Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

Wayminit, @jayt1202, @jrp44, C CP1708 , and any other Ozark fans:

I literally just remembered that season 4 started... with the First Family of the show... IN A HORRIFIC ACCIDENT THAT WAS JUST NEVER REVISITED.

I asked when the next season starts up and someone answered that it's actually season 4, part 2 in a few weeks or whatever. OK, so I'm not waiting for the next season, I'm waiting for the 2nd half of the season 4. Got it. Well I need the 2nd half of season 4 to very quickly get back to that car accident. What was that? Why was that? When was that?

This is kind of a big deal.


Kind of a Breaking Bad type opening. A flash forward. They'll show us later and it will all make sense then.
Swear I keep thinking Breaking Bad watching this. I just can't figure out if Wendy is Skylar, Walter...

... or Gus.


Wendy is all 3 of them......great.

Skylar, Walt and Gus were tremendous in their roles. Same here.

The leads of this series are equally phenomenal.
The leads of this series are equally phenomenal.
Who are we even rooting for in Ozark? 🤣
Bro teaching his son **** that damn near got him killed to start the show, Wendy's impulsive recklessness grating my damn nerves, surely no one's cheering on Omar or Javy...

... hell at this point I'm rocking w/ Ruth. 😂 And Charlotte.

Jonah breaking bad. :frown:

X was cool. Probably would’ve enjoyed it more if I was more of a slasher fan. Has some pretty funny moments and some pretty weird moments :lol:
Had never heard of X until I saw a few of you talking about it in here. Looked it up. A24? Cool, cool.

Wait, it's a group trying to make porn out in like a cabin they're renting or something? And the old couple who owns the place finds out and what... tries to kill them?

Someone sell this movie to me. Why is it such a major component in horror movies that if you have sex, you die? 🤣

I'm back men. but rapid fire of the ones ive seen recently. #90sThrillers
precursor to the Matrix have we?

and yes I'll admit these were all first time viewings for me. I've heard of them all maybe even seen come clips but now getting around to it.

especially Stargate. as a Star Wars fanatic anything close will peak interest but here bridging anything closer to Star Trek rather than Wars I'd miss on purpose
Stargate (film) - Wikipedia

last but definitely my fav of this bunch
Ronin (1998) - IMDb
Had never heard of X until I saw a few of you talking about it in here. Looked it up. A24? Cool, cool.

Wait, it's a group trying to make porn out in like a cabin they're renting or something? And the old couple who owns the place finds out and what... tries to kill them?

Someone sell this movie to me. Why is it such a major component in horror movies that if you have sex, you die? 🤣


Its definitely not for everyone :lol:
Some people love it from what I’ve read, it was a solid nod to 70s slashers if that’s your thing.
A lot of goofy jokes. The motive for the killings is…interesting too :lol:
And there is one scene that made me say “ah hell naw” out loud in the theaters :lol:

There’s a healthy amount of porn stuff happening in it as well
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Its definitely not for everyone :lol:
Some people love it from what I’ve read, it was a solid nod to 70s slashers if that’s your thing.
A lot of goofy jokes. The motive for the killings is…interesting too :lol:
And there is one scene that made me say “as hell naw” out loud in the theaters :lol:

There’s a healthy amount of porn stuff happening in it as well
Since, based on your review, I looked up the film and read that my girl Brittany Snow is one of the “performers”, that last line there has sold me on checking it out.
Stay after the credits for X too. Director secretly filmed a prequel right after filming X and there’s a trailer for it. Think he’a going for a trilogy.
A trilogy? Of a movie called X? 👀 Would the sequel presumably be... XX? 👀 Sooooo we just gonna have XXX right there in theaters, huh?

Figured to share it here and a couple other threads I had been the most active over the years here.. but I got promoted and wanted to share with the Niketalk fam. Job I've been working for the last 5-6 years which is why my posting slowed down with the schedule, was manning the ship the last 6-8 months and finally got the big call up to the next level. So I'm pleased to get there finally.. thanks to everyone in here for the jokes and laughs and friendship and being an outlet when life gets heavy. Appreciate everyone.
Figured to share it here and a couple other threads I had been the most active over the years here.. but I got promoted and wanted to share with the Niketalk fam. Job I've been working for the last 5-6 years which is why my posting slowed down with the schedule, was manning the ship the last 6-8 months and finally got the big call up to the next level. So I'm pleased to get there finally.. thanks to everyone in here for the jokes and laughs and friendship and being an outlet when life gets heavy. Appreciate everyone.
Tap, tap, pull.

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