Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

“*Laughs” I’m totally unappreciated in my time. You can run this whole park in this room with minimal staff for up to three days! You think that kind of automation is easy? *slurps drink* or cheap? You know anybody who can network 8 connection machines or de-bug two million lines of code for what I bid for this job? ‘Cause if he can I’d love to see him try!”
“*Laughs” I’m totally unappreciated in my time. You can run this whole park in this room with minimal staff for up to three days! You think that kind of automation is easy? *slurps drink* or cheap? You know anybody who can network 8 connection machines or de-bug two million lines of code for what I bid for this job? ‘Cause if he can I’d love to see him try!”
So this makes me think of something that occurred to me the last time I watched JP. Hammond says repeatedly in different contexts that he "spared no expense" in creating the park, but clearly he cheaped out on the IT staffing. And that really was the cause of the disaster that ensued. Even in 1993 he should have known better than give that work to the guy with the lowest bid. :smh:
So this makes me think of something that occurred to me the last time I watched JP. Hammond says repeatedly in different contexts that he "spared no expense" in creating the park, but clearly he cheaped out on the IT staffing. And that really was the cause of the disaster that ensued. Even in 1993 he should have known better than give that work to the guy with the lowest bid. :smh:
They were so preoccupied with whether or not they could that they didn’t stop to think if they should!
So this makes me think of something that occurred to me the last time I watched JP. Hammond says repeatedly in different contexts that he "spared no expense" in creating the park, but clearly he cheaped out on the IT staffing. And that really was the cause of the disaster that ensued. Even in 1993 he should have known better than give that work to the guy with the lowest bid. :smh:

This is a really good point I never noticed. Good catch! I wonder if Speilberg intentionally made that a character trait. Like purposely made him say those things and DO contradicting things to make him seem even more scumbagish. Or if it was an accident like “oh crap I forgot we had Hammon say he didn’t spare a single expense earlier. Too late to rewrite it, leave the part in where he’s a cheap bastard to his workers, it’s too funny to cut.”
What’s a movie that you would recommend that you feel others may not have seen? As an example, If I had to give someone a recommendation here is one such film I would go with

I actually rewatched this last week. Natalie Portman and Peter Sarsgaard were my favorite parts about it, but Zach Braff's character was mad annoying
**** me man. So, I fell asleep watching SMILE on EPIX. I’ll have to restart BUTBUTBUT, the reason for my post is I woke up from deep sleep with the tele on and it’s playing this sweet overtone Jazz tune that is pretty soothing, and I’m hearing words but nothing too strong or I’m just still half sleep and not fully awake. I hear a familiar voice doing some kind of eulogy so finally I open my eyes and it’s Tony Bennett, LEGEND Tony, the singer slash Sinatra Vegas singer, that guy. Now I’m fully awake, the eulogy he’s given is for AMY WINEHOUSE. Her film is on, chronicled life of Amy Winehouse. She’s absolutely Stunning, visually and she can sing. I never knew, I mean I know the rehab song and Mr Jones(she wrote that song about NAS by the way) but outside of that, to me she was always a quirky SNL punchline and nothing more. Bro, I was wrong about that line of thinking. This Film got me sitting here with tears man, what a story. What a lady, what a life/struggle. Of course it’s an A24 film. These guys just don’t miss.
One of my all time favorite movie credit intros. If I made a top 5, it would prob be #5. Which makes me wanna take the time to think of the other 4. The music :pimp: the feet shots :pimp: the intro to all the main characters (at the time) :pimp: the booty zoom to wide panning shot out the apartment window *chefs kiss*


I recently been thinking of writing a script for a TV show. I have never seen this movie, but loved the intro. I would love to just make a sick intro F the movie. LMAO.

CageGOD back at it again :pimp: 🔥

Saban Films? I am nervous. Watched half the trailer I am already in. Cage in a western never would have thought.
He didn’t die as the pilot in Flight Plan, but yes he died in the movie you’re referencing that I watched last night. :lol:
Also didn't die in Ronin, did get abused by a cup of coffee, though.

Classic man, is it that hard to make a classic these days. Outside of Baby D none of these people were big stars at the time.

Also he didn't die in The Martian, dude must be away from the action or he is a gonner.
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I always get irritated when I see that movie - nothing against it particularly, it’s just that I accidentally recorded it over the whole of the ‘93 NBA All-Star game…
I was about to say how can you hate this movie. Dude literally drove over Martin's last nerve backed up and drove over it again. Martin snaps on him, then thinks back on everything he said. Movie definitely hits the feels, when you seeing him alone on the bus station bench. RIP Candy.
I recently been thinking of writing a script for a TV show. I have never seen this movie, but loved the intro. I would love to just make a sick intro F the movie. LMAO.

Saban Films? I am nervous. Watched half the trailer I am already in. Cage in a western never would have thought.

If you ever wanna get tips on screenwriting, follow this guy on Instagram or YouTube. He’s a professional Hollywood screenwriter for film and mostly tv. All he does is gives tips on writing and inside information on how to make it in Hollywood in this profession.

He has free screenwriting seminars, he has paid content, etc. But even if you don’t do any writing at all, his Instagram is fascinating to me. Anytime I’m watching a movie I have all these questions like “how did they decide to write it like that, who made that decision to film it like that, how did they pitch this to the studio, were they afraid of executives stealing their ideas?” The list goes on and he’s a treasure trove of that kind of info. If you’re into how the sausage is made, his Instagram is mostly him answering questions people ask him in DM’s and comments on his posts.

If you ever wanna get tips on screenwriting, follow this guy on Instagram or YouTube. He’s a professional Hollywood screenwriter for film and mostly tv. All he does is gives tips on writing and inside information on how to make it in Hollywood in this profession.

He has free screenwriting seminars, he has paid content, etc. But even if you don’t do any writing at all, his Instagram is fascinating to me. Anytime I’m watching a movie I have all these questions like “how did they decide to write it like that, who made that decision to film it like that, how did they pitch this to the studio, were they afraid of executives stealing their ideas?” The list goes on and he’s a treasure trove of that kind of info. If you’re into how the sausage is made, his Instagram is mostly him answering questions people ask him in DM’s and comments on his posts.

I recommend this book as well -


It’s intended to be funny and it is, but also has some real, good practical tips on writing for the movie and TV business.
If you ever wanna get tips on screenwriting, follow this guy on Instagram or YouTube. He’s a professional Hollywood screenwriter for film and mostly tv. All he does is gives tips on writing and inside information on how to make it in Hollywood in this profession.

He has free screenwriting seminars, he has paid content, etc. But even if you don’t do any writing at all, his Instagram is fascinating to me. Anytime I’m watching a movie I have all these questions like “how did they decide to write it like that, who made that decision to film it like that, how did they pitch this to the studio, were they afraid of executives stealing their ideas?” The list goes on and he’s a treasure trove of that kind of info. If you’re into how the sausage is made, his Instagram is mostly him answering questions people ask him in DM’s and comments on his posts.

I most def appreciate that, trying to get out of my own way that I can't do it. The location I want the series to take place could use cash injection. Also, don't see many shows take place here. The TV show idea hasn't been done but has been done as a movie.
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