OG Sneakerheads vs Noobs

i remember in highschool i thought buying rare shoes and keeping them DS would earn me a lot of money in the future :lol:

shoes are not a good investment :smh:
Long term no. Short term yes. You can place an order on NDC, paste a screenshot on an eBay auction and make 100 profit the same day before the shoe even arrive at ur doorstep.
It's really astounding to me how jb can release the same show over and over and it will continually sell out. Put a nike air on the back, raise the price by 50 and somehow they have people convincing themselves the price hike was just because quality on this sneaker is better than the pair released two years prior.

I mean how many version of a black red jordan 1 have been released the last dew years and it still sell out.

I think the OG colorways of the older models can keep re-releasing until the end of time and that is fine. I'm sure Nike will do so. With that said, I only buy one pair to rock now. I 'll wear them for several years and when they're too beat down, I'm sure the particular model is due for another retro by that time.

Truth be told, I don't even know what the Jordan 18 - current look like. The 17 was the last one I kept up with, I think I was in the 12th grade at that time. I remember that caused a lot of ruckus because it was $200 and that was a lot at the time. That's how much retros cost nowadays :lol:

It'll only get worse for the younger guys when they start retroing Lebrons and Kobes and KDs. Factor in that those lines get already 15 or so colorways per model, I'm not even sure how many retro plus colorways will be made.
I have been collecting for about 10 years and rockin Js for about 25 yrs. Yes collecting was awesome when you could go into a store at 1pm or even the next few days after release and buy what you want. But...The culprit creating the hype today and making the hobby grow and thrive (even though they cause a lot of disappointing strike outs on release day) is Nike. They make everything limited which has made demand so high. They have not countered this demand with an equal increase in supply which makes almost every release day of a Jordan retro with at least 50% of consumers looking to buy come up empty handed. After that people are thirsty for the next release. It's a vicious, genius cycle.
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 Dont forget this one.... Laney 5's = Blockbuster 5's
Bruh Im the on who made that nickname popular

People were calling them best buy 5s before 
Bruh Im the on who made that nickname popular

People were calling them best buy 5s before 
Maybe. I cant confirm this. But what I can confirm is on Halloween last year, my nephews and his friends comes in from school talking about what they are going to rock with there "Blockbuster 5's" when they cop. When I asked to show me pics, I was in total disgust and had to take them to school on the kicks. Smh.
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Jordan sneakers have reached Chuck Taylor status. What I mean by that is there is no connection between MJ the player and Js the sneaker for second gen buyers. No one this board saw Chuck Taylor deliver a bounce pass to a cutting teammate, but we still can wear our Chucks without some old man telling us why we don't have the right to wear them since we didn't see Chuck play. So you can't blame the youngs for simply being born after MJ retired.

Let the youngs keep the brand going. They are the reason why us old guys were able to have a shot at the retro 3 88', including OG colorways.

The only thing that bothers me slid the foolishness on release day.
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Jordan sneakers have reached Chuck Taylor status. What I mean by that is there is no connection between MJ the player and Js the sneaker for second gen buyers. No one this board saw Chuck Taylor deliver a bounce pass to a cutting teammate, but we still can wear our Chucks without some old man telling us why we don't have the right to wear them since we didn't see Chuck play. So you can't blame the youngs for simply being born after MJ retired.

Let the youngs keep the brand going. They are the reason why us old guys were able to have a shot at the retro 3 88', including OG colorways.

The only thing that bothers me slid the foolishness on release day.
Stop proclaiming and start living in reality man. The gap between chuck and his shoes is WAYYYYYYYYY Bigger than MJ and Jordans. MJ just last played in 03 bruh lol. Its been 10 years. I actually rooted for him more in 03 because he was playing for the home team and I was just a kid then. These kids watch Youtube and know who MJ is. They might know more than some of yall who watched him in the bulls days.
Stop proclaiming and start living in reality man. The gap between chuck and his shoes is WAYYYYYYYYY Bigger than MJ and Jordans. MJ just last played in 03 bruh lol. Its been 10 years. I actually rooted for him more in 03 because he was playing for the home team and I was just a kid then. These kids watch Youtube and know who MJ is. They might know more than some of yall who watched him in the bulls days.

:rofl: word.

plus you comparing chuck taylor who BARELY PLAYED BALL PROFESSIONALLY to the G.O.A.T.

Seriously. Look up Chuck Taylor basketball career, you can't find ANYTHING. No box-scores, nothing....Dude was part of a traveling "pro" team who he was a player-manager for.

http://books.google.com/books?id=Q9...q=chuck taylor basketball career stat&f=false

All due respect, he had some other very valid contributions to the game. However, the argument dude was trying to make is completely moot without any semblance of fact-checking. Truth is Chuck Taylor was an inventor, a business man, a coach and a manager. He LIED about being a champion though to market his shoes. The myth grew, people bought it and the rest is history.

