Official XBOX 360 Thread: Tekken 6 on 360!

Originally Posted by doosta45

COOLnificent said:
Ok, is it a good investment to cop GTA: SA off of the marketplace?
i copped it since i never played san andreas, and i played it for about a week before i stopped. the graphics were horrible, making my headhurt.

The graphics in San Andreas were bad even by PS2/Xbox 1 standards, but the gameplay more than makes up for the borderline horrible graphics. It is such anamazing game.
Originally Posted by dont be a menace

any of you guys know how to watch mp4 through xbox? been trying all day to get it to work but no luck.
I think you can't, you have to convert it to an .avi file...but i'm not 100% sure.
Originally Posted by Xtapolapacetl

Originally Posted by doosta45

Originally Posted by COOLnificent

Ok, is it a good investment to cop GTA: SA off of the marketplace?
i copped it since i never played san andreas, and i played it for about a week before i stopped. the graphics were horrible, making my head hurt.

The graphics in San Andreas were bad even by PS2/Xbox 1 standards, but the gameplay more than makes up for the borderline horrible graphics. It is such an amazing game.

I paid my $12.50 for this damn game and itdoesn't even work

It say it needs an update but the update can't be found
Originally Posted by COOLnificent

Xtapolapacetl wrote:

doosta45 wrote:

COOLnificent said:
Ok, is it a good investment to cop GTA: SA off of the marketplace?
i copped it since i never played san andreas, and i played it for about a week before i stopped. the graphics were horrible, making my head hurt.

The graphics in San Andreas were bad even by PS2/Xbox 1 standards, but the gameplay more than makes up for the borderline horrible graphics. It is such an amazing game.

I paid my $12.50 for this damn game and itdoesn't even work

It say it needs an update but the update can't be found

Hmm, I have no idea what could be wrong. Did you try calling Microsoft or the forums?

I thought they said my 360 was gonna last me ten years. whats this nonsense about 2012?

I guess they meant last in the sense like the PS2 is still active. They will make games for it for 10 years, but it won't be their main console. Besides, 7years is still quite a lot. How long was the first Xbox out before they released 360? 4 years? The PS2 also lasted 7 years before the PS3 was released.
i feel stupid right now.. I sold my elite for like 250 and now i wanna buy an xbox again cus of the new COD. wasting money ftl
I'm so ready for the next gen of gaming.. this gen under performed imo no game has blown me away so far besides uncharted 2 and gears 1 but I'm reallya sports game kind of guy.. when is a sports game is gonna finally look and feel larger than life? I'm waiting for a basketball game to finally feel likeI'm playing in front of 20,000 screaming fans on the road or feel a great home field advantage at home.. you guys understand where I'm going with this?
Originally Posted by KingFoamNYC

I'm so ready for the next gen of gaming.. this gen under performed imo no game has blown me away so far besides uncharted 2 and gears 1 but I'm really a sports game kind of guy.. when is a sports game is gonna finally look and feel larger than life? I'm waiting for a basketball game to finally feel like I'm playing in front of 20,000 screaming fans on the road or feel a great home field advantage at home.. you guys understand where I'm going with this?
No. ]]
That's how I felt when NBA 2k7 came out. Changed everything I felt about basketball games
Originally Posted by KingFoamNYC

I'm so ready for the next gen of gaming.. this gen under performed imo no game has blown me away so far besides uncharted 2 and gears 1 but I'm really a sports game kind of guy.. when is a sports game is gonna finally look and feel larger than life? I'm waiting for a basketball game to finally feel like I'm playing in front of 20,000 screaming fans on the road or feel a great home field advantage at home.. you guys understand where I'm going with this?
You do know first parties [Microsoft, Sony, Nintendo] intend for this current generation to go beyond 2012, right?

If you're waiting for the next generation, be prepared for this current one to last more than 6+ years total.
Originally Posted by RHYTHMentality

Originally Posted by KingFoamNYC

I'm so ready for the next gen of gaming.. this gen under performed imo no game has blown me away so far besides uncharted 2 and gears 1 but I'm really a sports game kind of guy.. when is a sports game is gonna finally look and feel larger than life? I'm waiting for a basketball game to finally feel like I'm playing in front of 20,000 screaming fans on the road or feel a great home field advantage at home.. you guys understand where I'm going with this?
You do know first parties [Microsoft, Sony, Nintendo] intend for this current generation to go beyond 2012, right?

If you're waiting for the next generation, be prepared for this current one to last more than 6+ years total.

I know and with that said hopefully the 7, 8 year life cycle of this gen will make the next gen so much better . Remember the jump from PS1 and N64 toDreamcast and then PS2? That's how a gen jump should be and hopefully that's what it will be in 2012 or 2013
Originally Posted by bee easyy

Anyone here cop Borderlands? Im thinking about copping.
im thinking about it but i havent really heard anything about it. all i know is its sorta like fallout 3 and i still havent beat fallout 3 yet.
i just watched some trailers and im off work today and tomorrow about to see if i can pick it up now
Anyone know of any good pre-order deals for COD:MW2? I already paid in full @ Gamestop, but they aren't rewarding my loyalty, lol.
Also, is anyone getting DJ Hero?
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