Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

Movies I want to see that are out right now are Robot & Frank, Lawless and Premium Rush. Hopefully going to see Robot & Frank either today or tomorrow.
Highly recommend seeing Lawless in the theaters.

Premium Rush wasn't bad, but it would have been a great Netflix or cable watch... didn't need to see it in theaters.
Who's in Arbitrage? Is it kind of like Margin Call?
Dirk, JA, what are those "Steelbooks" you guys speak of? Do all Blu's have Steelbooks, or only special movies have those?

No arbitrage is much more of a personal story about a single hedge fund manager, who is trying to sell his company. who has been messing around with his books to ensure the successful sale. Not a more overarching look of a single company like lehman brothers in margin call.
Cabin in the woods > lost

Just saw it for the first time. Loved it. Such a unique movie these days
You ever watch a film and you immediately feel like it's one of your favorites ever? Seldom do I feel that way, but I watched The Last Emperor for the first time last night. Damn. What an amazing, beautifully shot film. I have little-to-no knowledge about Chinese culture, but it made me a ****ton more interested than I ever was before. What the man goes through in his life was jaw-dropping. I loved the style in which it was presented too, breaking up the development of the boy to show what his life was like in the 50s-60s. What a dropoff.

I'm a huge believer in soundtracks/scores setting the tone for films, and I've got to give it up to the composer and sound design for The Last Emperor. I felt like I was sitting inside The Forbidden City for the first hour of the film. I was put-off at first that they all spoke English, but shortly after you get into the film, you accept it. The set/prop designers also did an excellent job. Imperialistic Manchukuo was very cold, and dreary, the complete opposite of the Manchuria that Pu Yi grew up in.

If you haven't seen it before, highly recommended. It's a drama. There isn't very much action, but if you can sit through a biographical kind of film, I'd say you can't get much better than this. This scope of the film is awe-inspiring considering it was made in 1987.
End of Watch was super dope.

Between the action, the drama, the comedy and the personal scenes, it was never not entertaining to me. I feel like using that shooting style can kind of dillute a plot, but there was still development, particularly with the two main characters and their main conflict. Their relationship was so important and so well-conveyed.

And Anna Kendrick is good. And she does the female vocals of a Dipset song, which was charmingly random and outdated.
Anyone shocked @ the Judge Dredd reviews?

I hated the idea of it. I was never a fan of the original, and I just had no interest in seeing this.

But it's gotten very good reviews for what it is. I might check it out on a matinee.
I honestly think it's a similar case to Batman Begins where the last one wasn't that good so anything above average gets praised. Many ppl erased the Stallone flick out their mind, I'm sure the diehard comic fans wanted it to be great so basically sticking to the comicverse of the book appeased many.
It's got a 58 on Metacritic. Consider me shocked :lol:

Even more shocking, Looper has an 86 right now; The Master has an 85. Granted, Looper's only got a handful of reviews and it's not even out yet, but still surprising. Was expecting an average-at-best movie, but it's being mentioned in the same breath as 12 Monkeys, Children of Men and Moon, all top-notch sci-fi films in their own rights.
I try not to go by anon opinions no matter how popular the site is. At best I go with what I like and then by ppl who I know have good taste in movies, then by you guys who are in between that definition of anon and friends.
I am :D right now. Avengers 3D + Blu + DVD + Digital + Bonus disk for 20 bucks. :smokin

Kev, I'm a bit surprised you liked End of Watch, not your typical kind of movie is it? I got the vibe it was a junior Training Day type.
was in montreal this past weekend for my cousin's bachelor party and i got a huge kick out of the fact one of the escorts we hired was an 18 year old white girl that loved Paid in Full. Never met a girl before that even heard of the film, let alone loved it :lol:
was in montreal this past weekend for my cousin's bachelor party and i got a huge kick out of the fact one of the escorts we hired was an 18 year old white girl that loved Paid in Full. Never met a girl before that even heard of the film, let alone loved it :lol:

What's an escort? I'm not familiar with that term.
I am :D right now. Avengers 3D + Blu + DVD + Digital + Bonus disk for 20 bucks. :smokin
Kev, I'm a bit surprised you liked End of Watch, not your typical kind of movie is it? I got the vibe it was a junior Training Day type.

It was an EXCELLENT deal. I was stoked to see my Target still had a ton of copies. Picked one up for my boy too who has a birthday in two weeks.

Nowitness, what did you do for this release of The Avengers? I ended up pre-ordering that metal-case before knowing about the price change @ Target, but my Best Buy was dope and let me keep my case AND return my pre-order, so I got the Target set, got my pre-order money back, and picked up another for the birthday boy.

Was a good day for The Avengers hype.

Don't forget to get your free music/comic/download CP. I shelled out the four bucks for the poster. I was super disappointed it wasn't the one on the little pamphlet, but it'll do.
Don't know how I feel about this new show Vegas. Feels like a mix of the other show Las Vegas (action wise), a dash of Law & Order (for all that legal talk), and the rest seems like an attempt to be like one of the many compelling cable dramas, especially with the pacing and dialogue in some scenes.

Overall, didn't love or hate it. Probably gonna need to see more eps before I get a firm opinion of it. Didn't grab me though. I'm watching in hopes that'll it be great or at least be good.
Vegas reminded me of why I don't have the patience for network dramas anymore. For a pilot, it just didn't get me to buy into it at all. We get it...it's the sheriff vs. the businessman. I think I'm already out...I'm not gonna stick with it for 20+ episodes :lol:
How about sports collectibles?

Cleaned out my garage today. Tons of sports cards and Headliners, the thing to own for a young child before bobble heads ever existed.
Dude, you ain't even know. I used to have millions of cards. Hundreds of boxes, binders, starting lineups, everything. I ended up selling my entire collection for maybe 650. :frown:

I used to spend 650 in a month with ease. I spend tens of thousands on that stuff. I was freaking stupid. :smh:

All I have left now is maybe 3-4 binders worth of my fav stuff. Everything else is gone. If I ever win the lottery, that's the first thing I would get back into, set up a shop in my new big *** house and buy off Ebay all day. :smokin
CP: Right on, brotha. I also feel unwise about spending so much as a kid on sports cards, jerseys, and other collectibles.

Personal Story: An ex-girlfriend of mine, had a very passionate hot-and-cold relationship while dating, trashed my special Michael Jordan box of collectibles. Favorite player at the time. Memorabilia was well-worth $5k or more years ago when the incident occurred.
Damn. Women can be evil when they wanna be. :lol: :smh:

When my wife and I were just dating, she used to go with me every Saturday from shop to shop to shop helping me search for cards. She even used to have a binder of her own stuff. (Braves/Cowboys stuff) Probably why I married her. Any woman that can put up with spending hours sorting thru boxes of cards in their free time......Not sure why she married me. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Supportive girlfriend/wife, FTW. The same ex-girlfriend did make attempts to watch College Football and NFL with me. She supported the Patriots purely because of Tom Brady's looks.

I met a random girl at the bar for MNF. Chick was cute, maybe a 6.5/7 out of 10 on the looks scale but extremely dope personality and knew her sports. Jets fan, however, Know you won't like that.
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