Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

Anyone watch Luther? I don't watch procedurals much, but this show is :pimp:. Only ten episodes too, so it doesn't require a big commitment.
Anyone watch Luther? I don't watch procedurals much, but this show is
. Only ten episodes too, so it doesn't require a big commitment.
I've had both seasons of Luther on my laptop for a minute, just haven't gotten around to watching it yet.

Heard the show is very good.

Who's looking forward to The Walking Dead premiere tonight?

This feels like the best stretch of movies in theaters in a long time. Or maybe it's just personal preference, because I can't ever remember a time where there were this many at the same time that I absolutely wanted to see.

End of Watch
The Master
The Perks of Being a Wallflower
Seven Psychopaths

Hell, even Finding Nemo. You know it's delightful.

Watching the last few episodes of The Walking Dead now to refresh my memory. Ready for OG Hershel Popovich and his unlimited rounds shotgun. :smokin
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Anyone watch Luther? I don't watch procedurals much, but this show is :pimp: . Only ten episodes too, so it doesn't require a big commitment.

I've had both seasons of Luther on my laptop for a minute, just haven't gotten around to watching it yet.

Heard the show is very good.

Who's looking forward to The Walking Dead premiere tonight?

O-Neg? :lol:
:smh: Can't be worse than last season...right? Right? Standalone ep with Lori and Carl?

Luther is awesome and will wash Idris Elba in Prometheus out of your memory.

edit: I was wrong, this show is getting worse. I hope Michonne kills all of them.
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End of Watch
The Master
The Perks of Being a Wallflower
Seven Psychopaths
Still need to see The Master and probably won't get around to seeing Smashed, but I've seen the rest.

I never read Perks when I was that age, but I have a feeling my 16 year old self would have ate it up .

Looper and Argo held up to my expectations (which were really high) and were two of my favorites this year. End of Watch was surprisingly good. Seven Psychopaths was hilarious and if Colin Farrell does another movie with McDonagh I might actually become a fan of his. Rockwell was a maniac and killed every line he delivered. 

Also... Pitch Perfect was pretty hilarious. Anna Kendrick being adorable, Rebel Wilson stole the show, Alexis Knapp (the hot girl from Project X) had an insanely large rack. Plus Adam from Workaholics was a funny jerk. Elizabeth Banks and John Michael Higgins provided some great Best in Show-esque commentary. Plus they made fun of the whole concept of acapella a good amount of times. If you like singing, that was good too. If you don't, it wasn't awful and they don't randomly break out into song. It's definitely a movie I'll add to the guilty pleasure archive that I probably won't ever tell anyone about. Except you nice people.

Deal with it..
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Which of those have you seen so far Kev? You've seen Looper right?
Only End of Watch. :lol:

Hell, I'll probably be waiting until most of them hit Redbox, anyway. I just saw Moonrise Kingdom a few days ago, and that was way high on my list long before it ever released.

Pitch Perfect is one I wouldn't mind seeing, but not a must.
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If you don't know much about what exactly happened in Argo, the tension in it is amazing in-theater. If you got a good set-up at home, might be worth waiting, but it definitely is a film I thought was enhanced by having seen it on the big screen.

The Walking Dead Season 3 Episode 1..

I thought the action in it was great. I don't think they've killed off so many zombies in one episode before. Tons of great make-up effects as usual by Greg Nicotero's crew. The scene when they first reach the courtyard of the prison and face the armored zombies and Rick rips off the face-shield of a walker, taking it's face with it, that's some of the best make-up work I've ever seen. It seemed as if that were a mechanically-operated dummy.

As far as the characters, I liked Carl a lot more this episode than I ever liked him before. It's funny that he's going through puberty and his voice went down in tone a few notches. :lol: . I also thought it was dope to see him try to get some poon from Herschel's daughter. Also, Kev, looks like Herschel upgraded. :lol:

I'm not really liking the development between Rick and Lori. I understand what Rick is doing, I just don't think it's coming off great. Dude just needs to rip into her, instead of just giving her the cold shoulder. As a father, he's fine. As a leader, he's fine. As a husband? Meh. Carol and Daryl's chemistry isn't terrible, and it's nice to see how Kirkman and the producers are weaving Daryl into her character.

I was hoping we'd see Merle this episode, I'll jump with glee first moment I see him. Michael Rooker can do no wrong in my eyes. :lol: .