So it's a completely invalid comparison to begin with. Ya'll dudes man.

plus you comparing chuck taylor who BARELY PLAYED BALL PROFESSIONALLY to the G.O.A.T.

Seriously. Look up Chuck Taylor basketball career, you can't find ANYTHING. No box-scores, nothing....Dude was part of a traveling "pro" team who he was a player-manager for.

http://books.google.com/books?id=Q9...q=chuck taylor basketball career stat&f=false

All due respect, he had some other very valid contributions to the game. However, the argument dude was trying to make is completely moot without any semblance of fact-checking. Truth is Chuck Taylor was an inventor, a business man, a coach and a manager. He LIED about being a champion though to market his shoes. The myth grew, people bought it and the rest is history.

So it's a completely invalid comparison to begin with. Ya'll dudes man.
And I think dude forgot that MJ is one of the most known HUMAN beings in the entire world lol
Meh. Been into it since 06. Shoes came and gone. A lot of people seem to be into it now which is cool but it's kinda OD nowadays. 13yr olds buying $170 shoes every weekend that they're gonna grow out of next month, plus the parents condoning it... C'mon son. Now that I'm a little older I got bills to take care of so shoes are put on the back burner but if there's certain pairs I like I usually find a way to grab it for retail if less.
Though I dont fully agree with watching MJ play as a prerequisite to owning Air Jordan's, I do find it odd that a lot of the people are enamored with air Jordan's don't play basketball at all. For me the whole love of air Jordan's and sneakers period came from Michael Jordan. My dad was constantly saying "it's the shoes" every time Jordan would do something spectacular (my household were Knicks fans growing up :frown: ) I thought his shoes literally made you jump higher and do more on the court. That was all the advantage I needed to beat the other kids in the neighborhood.
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Though I dont fully agree with watching MJ play as a prerequisite to owning Air Jordan's, I do find it odd that a lot of the people are enamored with air Jordan's don't play basketball at all. For me the whole love of air Jordan's and sneakers period came from Michael Jordan. My dad was constantly saying "it's the shoes" every time Jordan would do something spectacular (my household were Knicks fans growing up
) I thought his shoes literally made you jump higher and do more on the court. That was all the advantage I needed to beat the other kids in the neighborhood.
agreed, its weird to me that people buy kobes and lebrons and dont play a bit of basketball (they dont even go running or anything)

part of the excitement of getting a players sig shoe is that feeling when you buy the shoe that you watched kobe/lebron/jordan/kd score 50 in and now you have them on your feet feeling invincible on the court 
agreed, its weird to me that people buy kobes and lebrons and dont play a bit of basketball (they dont even go running or anything)

part of the excitement of getting a players sig shoe is that feeling when you buy the shoe that you watched kobe/lebron/jordan/kd score 50 in and now you have them on your feet feeling invincible on the court 
you must of grown up in the suburbs then ,anybody from the streets will fill you in the need to be fresh to be accepted.why people have such a strong connections with sports in general boggles my mind.

got dudes crying because their favorite team lost or flipping strangers cars because they won.

my summer of 94 was no better or worse cuz mj left the game.

if mj is the reason you like sneakers then everyone would be like jumpmanbostic and rock nothing but jordan gear,if you branch off to other styles and brands then something else more than mj played a factor into why you like shoes.
agreed, its weird to me that people buy kobes and lebrons and dont play a bit of basketball (they dont even go running or anything)

part of the excitement of getting a players sig shoe is that feeling when you buy the shoe that you watched kobe/lebron/jordan/kd score 50 in and now you have them on your feet feeling invincible on the court 
you must of grown up in the suburbs then ,anybody from the streets will fill you in the need to be fresh to be accepted.
 at needing basketball shoes to feel accepted unless you're trying out for a basketball team
I remember going to the Mall in my Nike Dunk Forbes in the mid 2000s and had dudes asking me where I got them. Nowadays, when i wear em out (keep in mind theyre like 7/10 condition), i get no love. LOL (lame, i know. i dont care. dont act like u dont enjoy getting props for heat!!)

nonetheless, new sneakerdudes are all good. division is the last thing we need in this community.
At needing shoes to be accepted

Can't tell if people are being serious right now lmao
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At needing shoes to be accepted

Can't tell if people are being serious right now lmao

i just wanted to say your post to "number of years you've been a member" RATIO..... is IMPECCABLE!! :wow:

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Yeah I think shoes from back in the day resonate with older cats because of Nike's advertising back then and actually witnessing players exploits wearing those particular shoes... you just don't get that anymore. The players from the 90's had so much personality (manufactured or not) and the marketing was all new and never seen before.

Really, I can't get with designer "sneakers" like Louboutins, Margiela's or Lanvin's or whatever... there's no story behind them and functionally they will never justify the price
At needing shoes to be accepted

Can't tell if people are being serious right now lmao
i just wanted to say your post to "number of years you've been a member" RATIO..... is IMPECCABLE!!
 his accounts been on layaway for longer than NH's jesus piece 
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