Official Stock Market & Economy Thread

Can you guys explain the trailing stop thing a bit further? I looked at the definition of it and I'm still foggy.

Made like 3 or 4% today on FAZ. Could have been way more but I had to leave my computer at 2:45 when it was making a big jump. My limit order was wayyyy tolow looking back on it but I was nervous it would drop at the end of the day after people taking some profits and my order never would have gotten executed.Then it would have gone down 10% overnight and I'd have been screwed. I had to take my girl to her doctors appointment. Next time I'm giving hermoney for a cab and staying at the computer

Nice, I completely understand why you play these things so sensitively and as risk adverse as possible. Stop being greedy (word to DMX). Either way, I'lltake a 3% gain every day. What's your thoughts on tomorrows movement (to anyone and everyone, nicefro included)
To the person asking about SRS, I am as unsure as ever.

I like to read the google finance blogs about it (some people feel like it's done, others still think it can be a monster). Its up to about 55 buteverytime the market goes up it follows suit. If we are expecting a poor outing tomorrow depending on the GDP info as well as other property management groupsreporting earnings then tomorrow may be a good day to get out. I HATE holding this thing over the weekend. I hate holding it period (it feels like I am oneof these banks holding these worthless mortage backed securities on their balance sheets). I got in realy early (almost the start of this thread) and thenonce more way later which I really regret (like at $68 a share, just waiting to bite the bullet on it).
andre, gdp earnings tomorrow, i don't know so i'm just gonna stay out. the market sentiment may be damnwe're really screwed or, hmm obama's gonna fix everything, so who knows.
i watch the google boards but be careful there are a lot of trollish
type dudessometimes. the FAS board is full of info though. as always though, be careful.

a trailing stop is a stop that adjusts with the price.
if you set a $1 trailing stop at $45, that means if it goes down to $44, it'll become a market order. however if the price goes up to say $47.60, thetrailing stop will now trail the price by a dollar putting it @ $46.60

happy trading everyone
I was in and out of FAZ & SRS today. I might sit out tomorrow and see how things play out.

DKY, is it too early to go long on gold?
What is globalization?

Globalization is nothing more than the constant search for cheap labour and the constant upgrading of infrastructure all across the earth. Thus improving the infrastructure of previously 'unindustrialized countries' and accessing a whole new ununionized labour pool. The new world's that are created and improved through road, rail, energy, and hospital projects that are built by huge multinational corporations and paid for by unwitting outside investors. Before all the public works' projects are completed there is a debasement to pay for the projects with outside investors' money because it was 'lost' during the stock market crash or crash of a company's stock (debasement of vehicle of monetary exchange).

During the debasement period the "inside" investors are selling short, 401k's/entitlements etc. are frozen until the company pays out whatever debts it can with whatever liquid it has left., then the company goes bankrupt, it's assets are filtered off to a subsidiary/holding co that was formed prior to debasement, the projects they were building get snapped up at fire sale prices. Now the projects are paid for, the companies get their money and the country gets its infrastructure for their people to work jobs cheaper than other people in the Old World will work them

Along the globalization trail, TPTB monopolize all the resources they can under corrupt regimes that most of the time they put into power. Then take control of all essential parts of the economy; food supply, energy and mineral resources, fresh water sources, precious stones, cash crops, telecom, and healthcare. The foreign multinational corporations use cheap labour to assemble their goods while owning all other utilities the people of the country use. Once the cheap labour and resources are exploited, the globalists pick up and start the search for a new land to build up. Every new world is built on the dollar of outside investors and tax payers. Outsourcing is the only way the king can afford the peasants wages.

It started with canals, ships, and marinas in olden days and evolved into railroads, locomotives, then into trucks and roads, and most recently aviation. Every logistic means throughout history has been payed for by the outside investor through the use of debasements. Bubbles are built up on the word that 'the good times will never end' and popped on 'we never saw this coming' - all made possible by governments pretending to fail all across the world. All three tiers of government (soon to be four; federal, state, municipal, and soon, Union) are chalked full of failures.

