Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

saw the planet of the apes and 127 hours this weekend...james franco overload

apes: pretty damn good, pretty damn good. i loved how how they had the whole thing develop. thought it was great. i expected the ending to go a little different, but it was good. the setup for the next one threw me off, although i don't know the whole story with planet of the apes. are these based off books?

127 hours: decent. i don't know...it sucks when you know what's coming, but it just keeps getting dragged out. i guess realistically, one would drag it out until the absolute end, but still. found myself saying, cut that #$*! already. when he did it though, damn. i had my shirt up over my mouth. im decent with blood and stuff, but just seeing it and thinking about what it'd be like
saw the planet of the apes and 127 hours this weekend...james franco overload

apes: pretty damn good, pretty damn good. i loved how how they had the whole thing develop. thought it was great. i expected the ending to go a little different, but it was good. the setup for the next one threw me off, although i don't know the whole story with planet of the apes. are these based off books?

127 hours: decent. i don't know...it sucks when you know what's coming, but it just keeps getting dragged out. i guess realistically, one would drag it out until the absolute end, but still. found myself saying, cut that #$*! already. when he did it though, damn. i had my shirt up over my mouth. im decent with blood and stuff, but just seeing it and thinking about what it'd be like
Originally Posted by Noskey

Originally Posted by illmaticsoulchild

Originally Posted by Noskey

^ Nvm, read it on IMDB.


Overall, 8/10. Highly recommended if you like Gordon-Levitt, Portman, or good movies in general. Be prepared for one of the emotionally darkest films of the year.
Really? To each their own I guess. It was one of the more disappointing films I've seen all year IMO.
What didnt you like about it?
To start off, one of the things I did like about the film was Rainn Wilson. He impresses me in every role he's in, and although he plays are relatively stoic character throughout, I still believe he has the chops to have one performance that will be a breakthrough.
In terms of the entire film, I wasn't too impressed. More or less, for me, it was about a fresh personality that is interjected into a situation and subsequently changing those people. I was okay with the premise, but I was never interested in Hesher at all. Even though the chaos he brought with him served a purpose, I didn't care about him vandalizing people's homes, getting porn on their tv or sexing Nat (well maybe I cared about that). On that note, as good as Natalie Portman is an actress, I don't understand why it was so pivotal to have a high profile name play that part. Maybe she genuinely loved the script, but I just kept thinking, I'd rather see her play a bigger role in a deeper film.

JGL is a fine actor, and I loved the scenes with him and the grandma. Overall this was not about his acting ability, it was about the film's leading character failing to create a sense of pathos with me.

I would have given it a 6 at best, but I can see the appeal it may have with audiences. I just wasn't buying into it.
Originally Posted by Noskey

Originally Posted by illmaticsoulchild

Originally Posted by Noskey

^ Nvm, read it on IMDB.


Overall, 8/10. Highly recommended if you like Gordon-Levitt, Portman, or good movies in general. Be prepared for one of the emotionally darkest films of the year.
Really? To each their own I guess. It was one of the more disappointing films I've seen all year IMO.
What didnt you like about it?
To start off, one of the things I did like about the film was Rainn Wilson. He impresses me in every role he's in, and although he plays are relatively stoic character throughout, I still believe he has the chops to have one performance that will be a breakthrough.
In terms of the entire film, I wasn't too impressed. More or less, for me, it was about a fresh personality that is interjected into a situation and subsequently changing those people. I was okay with the premise, but I was never interested in Hesher at all. Even though the chaos he brought with him served a purpose, I didn't care about him vandalizing people's homes, getting porn on their tv or sexing Nat (well maybe I cared about that). On that note, as good as Natalie Portman is an actress, I don't understand why it was so pivotal to have a high profile name play that part. Maybe she genuinely loved the script, but I just kept thinking, I'd rather see her play a bigger role in a deeper film.

JGL is a fine actor, and I loved the scenes with him and the grandma. Overall this was not about his acting ability, it was about the film's leading character failing to create a sense of pathos with me.

I would have given it a 6 at best, but I can see the appeal it may have with audiences. I just wasn't buying into it.
So for the first time, I was able to sit down and watch My Cousin Vinny this weekend.  I know, way damn late, but kiss my @#$, some of ya'll ain't even see Gladiator yet, so shush. 

