Official Warriors Off Season Thread

I don't even know if Buike can start for any team in the league.
that's what i'm sayin....but didn't he start for y'all while Jackson was out? i think he did, and played very well....i'msure there's a couple of teams he could start for.

Was he really a D-League "legend"? Like best player in the NBDL status
he killed it in the d-league before y'all called him up.
I remember when he killed it against the Clippers second game of the season.
He played very well in Jax's spot.
Starting at what position, 2?

Cleveland, Minnesota before yesterday trade, Charlotte, Dallas (yes, he could start in Dallas. JET is better off the bench, and he is aggressive/explosive).
Originally Posted by JapanAir21

Starting at what position, 2?

Cleveland, Minnesota before yesterday trade, Charlotte, Dallas (yes, he could start in Dallas. JET is better off the bench, and he is aggressive/explosive).

You agreed with me
? I thought you liked Pavlovic
I do like Pavlovic, but I think there's players that play better coming off the bench, he's one of them.
Originally Posted by Paul Is On Tilt

^ I'm pretty sure that J-Rich is the 3 and Wallace is the 4.
Really? Wallace is listed as a small forward, and I've never thought he was a power forward. His body frame definitely isn't that of a PFs;he's a swingman. But, I don't watch many Bobcats they go small? I do hear about J-Rich being the Bobcats' SF a lot (or that's what ithink in my head
) so I'm thinking that has to be the case.
Originally Posted by gangsta207therevolution

I dont think he even needs to start, if I were him I would look for a spot where they have 30 minutes with the opp in a year for 35-40

I agree, he doesn't need to start necessarily. I'm sure he's looking for a more defined role where he gets consistent minutes. Last year, hisminutes were sporadic with the ******ed Nellie rotation.
They had Richardson at the 3 and Wallace at the 4 in the beginning of the season. McInnis/Felton/Richardson/Wallace/Okafor, but after they got Mohammed it wasFelton/Richardson/Wallace/Okafor/Mohammed
Originally Posted by wildKYcat

Richardson plays the 2, Wallace the 3. they don't go small, Emeka and Nazr play the frontcourt.

I remember Emeka being upset for being forced to play the 5. Vincent played Richardson at the 3 and Wallace at the 4. I do remember some games whereRichardson was the 2 and Wallace the 3 and Emeka was the 4... probably when the Nazr trade went down...
Well, I went to Charlotte's depth chart, and had Matt Carroll as their starting SG, only reason I said I'd put Buike over him.

ET, I can't tell if you were being sarcastic or not, but none of my DVD's are bootlegs, I'm not into that, I buy a ton of DVDs.
Originally Posted by Paul Is On Tilt

Originally Posted by wildKYcat

Richardson plays the 2, Wallace the 3. they don't go small, Emeka and Nazr play the frontcourt.

I remember Emeka being upset for being forced to play the 5. Vincent played Richardson at the 3 and Wallace at the 4. I do remember some games where Richardson was the 2 and Wallace the 3 and Emeka was the 4... probably when the Nazr trade went down...

i'm sure you're right...i payed no attention to the Bobcats until they picked up Naz.
Oh definitely, the thing with the bobcats starting line-up was that Gerald Wallace wasn't really healthy, so they didn't have him in the depth chart atall. He definitely wouldn't start over Jason though. I guess he wouldn't start over DJ Augustin either. (I still say the Bobcats are flat out stupidfor passing on Brook Lopez, I have a feeling the kid will be a top 3 Center in NO time).
Don wanted to give a few looks, but Chris has got to understand that he can Run and Gun but he needs a new coach. Personally with Wright, Davis, Ellis and fewmore skilled athletes trying to play games first to 130 wouldnt be bad.

The personel doesnt say that they are ever going to compete on D, I think they should get better scorers( Redd &Wright) at the 3-4 and go superfast. Butthey cant afford to get worse on D cause you cant win without a few stops. Japan you alone on the lopez bandwagon. IMO with JRich, and Crash they would havbeen better off with Robin. But neither will be better that a body.
Originally Posted by JapanAir21

Oh definitely, the thing with the bobcats starting line-up was that Gerald Wallace wasn't really healthy, so they didn't have him in the depth chart at all. He definitely wouldn't start over Jason though. I guess he wouldn't start over DJ Augustin either. (I still say the Bobcats are flat out stupid for passing on Brook Lopez, I have a feeling the kid will be a top 3 Center in NO time).
Really? Better than Dwight, Oden, Yao, and Bynum? Care to put your username on the line
Originally Posted by JapanAir21

Oh definitely, the thing with the bobcats starting line-up was that Gerald Wallace wasn't really healthy, so they didn't have him in the depth chart at all. He definitely wouldn't start over Jason though. I guess he wouldn't start over DJ Augustin either. (I still say the Bobcats are flat out stupid for passing on Brook Lopez, I have a feeling the kid will be a top 3 Center in NO time).
I agree about the Bobcats being dumb on passing on Brook....and Augustin was a reach there, IMO....Felton/JRich/Wallace/Okafor/Lopez could develop intoa really good starting 5...but MJ isn't very good at making basketball decisions off the court.

Top 3 center is sort of reaching, but I do agree he can be really good. I'll catch a lot of heat for saying this but I think he could turn into aDuncan-lite, at the very best scenario.
Originally Posted by Paul Is On Tilt

Originally Posted by JapanAir21

Oh definitely, the thing with the bobcats starting line-up was that Gerald Wallace wasn't really healthy, so they didn't have him in the depth chart at all. He definitely wouldn't start over Jason though. I guess he wouldn't start over DJ Augustin either. (I still say the Bobcats are flat out stupid for passing on Brook Lopez, I have a feeling the kid will be a top 3 Center in NO time).
Really? Better than Dwight, Oden, Yao, and Bynum? Care to put your username on the line

Okay, maybe top 5.
Although, when Bynum/Lopez are in their prime, I think Lopez will be better. I really like his game, he seems already verypolished, but I think he's going to do very well. (I forgot Al Jefferson as well, but still I think Lopez will be better).

And no, no username's this time.
Originally Posted by gangsta207therevolution

Don wanted to give a few looks, but Chris has got to understand that he can Run and Gun but he needs a new coach. Personally with Wright, Davis, Ellis and few more skilled athletes trying to play games first to 130 wouldnt be bad.

Nellie's in his last year. He's not going to coach the Warriors next season. Everything I've read, everything that has been said about theWarriors has been that Nellie's in his last year and the passing of the torch will be from Nellie to Keith Smart.
Originally Posted by gangsta207therevolution

The personel doesnt say that they are ever going to compete on D

Personally I think defense starts with a team mindset. Once Nellie leaves, I pray that the next coach (most likely Keith Smart) would stress team defense.We have somewhat players that can be good on defense, but it starts with the whole mindset first.
Originally Posted by JapanAir21

(I forgot Al Jefferson as well, but still I think Lopez will be better).
I've got the notion that Minnesota's going to get Al Jefferson to play the 4 from what I've heard on TV.
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