Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

Go read the theories on it. I kinda want to see it after being spoiled.
The metaphor is blatant as ****.

I didn't need theories even though I read a bit and watched some parts of vids spoiling it when I thought it was a psychological thriller.

I say weird and ****** up cuz aint no way a normal person would just let their home be invaded like that :lol: Mother Nature is a huge pushover. Makes no sense :lol:

No wonder why irl she creates hurricanes, earthquakes and tsunamis.
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Reading the discussions, it seems a few people aren't seeing. Having heard and read about it, I'm lost how people missed the metaphor. **** sounds SUPER blatant.
It 6/8. Good entertaining movie not great.

What I didn't like was for almost like the first hr there was no hint at all of why Pennywise was doing what he was doing. It got to the point he's attacking and preying on kids in broad daylight and I'm lie I need an explanation :lol:

Thee Richie kid was a stand out actor. Brought ALL the lulz.

Enjoyed this more for the humor. My theater was close to full but nobody was really reacting to the scary parts with screams or jumping (which I prefer). It was like they were all like me. When what happens to Georgie at the start it was all "Damn. Sheeit that clown foul."

I'll peep chapter 2.
It 6/8. Good entertaining movie not great.

What I didn't like was for almost like the first hr there was no hint at all of why Pennywise was doing what he was doing. It got to the point he's attacking and preying on kids in broad daylight and I'm lie I need an explanation :lol:
lemme see if I can explain as short as possible:lol: Also small spoilers/easter eggs

Stephen King IT is over a thousand pages long. So even a chapter 2 movie wouldn't even fully give the details. SK's books are all somehow connected. The movie with Idris The Dark Tower is also a SK. Idris technically in his book kills what is known as Pennywise, not a final boss or anything. SK goes into details that Penny is an ancient demon that has killed for thousands of years. somehow every 30 years he hunts children in Derry (whatever its weird). Penny's nemesis is an ancient turtle (both are from other dimensions) that is said to carry the world on its back. the movie shows reference to a turtle twice. I counted lol.

IT wasn't even a top book for him. it was during SK's drug and alcohol writing phase so a lot of things are haywire. and in the IT book after they what they think is disposing of Penny, Beverley, in her mind decides in order to bring everyone together to escape the sewer she has sex with all the boys. People are talking about the outrage of having a child train in his books while in recent interview SK has said that "it's something to note of many people that they fuss more about children having consensual sex in a row instead of actually many kids being killed in detail. I don't know what it is but it's there" verbatim but yeah.
Oh wow :lol:

I didn't remember Bev sexing all the boys in the miniseries.

I need to read more SK books. Only read like a handful. Did not know IT was over a thousand pgs long either :lol:
My mom is a ridiculous reader, she has an entire library of pretty much everything, but specifically King and Koontz. Every damn one of them joints is like 1,000+. :lol: I can read Star Wars books, but I draw the line there. :lol:

I'm sure she picked up on all the details and easter eggs that were in there, I went in truly blind to IT, hadn't seen the 80's movie, or the mini series, or nothin. I went in 100% blind, and actually enjoyed it that way. But I am sure I missed quite a few things.
It Comes at Night


Grim as hell, even for a post-apocalyptic flick. It's no Children of Men or The Road, but the elements work pretty well create a fair amount of suspense.. Ending is very unsatisfying however.
There was only a mini-series in '89 or '90. Two parts. They went back and forth between adults and flashing back to when they were kids in the first part. second was all adults. 2017 brought only kids and the next one will be only adults(assuming). They interviewed the kids as to who they think should play their adult versions(so what I said shouldn't be too spoilerish) and some were comical. dude whose gonna be black panther was one and Chris Pratt for i think the fat kid:lol:

no child train in the mini series :lol:. and technically Penny is in form of a clown only for a little bit. supposed to be your biggest fear. talk about killing an entire job market for clowns in the 80s onward:rofl:
mother! 2.4 out of 8

Mid way through mother! I thought to myself, why the hell am I still watching this nonsense. I had to force myself from walking out of the theater which is a practice I normally frown at. Several people walked out mumbling expletives and I don't blame them. I understand the biblical ideas that Darren is trying to convey but the execution of said ideas is excruciatingly bad.
:lol: Really didnt come off that bad of a movie.

Although, given the lack of score (should've had some) or soundtrack (understandable) I did find myself fighting off sleep as I nearly dozed off in the scenes before she says she's pregnant.

I will say its a good thing my plans changed and I saw IT after mother! as opposed to before like I intended.
There was only a mini-series in '89 or '90. Two parts. They went back and forth between adults and flashing back to when they were kids in the first part. second was all adults. 2017 brought only kids and the next one will be only adults(assuming). They interviewed the kids as to who they think should play their adult versions(so what I said shouldn't be too spoilerish) and some were comical. dude whose gonna be black panther was one and Chris Pratt for i think the fat kid:lol:

no child train in the mini series :lol:. and technically Penny is in form of a clown only for a little bit. supposed to be your biggest fear. talk about killing an entire job market for clowns in the 80s onward:rofl:

Finn, who plays Richie, says he wants Bill Hader to play his older self. That needs to happen
This thread really on the 6th page :smh:

Anyways moviepass been clutch. Just randomly catching late showings after the gym now :lol:

Caught Wind River last night, bouta peep mother! rn
mother! was great. My wife was about to walk out, but she finished it. I thought it was great and better than his last religious outing, Noah.

American Assassin, decent typical action flick, not bad.

Looking forward to seeing Kingsman on Thursday.
tomb raider and jumnaji both look like well-crafted cash grabs.
i'll def watch both.

when i can download a decent copy.
This thread really on the 6th page :smh:

It's the notifications now man. NT randomly updates when a thread is posted in, and then goes silent for like 2 weeks.

Then I check my "watched threads" and it only shows 2-3 with a lame *** "there may be more" I have to click to get to where I wanna be. Stupid pain to navigate around here unlike the old Subscriptions that were MONEY. Need those back asap.
It's the notifications now man. NT randomly updates when a thread is posted in, and then goes silent for like 2 weeks.

Then I check my "watched threads" and it only shows 2-3 with a lame *** "there may be more" I have to click to get to where I wanna be. Stupid pain to navigate around here unlike the old Subscriptions that were MONEY. Need those back asap.
Lol I think the site only notifies you about threads that you been in on that day.

For example, if you were only in TAN today, you'd only get notifications about the TAN thread. If you happened to visit, say, the nba thread next, you'll get notifications about that too

But if the next day all you visit is the nba thread, you'll only get notifications about the nba thread
The Sinner finale was tonight.

What a ******* waste of time these past 8 weeks have been. Awful finish.
Man. Watched The Village again last night.....for like the hundredth time. It's so stupid but it's entertaining :lol:

The cast is insane though!

Joaquin Phoenix

Sigourney Weaver

William Hurt
Brendan Gleeson

Bryce Dallas Howard

Adrien Brody

Jesse Eisenberg

Michael Pitt
The guy who dissects poo in the "Who Pooped the Bed" episode of Always Sunny
Fatty Magoo from the "Aluminum Monster vs Fatty Magoo" episode of always sunny...

It's amazing what they were able to accomplish with that script :lol:
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