Anyways, I knew that it was good, I needed to watch it to see where Marisa came from etc, and I liked it alot.  She really did steal the show, but it made me wonder, what in the hell happened to her career?  Does anybody know?  She comes out of nowhere, gets an Oscar, a great performance, she should have had open doors everywhere for her, instead, nothing.  She doesn't do a damn thing of merit for almost 10 ten years. 
  Why?  Was she doing drugs?  Raising a family?  What the hell was going on?  

I look at this resume after she gets an oscar, Equinox, Chaplin, Untamed Heart, The Paper, Only You, The Perez Family, Four Rooms (FINALLY, a film I recognize) Unhook the Stars, A Brother's Kiss, Welcome to Sarajevo, a God damn TV movie in Since You Been Gone, another one
 in Only Love, Slums of Beverly Hills, Dirk and Betty, King of the Jungle.........and that's the entire decade of the 90's, AFTER she won an oscar in 92 and CLEARLY had talent. 
  Someone, draw me a picture here.  Please, I'm begging you, who the @#$% was running her career?  She needs Ari Gold STAT!!!! 

Pesci was great, but i don't even think he was acting, I think that was just him. 
  Solid 8 for me.  Really enjoyed it, sorry it took so damn long, but I finally got to it. 

Now, Batman Begins.

First things first.  INCREDIBLE cast.  This to me, was the start.  They upped the ante right here.  Morgan Freeman, Rutger Hauer, Gary Oldman, Tom Wilkinson, Michael Caine, all in SUPPORTING roles. 
  Excellent work.  Then go with Bale, Neeson, and Cilian Murphy, now we just showin off for folks. 

Loved the set up, I was scared to death when this first came out, the early previews didn't look like they were gonna work for me, but once it got started, I was hooked, and I'm not a comic guy like that.  I know @#$% about comics.  It's the movies I go off of.  Actual comic material I need I have friends I can go too for that background.  Neeson was so awesome in this movie, that I literally sat there pissed the whole time angry that George Lucas @#$%^ him over in his role as a Jedi.  Everything he said, every syllable, should have been as a Jedi.  He was fantastic.  Ideals, become more, all of it was great. 

Rachel Dawes sucked, and I'm glad she died in the sequel. 

Bale was great, but like many others, his voice was a little irritating to me, even if he was copying the cartoon voice.  To me, it was a bit forced.  No need.  Appreciate the effort, but let's just read the words on the cue cards homie. 

Wilkinson may have had my favorite line when he is preachin to him in the restaurant.  Pointing out all the politicians, and that's power that money can't buy, and tellin him to shut up about his anger and everyone knows Bruce Wayne and all that, that was a GREAT scene.  I wasn't real big on Wilkinson until I saw Michael Clayton, but I love the guy's work now.  And it probably started here (back in 05) 

I loved this movie, but TDK raised the stakes even more.  Joker was just too damn special.  Death or not, the performance was simply unreal.  I liked Neeson, I liked Murphy, but they were not Heath Ledger.  Their performances put together couldn't add up to what Joker did. 

My biggest true complain, and this goes for almost all of Batman's movies, the damn "threats".  In 89 Bat, it was Hairspray and makeup.  Deodorant and mouth wash.  I mean, come on. 
  Just lame to me.  And this was similar.  Water turned to hallucinogen.  A gas that gives people scary images.  I get that the comics may have been about that stuff, or the bad guys had tricky stuff to fool Batman and all that jazz, but that's where Joker in TDK was so much better, it was simply @#$% with the world, for no damn reason.  Chaos.  Plain, simple, horrible, chaos.  Not mixed lipstick and chewing gum leading to a frozen face for all time. 
  This was my only true complain about Begins, it reminded me a lot of the early films, and that wasn't a good thing. 

For that, 8.5, with TDK getting a 9.5 from me. 
So for the first time, I was able to sit down and watch My Cousin Vinny this weekend.  I know, way damn late, but kiss my @#$, some of ya'll ain't even see Gladiator yet, so shush. 

Anyways, I knew that it was good, I needed to watch it to see where Marisa came from etc, and I liked it alot.  She really did steal the show, but it made me wonder, what in the hell happened to her career?  Does anybody know?  She comes out of nowhere, gets an Oscar, a great performance, she should have had open doors everywhere for her, instead, nothing.  She doesn't do a damn thing of merit for almost 10 ten years. 
  Why?  Was she doing drugs?  Raising a family?  What the hell was going on?  

