Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

Aaaand I have seen none of these movies! :lol:

Or Snake Eyes.


Maaaaaan. Gotta watch both Denzel films. They’re excellent thrillers. I guess for Cruise then you might not have seen Magnolia or Born on the 4th of July? Both were Oscar nominations for him.
I’ve seen Magnolia and Born on The Fourth of July, liked Magnolia even though the latter is much more ‘his’ film.
Another thought I had for A Bronx Tale…

Lorenzo (De Niro), a bus driver, opens the door for everyone as a part of his job

Here’s Sonny’s (Chazz) test that he tells to C,

The Door Test: after you unlock the passenger-side door for your date, will she unlock your driver-side door as you walk around to get in?

De Niro does that for a living.

Details seem important here :lol: go on

A 15 minute discovery, in three parts. Worth noting that the original Cocoon is essentially impossible to find due to music clearance, so I had to resort to the internet to find a copy (or so I thought)

1. Prior to the movie, there is a 2-3 minute Fox Video intro advertising home videos of the time. Never saw that before when I downloaded a file from the internet. Nice touch?

2. Within the first few minutes, I can see the VHS color correction occurring. Cool! Cocoon is so rare they had to rip it from the VHS!

3. Wait a minute...I was young when I saw this the first time, but I don't remember it being THIS cheesy. We're talking late 80s-early 90s, educational video cheesy. After a few silly sequences (including an elder failing to hang himself in the retirement home :stoneface: ) I get the title card. So this isn't Cocoon (1985), but...

Honestly don’t know the last music biopic I saw that was actually a good movie. I still need to see Get on Down and the Miles Davis one though.

I enjoyed Straight Outta Compton. That was the last one I saw I think.

They really are hit or miss. Not a lot of in between.
Why are you confused? :lol: 10/10 it’s immaculate. The movie has so much character depth, in a movie that spans the course of a 25-hour period, you learn everything about PSH, Peppers, Rosario, Brian Cox, and of course most of all, Montgomery Brogan, or Ed Norton.

The last 10 minutes peak, while the whole movie just gets better and better as it goes on.

This is one of those movies that’s never on any streaming sites, I finally bought the DVD.
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