Official Stock Market & Economy Thread

Today was enh...not good for me

Should I bite the bullet with SRS and FAZ and stay down 350 for the day or should I wait a couple days until they go back up then sell them?

I plan on buying a lot of RGLD after I sell SRS and FAZ
I think this week will continue to be a bear trap. Keep Feb 9th in mind. That is a serious day for traders and I hope no one is long in anything on that date.

I like FCX. I like CAT in Q3 09.

I worry about gold being called in again.
Originally Posted by Banks2Pierce

I think this week will continue to be a bear trap. Keep Feb 9th in mind. That is a serious day for traders and I hope no one is long in anything on that date.

I like FCX. I like CAT in Q3 09.

I worry about gold being called in again.

What's up with 2/9? Lots of people reporting earnings?
FAS down 8% in pre-market. Today is looking to be a down day for the market, up for gold.
There will be a sell-off.
I need to setup a margin account with zecco...not that I really want ot trade on margin but they tell me I cannot short sell unless I have a margin accounteven if I have more then enough buying power in my account to execute the short. Not exactly sure why they do this but I suppose they don't want people tolose their entire stack and then call them if the particular stock in question drops hard (after their short sell was deemed over) and their account does notgo up. If that doesn't make sense then nevermind.
BXP earnings call going on now...

and the market is responding very positively, went from down 2% to up almost 3%.
Market needs to tank, hard, it should tomorrow with the GDP numbers. Whoever mentioned the 9th of Feb, what's so important about that date.
Originally Posted by nicefro

Market needs to tank, hard, it should tomorrow with the GDP numbers. Whoever mentioned the 9th of Feb, what's so important about that date.

Are you gonna hold onto your FAZ position another day?
DKY - I'm looking to get into AIPC, after seeing ur post, looks like its a solid recession proof stock. Don't know much about tech analysis, but it looks like it's staying in the same range for the past few months ($21-25). What you think is a good priceto get in...$23? Also thinking it might pop upon earnings release, assuming solid earnings like last quarter..where do you find out earnings release dates (Ifailed after looking at SEC and the company's website)?

any of the rest of you still long SRS? I got in as it was falling yest at $54
..hoping it will get back there during today or I might close it out anyway..
$51.78 right nowdarn
Really torn on what to do with SRS! It's at 53.70 right now (3PM), I bought in yesterday at 54. Thisthing is so wild..not sure whether to just breakeven when/if it gets back to 54 today or hold over night. I know everyone says your ******ed if you hold theseETFs over night, but I'm thinking a big push upwards tomrw is quite possible depending on SPG's earnings. There's gotta be a few of you still inSRS..let me know what u think..
Originally Posted by Joe McKnight Is BALLIN

dont get why you had such a tight trailing stop on faz esp when your only up a little.
I had a $1 stop which I thought was pretty loose, guess not, FAZ just hit $46.50.

The mark was $45.14 and then FAZ touched $44.12 for a second and executed. To make matters worse I got home 5 minutes after the fact.

I didn't lose money, but I could be up more.
got in on srs today. thats my only one right now. had fas and was shorting faz for a few days but got out yesterday after the 30% gain since i knew there wouldbe a pull back plus the gdp tomorrow. will look at it again tomorrow or monday.
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