I look at this resume after she gets an oscar, Equinox, Chaplin, Untamed Heart, The Paper, Only You, The Perez Family, Four Rooms (FINALLY, a film I recognize) Unhook the Stars, A Brother's Kiss, Welcome to Sarajevo, a God damn TV movie in Since You Been Gone, another one
 in Only Love, Slums of Beverly Hills, Dirk and Betty, King of the Jungle.........and that's the entire decade of the 90's, AFTER she won an oscar in 92 and CLEARLY had talent. 
  Someone, draw me a picture here.  Please, I'm begging you, who the @#$% was running her career?  She needs Ari Gold STAT!!!! 

Pesci was great, but i don't even think he was acting, I think that was just him. 
  Solid 8 for me.  Really enjoyed it, sorry it took so damn long, but I finally got to it. 

Now, Batman Begins.

First things first.  INCREDIBLE cast.  This to me, was the start.  They upped the ante right here.  Morgan Freeman, Rutger Hauer, Gary Oldman, Tom Wilkinson, Michael Caine, all in SUPPORTING roles. 
  Excellent work.  Then go with Bale, Neeson, and Cilian Murphy, now we just showin off for folks. 

Loved the set up, I was scared to death when this first came out, the early previews didn't look like they were gonna work for me, but once it got started, I was hooked, and I'm not a comic guy like that.  I know @#$% about comics.  It's the movies I go off of.  Actual comic material I need I have friends I can go too for that background.  Neeson was so awesome in this movie, that I literally sat there pissed the whole time angry that George Lucas @#$%^ him over in his role as a Jedi.  Everything he said, every syllable, should have been as a Jedi.  He was fantastic.  Ideals, become more, all of it was great. 

Rachel Dawes sucked, and I'm glad she died in the sequel. 

Bale was great, but like many others, his voice was a little irritating to me, even if he was copying the cartoon voice.  To me, it was a bit forced.  No need.  Appreciate the effort, but let's just read the words on the cue cards homie. 

Wilkinson may have had my favorite line when he is preachin to him in the restaurant.  Pointing out all the politicians, and that's power that money can't buy, and tellin him to shut up about his anger and everyone knows Bruce Wayne and all that, that was a GREAT scene.  I wasn't real big on Wilkinson until I saw Michael Clayton, but I love the guy's work now.  And it probably started here (back in 05) 

I loved this movie, but TDK raised the stakes even more.  Joker was just too damn special.  Death or not, the performance was simply unreal.  I liked Neeson, I liked Murphy, but they were not Heath Ledger.  Their performances put together couldn't add up to what Joker did. 

My biggest true complain, and this goes for almost all of Batman's movies, the damn "threats".  In 89 Bat, it was Hairspray and makeup.  Deodorant and mouth wash.  I mean, come on. 
  Just lame to me.  And this was similar.  Water turned to hallucinogen.  A gas that gives people scary images.  I get that the comics may have been about that stuff, or the bad guys had tricky stuff to fool Batman and all that jazz, but that's where Joker in TDK was so much better, it was simply @#$% with the world, for no damn reason.  Chaos.  Plain, simple, horrible, chaos.  Not mixed lipstick and chewing gum leading to a frozen face for all time. 
  This was my only true complain about Begins, it reminded me a lot of the early films, and that wasn't a good thing. 

For that, 8.5, with TDK getting a 9.5 from me. 
agree with the voice. agree that TDK is the superior movie.

saw inception for the second time yesterday. some scenes are absolutely perfect. The elevator and train scenes reminded me of kubrick. Those were my favorite. Thought Marion was very damn creepy. She did a great job. It's Nolan's best work with a woman. the scene at the end with Cilian Murphy in that giant safe or whatever was great.

