Official Stock Market & Economy Thread

lol @ today's market. this is why i'm sticking to almost exclusively gold. gold's down today but it's just resting after a big run up, i'mprimarily in cash, but will be loading up on gold equities and theri options on any good volume strength in gold prices. more stimuli and government spendingbeing announced next week by the treasury, this is exactly what i predicted would happen. the fed sequesters all this printed money until our stimuli andbailouts and everything get passed, then we are flooded with trillions of dollars created out of thin air.
Damn, Zecco is increasing the minimum to make free trades to $25,000 on March 1. Now I have to look for other sites.
Originally Posted by Dey Know Yayo

lol @ today's market. this is why i'm sticking to almost exclusively gold. gold's down today but it's just resting after a big run up, i'm primarily in cash, but will be loading up on gold equities and theri options on any good volume strength in gold prices. more stimuli and government spending being announced next week by the treasury, this is exactly what i predicted would happen. the fed sequesters all this printed money until our stimuli and bailouts and everything get passed, then we are flooded with trillions of dollars created out of thin air.

when are you going heavy into gold?
Originally Posted by Qpitfighter

Damn, Zecco is increasing the minimum to make free trades to $25,000 on March 1. Now I have to look for other sites.
I got the email too but you know what, $4.50 per trade still aint half bad. Still beats what I was paying on etrade by about $5 or $6.

I got into FAS today at 8.59 btw. I'd like to see a nice big jump. Was tempted to take 7% profit near close today but I'm holding out for a littlebigger of a jump.
Originally Posted by Dey Know Yayo

lol @ today's market. this is why i'm sticking to almost exclusively gold. gold's down today but it's just resting after a big run up, i'm primarily in cash, but will be loading up on gold equities and theri options on any good volume strength in gold prices. more stimuli and government spending being announced next week by the treasury, this is exactly what i predicted would happen. the fed sequesters all this printed money until our stimuli and bailouts and everything get passed, then we are flooded with trillions of dollars created out of thin air.

Haha, all the gold bugs at my work these past few days have been like, I told you so. I have a small position now, but I'll be buying in sometime in thenext three weeks.
Originally Posted by Qpitfighter

Just bought some USO. We'll see what happens.
Maybe a couple weeks early, but that's still a good long-term play. The contango is narrowing up.
Originally Posted by andre3001

I got into FAS today at 8.59 btw. I'd like to see a nice big jump. Was tempted to take 7% profit near close today but I'm holding out for a little bigger of a jump.

Good call, that was the afternoon low pretty much. Sat on the sidelines today, thinking of some FAS for tomorrow but I'm not sure. If I remain undecided,I'll just get some GLD or RGLD for the long haul.
Originally Posted by reigndrop

Originally Posted by Qpitfighter

Just bought some USO. We'll see what happens.
Maybe a couple weeks early, but that's still a good long-term play. The contango is narrowing up.

Yeah, I heard that too. But I figured I'd rather be early.
Originally Posted by nicefro

bump, hope you let go of that fas position early andre.

HMMM me too

Very confused to see DOW up and FAS down. People are really down on financials. I guess it's gonna get worse. I'll get out at some point thisafternoon.
Originally Posted by andre3001

Originally Posted by nicefro

bump, hope you let go of that fas position early andre.

HMMM me too

Very confused to see DOW up and FAS down. People are really down on financials. I guess it's gonna get worse. I'll get out at some point this afternoon.
FAS & FAZ react to the Russell 1000 Financials (RIFIN.X). It's down at the moment.
Originally Posted by foodgoeshere

Originally Posted by andre3001

Originally Posted by nicefro

bump, hope you let go of that fas position early andre.

HMMM me too

Very confused to see DOW up and FAS down. People are really down on financials. I guess it's gonna get worse. I'll get out at some point this afternoon.
FAS & FAZ react to the Russell 1000 Financials (RIFIN.X). It's down at the moment.

I realize that... it's just been awhile since the DOW was up and FAS was down. Seemed to me like it was almost compatible.

RIFIN.x under 500.
what do you guys think of SPY or SSO (SSO is twice the S&P on the upside)? I think we rally up to 8500 by end of Thursday, want to make some moves tomomorning
FAS up nice today. RIFIN.x up to 508 and counting. I just got out around 9.3. Maybe it'll drop and I'll have a nice re-enter point around where Igot in earlier this week (mid 8s). Anyone else feel that once this new package gets passed by congress it's gonna make a jump to 10 or 11?
Originally Posted by andre3001

FAS up nice today. RIFIN.x up to 508 and counting. I just got out around 9.3. Maybe it'll drop and I'll have a nice re-enter point around where I got in earlier this week (mid 8s). Anyone else feel that once this new package gets passed by congress it's gonna make a jump to 10 or 11?

Yeah i got in at $8.98. I feel that the government has no problem letting pretty much every business, small/large fail in the country (auto included) EXCEPTfor the banking industry. Early next week there is going to be more announcements on what the gov is going to do. I am sure ALOT of banks will go out ofbusiness, I would not feel all that comfortable going long on any individual bank at the moment, although the ones that make it could make you a lot of moneyin the next few years. But yeah i am betting on the government bailing out the banks and FAS being a good way to play it. It seems as if the "banks"topic is on the top of Obamas list.

Thoughts on oil anyone?
bought some ALL puts for tomorrow. still primarily in gold equities + options, TBT, PALM, and cash. tmw could be a big down day to 7500 with another bigreversal friday back to above 8000 (perhaps on some stimulus news). in november we broke down to 7500 on a thursday and reversed huge on the friday the nextday. VIX is way too low for any sustained big move to the downside in my opinion, i really see no way the Fed will let us break november lows, and it might noteven allow us to get down there. huge futures buys keep driving equities up when approach a breakdown. fed manipulation.

gold's pullback probably wont breach 850-860 level. i'm very close to loading up on my fav gold stocks + their options. this will be my second big moveof the year (after the jan 2-jan 21 huge bearish position i had against financials, commercial real estate, and insurers). i'll let u know the minute iload up.
Tomorrow will probably be a down day with a serious rally coming next week. Will load up on FAZ before end of after-hours.
Originally Posted by nicefro

Tomorrow will probably be a down day with a serious rally coming next week. Will load up on FAZ before end of after-hours.
You literally reiterated what DKY just said. Thanks for the great analysis though.
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