Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

The Rise of Skywalker 5/8 - Its hard to place it in the rankings. But I would probably put it under Rogue One. Middle of the pack.
Question for hard copy purchasers. If I pre order the hard copy of a movie and the digital is available before the disc, will get a code emailed to me for the digital on it's release date to watch before my disc comes in?
Lighthouse dropped on digital today but disc isn't until January but I hate owning digital only.
Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker

My expectations were rock bottom going into this tbh, i was maybe like 2/8 hyped for it. Didnt even really plan on seeing it so soon but was talked into seeing it at 8 am this morning lmao.

6/8 not bad at all and seemed like a decent attempt at making up for Last Jedi.
Question for hard copy purchasers. If I pre order the hard copy of a movie and the digital is available before the disc, will get a code emailed to me for the digital on it's release date to watch before my disc comes in?
Lighthouse dropped on digital today but disc isn't until January but I hate owning digital only.

no the code usually comes on a slip with the bluray. You’re gonna have to wait.
no the code usually comes on a slip with the bluray. You’re gonna have to wait.

I did get emailed a code when I ordered Once Upon a Time though but the physical was already out so I'm not sure if the physical release date would have an affect on it or not
People actively trying to make me think 1 and 2 "weren't that bad" are borderline chargeable offenses.

Uncut Gems and Rise of Skywalker tomorrow

Got free time this early afternoon, should I catch Knives out or Rise of the Skywalker?
Yikes what a choice. I havent seen one yet and didn't like the other.

Imma shoot in the dark and say Rise of Skywalker since I havent seen it yet.
saw an interesting movie, from the 40's called A Letter To 3 Wives that I thought would make a cool remake
basically 3 friends set off on a trip on a boat and get a note from another friend back home that she's having affair with and going to run off with one of their husbands while they're stuck on the boat. Then a series of flashbacks about their relationships and interactions happen as the three try to piece together which one it could be. Girls Trip 2: Electric Bugaloo
Man, I haven't seen ELF since I copped the DVD back in 03.
I never knew Zooey Deschanel was in this?!

Man, I haven't seen ELF since I copped the DVD back in 03.
I never knew Zooey Deschanel was in this?!

I connected the dots when she started talking with her bland voice. She does look completely different with blonde hair though.
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Anybody watched The Witcher yet? I’ve Fallen asleep 3 times trying to get through the 1st episode. Not because it was awful so far, I’ve just been fatigued from my job.

is it any good though? Sci-fi/fantasy is usually my jam.
Haven't taken a deep dive review in the Star Wars thread, but Rise of Skywalker wasn't as bad as I thought it would be judging by the reviews, but that wasn't a surprise.

I'm of the camp that didn't hate The Last Jedi as much as most of the people in here, I was completely on board if that was the direction they wanted to take Star Wars. Give us something different and new and whatever Rian did... but you just knew they were going to walk that back... SPRINT that back, as soon as JJ returned to the helm. The first act was absurdly rushed, not a moment to breathe, the stakes didn't feel real with all of the death fakeouts, and the audible groan from half the audience with the kiss at the end was so uncomfortable.

There was some good stuff in here, probably more than in TFA just because that was such a trip down memory lane. JJ just felt like he missed so many moments in this one that should have hit harder, and some of that is on the franchise and Lucasfilm for not setting this story up right to have those emotional payoffs in the way of the MCU, but it's also on JJ with the way he tells a story not just narratively but visually. I think this could have been a very similar movie in the hands of a lot of different directors if they said "Wrap this up" and that's a shame. The biggest frustration is the lack of a plan and vision but we all knew that after the last one so I'm not too upset. I'd probably put this somewhere in the 70ish/100 range but I'll need to think on it more. They did hit some of the marks they needed and if we love this franchise and these characters, some of those moments would have hit well and they did, but I think that's just the nature of the history of the saga as well as John Williams' score.
Knives Out - 5/8

Pretty good film overall but I think I was just expecting more. It was just missing something to take it to the next level and I thought it was pretty easy to figure out who was responsible for the death.
Uncut Gems 5.8/8

This was good but maybe I was too hyped for it cuz it was not great. Fun movie, definitely entertaining but never reached those high levels or peaked.

Adam Sandler totally immersed himself in this character. He was really good but if he doesn't get an Oscar nom I can kinda see why.

This movie had some things in common with Good Time in both a good and bad ways. The movie had this unfinished feel and look to it. Gave it a realness but at times a bit too unpolished. The good way in that the pace is fast and good and you're engaged throughout.

Julia Fox :evil:

Star Wars Episode IX: Rise of Skywalker 5.6/8

Ok so off bat I feel this was easily better than The Last Jedi. Luckily for me JJ had to spend more time fixing what Rian ****** up and squandered and not as much time trying to rehash all of Return of the Jedi. I have no doubt things would be different if it weren't for TLJ

No character felt wasted, none of the poorly written characters got enough spotlight to continue to be poorly written, there were no lame subplots with bull **** meaningless messages to them. Pretty much the main characters were treated like they were suppose to be treated in a movie that is the end of the trilogy and also as if they got meaningful character development in the previous movie (even though NONE of them got that).

The movie didn't seem rushed or crammed with details or action like some have claimed to me. To me it felt just like TLJ in that regard in that it picked up where it left off just with some time passing implied. I read someone saying there was no down periods or slow moments for a bathroom break but to me that was easily the beginning of the movie after the Palpatine reveal and the Poe, Rey, Finn reintroductions when they go that first sand planet with the festival happening. The movie is just an adventure along the way with one task to another on multiple planets ending in the final battle.

What I didnt like about this movie was Palpatine's reveal, which was what was rushed and shoved in the viewer's face to accept and move on from. It was like checking off plot points.

The supporting cast of women in this were wasted. Poe's old flame kinda not needed a doesnt add much. Shorty who was also a former stormtrooper connecting with Finn. I get what JJ is trying to do but this is character connections/developments that should've showed up in episode VIII.

If JJ wanted Finn to be force sensitive he should've made it abundantly clear in TFA. In the 2nd half of this movie it was wild obvious Finn was force sensitive :lol: Fam out here sensing where Rey is, sensing the navigating thing the final order fleet needed, sensed it was on another ship, sensed he needed to stay on the ship and take out the control room. No different than when Rey sensed Chewie was alive or Ben sensing where Rey was just in a bit more detail. It was like he was reading the script during the battle. It wasnt much but it was emphasized more cuz when you think about the parallels, Finn is the Leia of the group with the whole usefulness and force sensitive angle.

That forced Rey and Ben kiss. Handled tentatively up to that point. Should've just had them embrace with a hug. Such a terrible pairing

Should've let my man Sidious fight Rey. He was back in his old age prime.

Didn't care much for the Leia stuff or Luke other than ****ting on TLJ. The Han and Ben scene was w/e. These are the things I never cared about and won't bother me. I'm just happy Ben is dead dead.

Unlike many of you I don't care much about Luke or the Skywalker legacy so none of that bothered me. It was just the poor decision making by character and for the story by writers/directors and then the even worse execution.

Anyway gotta give props to JJ cuz the movie accomplished enough to make it in my top 5 SW movies not that it was particularly hard to do.
kinda interested in seeing Cats just to see how bad it is :lol:
guess they are already re-releasing an updated version to the theatres
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