But I still think it gets muddled down in the 3rd act and gets silly with the layers and layers. when they go into Cilian Murphy's dream after he had already been offed it was just too much for me

I wanted to know more about the process. How come some people are so good at extraction or creating mazes? How does it work? what were they doing in the school? dreams are often very surreal so it disappointed me that everything boiled down to a bunch of people shooting each other.

when compared to the all time great sci fi movies like 2001 A space odyssey or blade runner it comes up short. There just isn't enough depth in this movie. However when you look at it as a summer blovkbuster and get over the fact that it wasn't a psycological thriller, I appreciate it

visually one of the best movies ever made. Thats without a doubt. But I think both TDK and memento are better
agree with the voice. agree that TDK is the superior movie.

saw inception for the second time yesterday. some scenes are absolutely perfect. The elevator and train scenes reminded me of kubrick. Those were my favorite. Thought Marion was very damn creepy. She did a great job. It's Nolan's best work with a woman. the scene at the end with Cilian Murphy in that giant safe or whatever was great.

But I still think it gets muddled down in the 3rd act and gets silly with the layers and layers. when they go into Cilian Murphy's dream after he had already been offed it was just too much for me

I wanted to know more about the process. How come some people are so good at extraction or creating mazes? How does it work? what were they doing in the school? dreams are often very surreal so it disappointed me that everything boiled down to a bunch of people shooting each other.

when compared to the all time great sci fi movies like 2001 A space odyssey or blade runner it comes up short. There just isn't enough depth in this movie. However when you look at it as a summer blovkbuster and get over the fact that it wasn't a psycological thriller, I appreciate it

visually one of the best movies ever made. Thats without a doubt. But I think both TDK and memento are better
Batman Begins: 7.5/10. A great start to Nolan's visions, but it just never struck me as much as TDK ever did.
Batman Begins: 7.5/10. A great start to Nolan's visions, but it just never struck me as much as TDK ever did.
batman begins

what i liked best about this movie, and the series as a whole really, is that it's darker. there isn't much flash or flare like in the awful couple of batman's that preceded it. as out there as the hallucegins may have been, i found it more realistic than that +@%+**%+ in the last round of batmans (freeze and riddler and poison ivy). really made me get back into this series more. i can agree with y'all on bale's voice. way too forced. it gets annoying after a bit, but whatever. i loved the storyline itself. i'm not big on the comics, so i have no clue how closely it follows the comics, but i loved the idea. the whole league shadows play worked really well. and then gordon...i never really thought much of oldman until this movie. i never thought he was worthless or anything, but it was always just, "oh that guy, mehh". the ending still gets me, when they tease about a new guy in town who leaves a calling card. great movie all around really. solid 8.5-9 out of 10 for me. im glad we watched it, it's been a while since i saw it.

on another note...got through the HP series. saw 7 this weekend. (mind was blown when i realized who sirius black is
). 7 was my second favorite of the series. 4 was still my favorite. overall as a series, i'd say 7/10. still a little too kiddy imo. LOTR was better for me.
batman begins

what i liked best about this movie, and the series as a whole really, is that it's darker. there isn't much flash or flare like in the awful couple of batman's that preceded it. as out there as the hallucegins may have been, i found it more realistic than that +@%+**%+ in the last round of batmans (freeze and riddler and poison ivy). really made me get back into this series more. i can agree with y'all on bale's voice. way too forced. it gets annoying after a bit, but whatever. i loved the storyline itself. i'm not big on the comics, so i have no clue how closely it follows the comics, but i loved the idea. the whole league shadows play worked really well. and then gordon...i never really thought much of oldman until this movie. i never thought he was worthless or anything, but it was always just, "oh that guy, mehh". the ending still gets me, when they tease about a new guy in town who leaves a calling card. great movie all around really. solid 8.5-9 out of 10 for me. im glad we watched it, it's been a while since i saw it.

on another note...got through the HP series. saw 7 this weekend. (mind was blown when i realized who sirius black is
). 7 was my second favorite of the series. 4 was still my favorite. overall as a series, i'd say 7/10. still a little too kiddy imo. LOTR was better for me.
Ben Affleck in talks to direct and star in 'Line of Sight'
Ben Affleck is in talks to direct and star in the action-thriller Line of Sight, EW has confirmed. The project would be produced by Affleck, Andrew Rona, and ’80s action iconoclast Joel Silver for Warner Bros., the studio where Affleck made the critically acclaimed 2010 heist flick, The Town. Line of Sight reportedly revolves around an elite commando team that faces a global threat while transporting cargo. (The Hollywood Reporter first reported the news.) With this latest project, the multi-hyphenate movie star’s dance card appears to be filling up fast. Affleck recently finished starring Terrence Malick’s latest film (which costars Rachel McAdams and is currently untitled) and just began directing and acting chores on Argo, a political thriller set against the backdrop of the ’70s Iran hostage crisis. If all of that weren’t enough, the actor announced another production today: He and Jennifer Garner are expecting their third child.