Lastly, until someone else comes through, thoughts on Herschel? Think he's dead? He seemed dead at the end of the episode. Hard to see a one-legged man surviving too well. They didn't cauterize that wound either, which theoretically they could do next episode. I didn't read the comics so I'm not too sure what to think of the guys in the prison.
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Safety Not Guaranteed is indie magic, man.

Mark Duplass and Aubrey Plaza... everything about it. This movie was made for me.
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Safety Not Guaranteed is indie magic, man.

Mark Duplass and Aubrey Plaza... everything about it. This movie was made for me.
Is... is it out? :nerd:

Argo was excellent.. and Seven Psychopaths didn't disappoint either.
Got the cold shoulder when I made a thread in general about 7 Psychopaths :smh:

I'm about to regulate all of movie and tv show discussion to this thread.
I must have missed that thread in the haze of what I think has been the past week. I need to see that movie; Martin McDonagh directing Colin Farrell, Woody Harrelson and Christopher Walken? Sold.
Argo was excellent.. and Seven Psychopaths didn't disappoint either.
Got the cold shoulder when I made a thread in general about 7 Psychopaths

I'm about to regulate all of movie and tv show discussion to this thread.
I could have sworn I searched for a Psychopaths thread, my bad for missing it because I made this on Friday http://niketalk.com/t/510479/movies...0-12-argo-sinister-and-seven-psychopaths/0_20  I figured a weekly thread for smaller releases with less hype might be better for a general box office discussion. It didn't get that much traffic, but I'll probably try again.
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Those of you that gave up on Dexter.


I have not sat and watched a new movie in quite a while. I need to get my old hookup back on the clock. :smh: :lol:
Ehh.. I'll just be able to catch up and watch everything in a couple big chunks. Its not undoing the lazy writing of the past and uninspired storylines. The premise just wore tired for me too.. too many episodes, too many leaps of faith as an audience, too many close calls. I'm glad it's getting better
I barely know anything about baseball, so will I enjoy Moneyball?  Been wanting to watch it for some time now.
I like Comingsoon.net for info. And Venom has a site but I can't remember the name right off the top of my head. In fact I think he changed the name of it a while back.
Picked up Prometheus, Hostel Directors Cut, and Ghost of Mars on Blu last night. The last 2 were 6 bucks. :smokin


use to be a small blog - blew up over 18 months - changed the name, layout, kept content, got some writers, now trying to do it a little bigger, covering festivals, media credentials all that stuff - thanks for remember about little ol me!
Safety Not Guaranteed is indie magic, man.
Mark Duplass and Aubrey Plaza... everything about it. This movie was made for me.

I was dying to see this movie in theaters when it came out. I got my hands on it last week, and man...LOVED IT!!!!!!

One of my favorite films I've seen over the last couple years, just a fun story, great chemistry with the cast, Aubrey and Duplass and Jake Johnson - just great, really recommend it.
I barely know anything about baseball, so will I enjoy Moneyball?  Been wanting to watch it for some time now.

It's more than a baseball movie but it helps to know the game. It's mainly an underdog story within the world of baseball
After seeing Flight yesterday morning...

Best Actor nominations should probably look like

Joaquin Phoenix - The Master
Daniel Day-Lewis - Lincoln
Denzel Washington - Flight (although it wasn't all that amazing but it'll get him a nom I suppose)
Bradley Cooper - Silver Linings Playbook
Suraj Sharma - Life of Pi (dark horse to be nominated but he should, brilliant performance)
John Hawkes - The Sessions
Anthony Hopkins - Hitchcock
Jean-Louis Trintignant - Amour

Not having seen Lincoln or Silver Lining Playbook, my pick right now would be Phoenix. I feel like that'll still be my pick when I see all the films but who knows.
I have mentioned him before, but Mark Duplass is criminally underrated. His stuff isn't for everyone (even The League), but the dude is dumb talented. Acting, writing, directing, producing, music...
I have mentioned him before, but Mark Duplass is criminally underrated. His stuff isn't for everyone (even The League), but the dude is dumb talented. Acting, writing, directing, producing, music...

agreed he has a warped sense of humor and comedy style in his writing that isn't for everyone.

I have it on my computer right now but I heard good things about Your Sister's Sister that starred him Emily Blunt and Rosemarie Dewitt.

The movie Humpday is a weird one but oddly funny.
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