Official Stock Market & Economy Thread

the 85 level on spy was very very important, we broke right through it, that is very very bearish, i will be shorting on strength the whole way down
add CNA to the bearish list. i sold my HBC puts near market open today, nailed that short call and it's still going to go lower. ENER breaking down, andall the airlines rolling over.
add CNA to the bearish list. i sold my HBC puts near market open today, nailed that short call and it's still going to go lower. ENER breaking down, andall the airlines rolling over.
i would like GS to bounce here to about 80. that would set up a perfect head and shoulders, and i think it may be doing that. we'll have to wait and see.
Originally Posted by reigndrop

Originally Posted by Dey Know Yayo

reigndrop- don't know if youve been following my posts or youre thinking independently, but many of your ideas are shared by me, good work you got a good head on your shoulders
prmmj23- i think gs is going down to below 50
dieselg5- prolbably an up day, "turnaround tuesday" candidate, who knows
mrmundaynite- i'm looking at stocks' price and volume charts. read "how to make money in stocks" by william o neil, conisdered the investing bible
andre3001- i now expect the wealth destructino to occur through inflation, like reigndrop says. i don't think we break november 08/february 09 lows til at least next year. much too early to tell though, this is just speculation.
joe mkcnight- i don't think you realize.... 1995-present was all artificial wealth in equity markets that needs to be purged one way or another.
mnmballa- not yet, i think the market is headed lower, but eventually this is a good long
nicefro- friday and monday are usually th big down days in the market in downtrends. that's why i like to pick up big positions on thurrsday close and during friday. idk if i can agree with shorting on monday too but the first part of your statement could be a viable system, i dont really know though
Lets see, you were bullish on gold right? And you're long on SRS and SKF. That's the only things I've seen. It's funny cause that's all I've heard at work the past few days, commercial real estate fallin hard. As far as other thing go, they're my opinions and opinions from other people.
very impressive, good to hear that we're independently on the same wavelength. where do you work?
Since, I've run out of posts for the day I will just posthere. DKY, do you think SKF and SRS will drop tomorrow because of JPM's earnings and also will the dow drop below 8k this week?
and does anyone know the "threshold" you need to pass to get more than 25 posts a day?

SKF AFTERMARKET: $144.09!!!!!!

sometimes, i dont go to a lot of classes though. i wait for the big moves, and when theyre going down, i wake up around 9, set in orders if i see something, goback to sleep and wake up whenever, see how theyre doin and watch the market the rest of the day. lately ive been trading currencies a lot so ive been up atrandom times just playin the market but usually i dont even have my interactive brokers up that much
I'd imagine C's news has helped SKF.

I didn't have funds to get in, but I did a "virtual trade" on ox, based on an actual amount and realistic trade I'd do. Cost basis almostdoubled. $5.60 to $9 something. Damnit!!
Originally Posted by midsOleGone

Where do I go to see how much gold is day to day? has graphs if you want. Click on Oil, then on crude. And you'll get a list of all the commodities.
Originally Posted by Dey Know Yayo

Originally Posted by reigndrop

Originally Posted by Dey Know Yayo

reigndrop- don't know if youve been following my posts or youre thinking independently, but many of your ideas are shared by me, good work you got a good head on your shoulders
prmmj23- i think gs is going down to below 50
dieselg5- prolbably an up day, "turnaround tuesday" candidate, who knows
mrmundaynite- i'm looking at stocks' price and volume charts. read "how to make money in stocks" by william o neil, conisdered the investing bible
andre3001- i now expect the wealth destructino to occur through inflation, like reigndrop says. i don't think we break november 08/february 09 lows til at least next year. much too early to tell though, this is just speculation.
joe mkcnight- i don't think you realize.... 1995-present was all artificial wealth in equity markets that needs to be purged one way or another.
mnmballa- not yet, i think the market is headed lower, but eventually this is a good long
nicefro- friday and monday are usually th big down days in the market in downtrends. that's why i like to pick up big positions on thurrsday close and during friday. idk if i can agree with shorting on monday too but the first part of your statement could be a viable system, i dont really know though
Lets see, you were bullish on gold right? And you're long on SRS and SKF. That's the only things I've seen. It's funny cause that's all I've heard at work the past few days, commercial real estate fallin hard. As far as other thing go, they're my opinions and opinions from other people.
very impressive, good to hear that we're independently on the same wavelength. where do you work?
Barclays Cap, sales and trading. Just started in September haha. Was crazy scared in September. Thoughts on yahoo? They got that old woman astheir ceo and nobodies been talking about them. I can't see them getting any higher without pulling some sort of deal.
I've been reading some stuff about the downside of inverse ETFs which seem a tad bit perplexing and ultimately, counter intuitive to the whole purpose ofthese Funds.

Basically, all these articles claim and mathematically show that an investor actually looses money by investing in these Funds. I even read commentary from aposter on Seeking Alpha testifying to this:
I'm long SRS also and have lost a lot of money. My question is, is there going to be a class action lawsuit against them? From what I've read recently, the index that they say SRS is supposed to go 2x inverse of, has dropped 50% and yet SRS instead of going up 100% as advertised has dropped 50% also!
So yeah, anyone have insight on this and what's really going on...cause i aint finna lose my money.

Originally Posted by Dey Know Yayo

sometimes, i dont go to a lot of classes though. i wait for the big moves, and when theyre going down, i wake up around 9, set in orders if i see something, go back to sleep and wake up whenever, see how theyre doin and watch the market the rest of the day. lately ive been trading currencies a lot so ive been up at random times just playin the market but usually i dont even have my interactive brokers up that much
which broker do you use to trade currencies? is that through forex or TOS?
What exactly is FAZ? I really have no idea what it represents. And what are the fees for SRS, SKF, and FAZ. I am holding all three as stocks and need to knowwhat my transaction costs/fees will be and what the tax rate is.

Thanks for any help.

What price or when are you guys going to get out of SRS, SKF, FAZ?
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