Stop knocking Jen up you @@%@!%$$@$%!

  but seriously, Ben's directing resume could fill up real nice here in the next couple years, amazing how he has gotten his career back on track.

Also saw that Johan Hill is joining Ben Still and Vince Vaughn in a comedy called Neighborhood Watch.  That's some potential right there, IF they don't go too over the top. 

saw inception for the second time yesterday. some scenes are absolutely perfect. The elevator and train scenes reminded me of kubrick. Those were my favorite. Thought Marion was very damn creepy. She did a great job. It's Nolan's best work with a woman. the scene at the end with Cilian Murphy in that giant safe or whatever was great.

But I still think it gets muddled down in the 3rd act and gets silly with the layers and layers. when they go into Cilian Murphy's dream after he had already been offed it was just too much for me

I wanted to know more about the process. How come some people are so good at extraction or creating mazes? How does it work? what were they doing in the school? dreams are often very surreal so it disappointed me that everything boiled down to a bunch of people shooting each other.

when compared to the all time great sci fi movies like 2001 A space odyssey or blade runner it comes up short. There just isn't enough depth in this movie. However when you look at it as a summer blovkbuster and get over the fact that it wasn't a psycological thriller, I appreciate it

visually one of the best movies ever made. Thats without a doubt. But I think both TDK and memento are better

  Ok, this time I see your point.  Last time we talked about this, I wasn't sure where you were coming from.  But here, yeah, I can hear that.  I would guess Nolan would remind us that it is in fact OUR brain that is being invaded, so naturally there is going to be a defense mechanism to that.  In this case, he used guys with guns shooting at each other as the example of what their minds were going thru.  I could be off, but that was how I took it.

Agreed on Cortillard, the whole movie she was just "unnerving".  I was always on edge when she was on screen, and I have no idea why.  She deserves a lot of credit, but I think Nolan does too for the way he set it up so that you automatically knew there was something off about her. 
Ben Affleck in talks to direct and star in 'Line of Sight'
Ben Affleck is in talks to direct and star in the action-thriller Line of Sight, EW has confirmed. The project would be produced by Affleck, Andrew Rona, and ’80s action iconoclast Joel Silver for Warner Bros., the studio where Affleck made the critically acclaimed 2010 heist flick, The Town. Line of Sight reportedly revolves around an elite commando team that faces a global threat while transporting cargo. (The Hollywood Reporter first reported the news.) With this latest project, the multi-hyphenate movie star’s dance card appears to be filling up fast. Affleck recently finished starring Terrence Malick’s latest film (which costars Rachel McAdams and is currently untitled) and just began directing and acting chores on Argo, a political thriller set against the backdrop of the ’70s Iran hostage crisis. If all of that weren’t enough, the actor announced another production today: He and Jennifer Garner are expecting their third child.

Stop knocking Jen up you @@%@!%$$@$%!

  but seriously, Ben's directing resume could fill up real nice here in the next couple years, amazing how he has gotten his career back on track.

Also saw that Johan Hill is joining Ben Still and Vince Vaughn in a comedy called Neighborhood Watch.  That's some potential right there, IF they don't go too over the top. 

saw inception for the second time yesterday. some scenes are absolutely perfect. The elevator and train scenes reminded me of kubrick. Those were my favorite. Thought Marion was very damn creepy. She did a great job. It's Nolan's best work with a woman. the scene at the end with Cilian Murphy in that giant safe or whatever was great.