The same groups of companies get the contracts for foreign nation building, usually spawned off each other, tracing their way back to a group of banks that operate throughout the world. These companies debase vehicles of monetary exchange (stocks and stock markets). Most of them having intimate ties with the World Bank. The financiers' of globalization stay the same. Once projects are completed and economies successfully debased, wars are waged to pay for economic recovery and fulfill whatever geopolitical agenda these global financiers have. After the era of fraud there is a period of boom and the cycle repeats itself, the size of the war usually depends on the size of the debasement that preceded it.

Once the Vehicle of Monetary Exchange is debased, the stolen money is laundered through various organizations (charities, non-profits, Legatus, museums). Once the money has been laundered there needs to be a war to destroy the paper trail (the fog of war) so they need an event to set off the war. If multiple countries' economies are down, it will be a global war (each country fighting with it's favourite enemy). At this time the financial sector will air its laundry, and we'll start hearing about frauds and accounting errors. This will lead to federal bodies (FINRA, SEC) bringing cases against the scapegoats (Skilling, Conrad Black) and we will have show trials with show judges (Crater, Landis). The trials will bring justice to the 'rogue conspirators and that's that.

The new bubbles are usually being built up as the current bubble is popping. These bubbles are allowed to happen through manipulation of laws. In America, the crash (era's of fraud) usually coincides with the end of one presidency and the start of another and occur every 4 years. In the lame duck sessions of a presidency, all previous corporate criminals get pardons. This timeline repeats itself throughout history.
Negative news that moves the market downwards usually occurs right around the time of Legatus summits. they had a summit before the negative newsof September 15th and then another one in early October, right before Dow dipped into the 8's for the first time in 5 years, i believe. Their next summit,and the only scheduled one so far this year, is from February 5th - 8th. The checks will clear on Feb 9th.

I see Dow going to 4k, possibly even <3k.
DKY - you still looking for the gold stocks to pullback to their 50DMA before you start jumping in?
Market down about %1 in the dow..... wish I held my position in FAZ, up almost to 50 right now!
It's back down. Don't feel bad you didn't get greedy. I think the market prediction was like -5.4% and it was less than that.
market indices sold off big at 50dma on heavy vol two days ago, charts look bearish, we could definitely continue lower, but like i said equity indices arebeing heavily manipulated by the fed so i am playin almost exclusively gold equities and their derivatives.
market indices sold off big at 50dma on heavy vol two days ago, charts look bearish, we could definitely continue lower, but like i said equity indices arebeing heavily manipulated by the fed so i am playin almost exclusively gold equities and their derivatives.
Def know what u mean andre, I realized SRS is a hot potato, never wanna hold it for more than a few hours and alwaysuse stops/limits. I ended up getting out with a small profit, missed the bump to $58 this morning. I don't think it will do well today, despite the badGDP numbers, SPG posted decent earnings and that stock's only down 3% (@11AM). Don't know how they pulled that one off, malls gotta be doingbad..

Sorry I wasn't sure what font everyone else uses..Arial?
Originally Posted by vjetti

Def know what u mean andre, I realized SRS is a hot potato, never wanna hold it for more than a few hours and always use stops/limits. I ended up getting out with a small profit, missed the bump to $58 this morning. I don't think it will do well today, despite the bad GDP numbers, SPG posted decent earnings and that stock's only down 3% (@11AM). Don't know how they pulled that one off, malls gotta be doing bad..

You gotta change your font man, i can't read that at all
Got out of my final position of SRS today at alittle over 58. Not a bad day but I just don't feel any justification if will go THAT much higher today andI'd rather not hold it over the weekend. Done trading for the week. I feel clean
Dipped under 8,000 for a minute, FAZ hit $52.57. Weeks over, took my 3% gain yesterday, let's see what happens next week.
Originally Posted by nicefro

Dipped under 8,000 for a minute, FAZ hit $52.57. Weeks over, took my 3% gain yesterday, let's see what happens next week.

Nice man. Everytime I cash out I feel like I dodged a bullet with these. Not the smartest investment if I can't trust them that much but I watch a closeenough eye on them I feel like I can manage accordingly.

SRS jumped to almost 62 I think.. and to think I thought I was making the right play getting out at 58..... oh well. No regrets really. I wish I could shortit right now. Already right back down to 59 in after hours.
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