OG Sneakerheads vs Noobs

Lol buying cheaper = trying to be unique now?



I just copped this shoe

I like how it looks.  So now I'm purposely trying to be unique because it isn't an extremely popular brand?

The unique comment wasn't even about that ... SMH .. way over your head ... in regards to your latest acquisition, I can guarantee that amongst the individuals you hang around with that sneaker is recognizable ..... FACT!
wait what? i was the only person in my highschool that was into shoes, like the first time i wore foams to school no one knew what they were and i got a lot of "what are those things on your feet comments"

plenty of people buy shoes because they like them and not to impress others
LEE and Wrangler jeans look terrible and have odd fits WTF would i own those. People should try and be unique btw
Not only that - they are Lee and Wrangler ...

In addition, you think they look terrible and I can guarantee you that several hundred or even million of people would disagree ... thus you make my point again .. you aren't purchasing those jeans because they aren't what's popular within your circle of friends or even environment .... 
I'm clearly not talking to people that can comprehend facts .....

If you are saying LEE and Wrangler are popular - well, yes, they have their followers and within their culture they are hot. They think purchasing brands that you might think are hot is stupid.

Thus making my point true ....

People initially are attracted to what's sociably acceptable within their culture and/or environment and within the brands, they are going to branch out to what they like. 

But it's cool - I don't expect you to understand what I'm saying .. I have seen a lot of that with you my dude!
No, you said people pretend they want to be different, then ask how many lees and wranglers we owned to prove your point. That's yet another dumb comment from you because how could owning those brand jeans help you become different when millions of people already do??

For the record I also have some cheap khakis from target I wear sometimes. They fit ok and for the price you can't beat it on lazy days at work ...... Am I unique now??

We get it, you buy clothes to fit in. Keep that to yourself next time bud, it's a little embarrassing
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No, you said people pretend they want to be different, then ask how many lees and wranglers we owned to prove your point. That's yet another dumb comment from you because how could owning those brand jeans help you become different when millions of people already do??

For the record I also have some cheap khakis from target I wear sometimes. They wit ok and for the price you can't beat it on lazy days at work ...... Am I unique now??

We get it, you buy clothes to fit in. Keep that to yourself next time bud, it's a little embarrassing
I thought that other dudes that be going in at you were exaggerating, but I see what they were talking about!

Just go back to my initial comment re-read/re-post it/quote it ... nothing change, you just can't comprehend!

If you see a pic of Giancarlo Esposito and...

your first thought is "Buggin' Out" ...You're an OG

your first thought is "Gus Fring" ...You're a Noob

I thought that other dudes that be going in at you were exaggerating, but I see what they were talking about!

Just go back to my initial comment re-read/re-post it/quote it ... nothing change, you just can't comprehend!

Ninjahood type response. You got 3-4 dudes telling you to just quit talking yet you refuse to be wrong. The you flip the argument into something you think'll help you but actually does nothing and somewhat makes things a little worse.

Dudes going in at me?? Lol
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How is that "point proven"?

In order to like a pair of sneakers you have to look at it somewhere, so what you're trying to get at isn't working
The unique comment wasn't even about that ... SMH .. way over your head ... in regards to your latest acquisition, I can guarantee that amongst the individuals you hang around with that sneaker is recognizable ..... FACT!
@ your generalizations

@ "guarantee" & "fact"

The people I hang out with could give 2 ***** about sneakers
People talking about purchasing dope shoes because they like them ... yeah that might be true, but if those DOPE shoes where not popular you wouldn't bother ....

dudes trying to disassociate themselves, but in fact you are no freaking difference ....

you buying shoes because they are popular and stylish and you want to present yourself in a good/stylish way to society and what they deem acceptable .... if not you wouldn't give a flying **** if you wore Nikes or Avias or Payless ... come on now!
partially - but dont come over here and say that's the only reason ..... 

there are plenty of no brand comfortable shoes .... let me know how many of them you own!

I doubt it homeboy ....

they probably wouldn't even know how comfortable they are because they aren't a name brand or what's hot in the streets ....