But I still think it gets muddled down in the 3rd act and gets silly with the layers and layers. when they go into Cilian Murphy's dream after he had already been offed it was just too much for me

I wanted to know more about the process. How come some people are so good at extraction or creating mazes? How does it work? what were they doing in the school? dreams are often very surreal so it disappointed me that everything boiled down to a bunch of people shooting each other.

when compared to the all time great sci fi movies like 2001 A space odyssey or blade runner it comes up short. There just isn't enough depth in this movie. However when you look at it as a summer blovkbuster and get over the fact that it wasn't a psycological thriller, I appreciate it

visually one of the best movies ever made. Thats without a doubt. But I think both TDK and memento are better

  Ok, this time I see your point.  Last time we talked about this, I wasn't sure where you were coming from.  But here, yeah, I can hear that.  I would guess Nolan would remind us that it is in fact OUR brain that is being invaded, so naturally there is going to be a defense mechanism to that.  In this case, he used guys with guns shooting at each other as the example of what their minds were going thru.  I could be off, but that was how I took it.

Agreed on Cortillard, the whole movie she was just "unnerving".  I was always on edge when she was on screen, and I have no idea why.  She deserves a lot of credit, but I think Nolan does too for the way he set it up so that you automatically knew there was something off about her. 
First pics from The Great Gatsby....

Leo and Tobey and one beautiful lookin car

Isla Fisher. 


In other Leo news, J Edgar will be out wide 11/11/11, same day as The Immortals, so that's obviously going to be a landmark weekend in theatres.  I hadn't realized what a nice cast that has.  Watts, Lea Thompson, and Judi Dench, with Josh Lucas, Armie Hammer (he's the twins from Social Network I believe)  And Clint never misses when he's directing, so this should be good.  And Leo cleared 77 mil last year, as an actor?  
  @#$% me, that's insane.  I knew folks were makin money, but 77 mil, maybe he was backin A-Rod into a corner with them card games. 

Read a tweet last night that Wolverine 2 got delayed again.......I'm wonderin if that's just flat out gonna get shut down.  Seems to be having a lot of problems getting started, and Jackman isn't getting younger to be playing this role. 
First pics from The Great Gatsby....

Leo and Tobey and one beautiful lookin car

Isla Fisher. 


In other Leo news, J Edgar will be out wide 11/11/11, same day as The Immortals, so that's obviously going to be a landmark weekend in theatres.  I hadn't realized what a nice cast that has.  Watts, Lea Thompson, and Judi Dench, with Josh Lucas, Armie Hammer (he's the twins from Social Network I believe)  And Clint never misses when he's directing, so this should be good.  And Leo cleared 77 mil last year, as an actor?  
  @#$% me, that's insane.  I knew folks were makin money, but 77 mil, maybe he was backin A-Rod into a corner with them card games. 

Read a tweet last night that Wolverine 2 got delayed again.......I'm wonderin if that's just flat out gonna get shut down.  Seems to be having a lot of problems getting started, and Jackman isn't getting younger to be playing this role. 
Soul In the Hole (Basketball Documentary About A Kid From NY Named "BOOGER" Trying Hoop His Way Out The Hood) Classic!

Hoop Dreams
Soul In the Hole (Basketball Documentary About A Kid From NY Named "BOOGER" Trying Hoop His Way Out The Hood) Classic!

Hoop Dreams
I've watched 2001: A Space Odyssey and Eyes Wide Shut the last 2 days. My mind was not ready.
I've watched 2001: A Space Odyssey and Eyes Wide Shut the last 2 days. My mind was not ready.
Seeing those numbers makes me wonder why people go so hard at athletes but don't complain that actors are overpaid and should just be grateful that they "don't have a real job"

How did u feel about 2001. I was bugged out and confused the first time I saw it. But now there are many days I think it's the best movie ever made. I wrote 12 pages on it when I was in college but unfortunately my computer crashed a year after I got out.

Contagion has an amazing cast but looks straight up terrible
Seeing those numbers makes me wonder why people go so hard at athletes but don't complain that actors are overpaid and should just be grateful that they "don't have a real job"

How did u feel about 2001. I was bugged out and confused the first time I saw it. But now there are many days I think it's the best movie ever made. I wrote 12 pages on it when I was in college but unfortunately my computer crashed a year after I got out.

Contagion has an amazing cast but looks straight up terrible
Contagion has an amazing cast but looks straight up terrible
It really does.

Easily my most anticipated of the year. I should have known better.

Watching Unstoppable right now. Mildly entertained, which is more than I expected.
Contagion has an amazing cast but looks straight up terrible
It really does.

Easily my most anticipated of the year. I should have known better.

Watching Unstoppable right now. Mildly entertained, which is more than I expected.
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