Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

Preference of action style to me. Mission Impossible has the epic larger than life moments no doubt and won't debate anyone that prefers them. I'm also in the minority that has gotten over MI the last few movies. Don't dislike any of them but not excited for more. I would say it's Tom Cruise bias but I loved Maverick so can't put my finger on it exactly.
See my thing is MI action style has range and is varied. Hand to hand, guns, bombs, all types of environments and terrain, truly epic stunts.

Wick is strictly guns, some hand to hand, and sometimes blades.

To me MI movies are only getting better and more epic. The last one was amazing. Not to stay JW4 wasn't but in a lot of ways it is more of the same.

Plus I feel you put Cruise in a Wick movie and he's going to demand everybody uses real guns 🔥

Fast and Furious, John Wick, and Mission Impossible all exist in the same universe imo. And I love every single one of them. :pimp:

knock at the cabin - 7/8

m. night byke. love these type of movies that make you question the price of a life, faith, logic, morals, love, belief, etc. bautista was fantastic. 1st round had me questioning the crew, 2nd round pushed me a little more. 3rd and 4th had me believing. a great job was done giving you context in small portions that swayed you to believe and also cause doubt. one of my faves so far this year.
Apparently there weren't plans for another movie but now theyre considering it because of the success of this one. They could do it if they want but I think this was the perfect send-off.
You said the magic word: success…ie…MONEY.

I would be legitimately stunned if this ends up being the one.

It’s not an art film or a serious drama. As great as they are, the Wick films are the dictionary definition of “popcorn flicks.”

And popcorn flicks are made for one reason…money.

If there’s money to be made, they make another one.

Hollywood is the most predictable industry that exists in that regard.
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