**** outta here with that ...

just like dudes that can regularly bag 10's .... they might want more than just look, but they aren't looking at a 4 when they want to be with a 10 - they just happen to look for qualities they like within that 10 not a 4 .... facts of life ....
What I'm saying is that most people that are able to afford and are in tune with fashion and with the times aren't going to purchase a lesser brand of shoe/sneaker/cloths period.

They partially purchase stuff because they look good and because of the brand. Of course there are exceptions - when you see something you like but is not a brand that you normally would wear, you still cop it.

However, I don't give a **** how good they look or how comfortable they feel, I will not wear crocks or uggs or payless .... that's just me.

Relatives and family take it to the extreme and they wouldn't buy anything less than gucci or prada ... but that's because in their circle they have an appearance to uphold.

who knows, maybe that's why I think this way.

PS. I'm not talking about the actual shoe but the BRAND.
LMAO ... dudes just want to be unique ....

whatever my dude ...

let me know how many Lee and Wrangler jeans you have my dude ...

I'm clearly not talking to people that can comprehend facts .....

If you are saying LEE and Wrangler are popular - well, yes, they have their followers and within their culture they are hot. They think purchasing brands that you might think are hot is stupid.

Thus making my point true ....

People initially are attracted to what's sociably acceptable within their culture and/or environment and within the brands, they are going to branch out to what they like. 

But it's cool - I don't expect you to understand what I'm saying .. I have seen a lot of that with you my dude!
Not only that - they are Lee and Wrangler ...

In addition, you think they look terrible and I can guarantee you that several hundred or even million of people would disagree ... thus you make my point again .. you aren't purchasing those jeans because they aren't what's popular within your circle of friends or even environment .... 
There you go blaster COMBO .. maybe you can follow more easily instead of taking one reply out of context ....

My original point and still is:

A lot of reply up in here about buying dope shoes because they like them. No body is saying that you aren't buying a dope shoe because of the hype ... what I'm saying that part of saying that's a dope shoe is because of the brand and the reputation the manufacture of the shoe already has. If the shoe was a a starsburry you probably wouldn't be buying it. but whatever ...
How is that "point proven"?

In order to like a pair of sneakers you have to look at it somewhere, so what you're trying to get at isn't working

@ your generalizations

@ "guarantee" & "fact"

The people I hang out with could give 2 ***** about sneakers
Ok my dude - you bought the kicks because you randomly saw them somewhere and thought they were nice .. it has nothing to do with the people you associate with nor anything you have an interest in. You just saw them liked them and did research and bought them .. nothing else persuade you to purchase them. GOT IT!

PS. I seen a bunch of colombians that are in to soccer and all dress very similar - those skinny jeans or track suits with spikey hair wearing adidas pumas or lacoq around Corona .. just saying .. not sure if this is your style but seems lke the style of many people around Queens that wear the brand.
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How is that "point proven"?

In order to like a pair of sneakers you have to look at it somewhere, so what you're trying to get at isn't working

@ your generalizations

@ "guarantee" & "fact"

The people I hang out with could give 2 ***** about sneakers
Ok my dude - you bought the kicks because you randomly saw them somewhere and thought they were nice .. it has nothing to do with the people you associate with nor anything you have an interest in. You just saw them liked them and did research and bought them .. nothing else persuade you to purchase them. GOT IT!
goes to store, sees shoes for the first time, likes the look of the shoes, tries them on and likes the feel, buys the shoes

i would think this is the thought process of most people that buy shoes

 at considering if what the bros would think before buying clothing
There you go blaster COMBO .. maybe you can follow more easily instead of taking one reply out of context ....

My original point and still is:

A lot of reply up in here about buying dope shoes because they like them. No body is saying that you aren't buying a dope shoe because of the hype ... what I'm saying that part of saying that's a dope shoe is because of the brand and the reputation the manufacture of the shoe already has. If the shoe was a a starsburry you probably wouldn't be buying it. but whatever ...

No this is your OPINION.... A dope shoe is a dope shoe in my eyes only if i like the design personally. Example i wouldn't by Galaxy foams at retail price because their ****** hideous.

