is there gonna be a sell-off at some point in the future where I can get in cheaper...(after inauguration perhaps...)
andrew3001- i think GE bounces here but eventually breaks below november lows.

superantigen- wait till after inauguration, youll get a much better fill imo
jpm released positive earnings... we bounced at 82 like i expected, mid next week well prolly conitnue to sell off again, maybe earlier
Originally Posted by Dey Know Yayo

jpm released positive earnings... we bounced at 82 like i expected, mid next week well prolly conitnue to sell off again, maybe earlier
ah, got it. for JPM, is this a good long buy? assuming that they are one of the few safe u.s. banks, and have no liability, could they get to40-50 by next year?
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