If i have two brands that make the exact product and one is known and the other isn't i'm not going to buy something simply based off the brand.

the fact that you find it so hard to believe people simply buy things because they like it and don't care how others feel about it.... Highlights the problem with these new "Sneakerheads". dudes out here rushing to cop a release to sit it next to the other boxes on instagram. ****** don't know what to like without someone telling them what's hot.
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goes to store, sees shoes for the first time, likes the look of the shoes, tries them on and likes the feel, buys the shoes

i would think this is the thought process of most people that buy shoes

 at considering if what the bros would think before buying clothing
I would think that to ....

How many times have I heard, they look nice mom, but they aren't Nikes. Come on ... 

Look at the times - people are buying shoes just of the fact they retro ....

I'm not going to sit here and tell you that I would buy a payless shoe if it was dope, because I wouldn't just for the pure fact is payless. If you would, then go on you ... hell i wouldn't even know if there's a great payless shoe because is not in me to walk into the store ..  I guess you guys would. That's cool ....

Just not me ..
There you go blaster COMBO .. maybe you can follow more easily instead of taking one reply out of context ....

My original point and still is:

A lot of reply up in here about buying dope shoes because they like them. No body is saying that you aren't buying a dope shoe because of the hype ... what I'm saying that part of saying that's a dope shoe is because of the brand and the reputation the manufacture of the shoe already has. If the shoe was a a starsburry you probably wouldn't be buying it. but whatever ...
You just reposted your ridiculous generalizations as if it's helping your case.
i would buy a payless shoe if it was dope, i have yet to see a dope payless shoe though 
No this is your OPINION.... A dope shoe is a dope shoe in my eyes only if i like the design personally. Example i wouldn't by Galaxy foams at retail price because their ****** hideous.

If i have two brands that make the exact product and one is known and the other isn't i'm not going to buy something simply based off the brand.

the fact that you find it so hard to believe people simply buy things because they like it and don't care how others feel about it.... Highlights the problem with these new "Sneakerheads". dudes out here rushing to cop a release to sit it next to the other boxes on instagram. ****** don't know what to like without someone telling them what's hot.
Who doesn't think that the Galaxy are hidious? Hypebeast .. LMAO - Watch me catch heat again ...

Ok - so what you are saying is that is "your favorite brand" makes a sneaker that's identical to a "your most hated brand"  brand sneaker - your ultimate decision will not be based on the brand? So what will it be based on, price?
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You just reposted your ridiculous generalizations as if it's helping your case.
I understand you aren't up to par .. congrats!

If people would not buy stuff just of brands, then, there wouldn't be any brands.
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Lol buying cheaper = trying to be unique now?



I just copped this shoe

View media item 717832

I like how it looks.  So now I'm purposely trying to be unique because it isn't an extremely popular brand?


Lol, as if millions of people don't buy those brands either.

You're wrong, just accept that.
keko Jones stay saying some ridiculous stuff.

He has that ninjahood complex... Thinking he knows people better than people know themselves.

I understand you aren't up to par .. congrats!

If people would not buy stuff just of brands, then, there wouldn't be any brands.

And again, some people don't care about the brand and buy what they like. When I look for the best running shoe out, I don't looks for the best nike running shoe out, I try on all brands. I'm not buying based on the brand, I'm buying off of performance. I do the same for whatever other activity as well. If that so happens to be an "inferior brand", whatever that means, then so be it.

You're speaking on behalf of insecure people and Tweens, that use clothing as a source of acceptance and "being cool". Your opinion proves that.

You have multiple people telling you that they don't care and buy what they like and your response, in a nut shell, is "yes you do because everyone does". The answer is NO, not all people buy shoes and clothes because they want to fit in. Some people can stand on their own two feet.
keko Jones stay saying some ridiculous stuff.

He has that ninjahood complex... Thinking he knows people better than people know themselves.

The similarities are uncanny.

"Do you like them?"


"Do you?"

"I said yes!"

"But you really don't"

"What? I think I do"

"Do you?"


"Do I?"

Lol, Jedi mind tricks gone wrong
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