Oldest you've smashed???

Originally Posted by proper english

0yrs old.I am a virgin if it matters

43 when I was 22. Cougar hunted me on some American Pie stuff. Out at a event kept flirting, gave me her number, grabbed my butt, role reverse type stuff. Older they are the nastier they are.
^ Yeah I always heard tales of women being like that when i was younger, and now I see. I like older women though.
Originally Posted by ExtRaOrDinaRy SwAg

this thread needs stories

I'll share mine
Shes a customer that goes to my branch a lot.
She found me on facebook, got to talking met up and smashed in the back seat of her truck
Im 20, I think she just turned 46 but was 45 when I smashed

Just this tuesday I went over to her house and she gave me the bop

I lied to her, she thinks Im 25, I think thats why she let me smash cuz she has a son my age
I use to work at the Y, and she would come by the area I worked at. So eventually we traded numbers, and made plans to get up on a Friday night to watch movies. So I have a bottle of red to myself, kill the bottle. Then I get another one. She is drinking some weak beer, so I go into beast mode and make my move. Eventually I start to beat, didin't even bust cause I was so drunk. Told her I did though, she was adamant about me getting off. That's what I liked about her, she was willing to please and was a freak at that.
ive smashed pretty much every age between 40-50. the oldest was 61. she looked like she was in her 40s. met her at the Standard in Downtown LA on the roof in one of the egg shaped sofa things. she had a really really expensive room too.
she lied and said she was 51 and she was from Italy for vacation with her kids.
her kids were 42 and 44. when i called her on having a kid at the age of 7, she told me the truth.
then i told her the truth. lol. i said i was 29, but i was 22.
ahh.... memories. she had that leathery skin, but ill be damned if it wasnt some bentley/rolls royce leather. lol.
fake %$!%, nice buns, beyond flat stomach... idk how she kept it poppin so well at that age.
only hit once tho. hit raw too. i figured 51 was post menopause. lol.
also, her first time with a black guy.

Originally Posted by ExtRaOrDinaRy SwAg

this thread needs stories
-We met on Cinco de Mayo for short period through a mutual friend, who was dating my best friend

-She told our mutual friend she'd let me smash just off of my wavy hair

-Minimal contact until I see her randomly at a lounge on Memorial Day weekend, proceed to throw shots back at the bar, we go to her house and smash

-Come to find out she works right across the street from me

-We proceed to smash during lunchtime, here and there

-Contact falls off, until she she's me with my best friend who goes back to dating the mutual friend

-We leave the club, she blows my phone up..asks where I am, We meet in a Fred Meyers parking lot, proceed to smash

-Lose contact again for some months, my friend is going to pickup the girl he's dating from the club, I ride with him..The Milf is there. I make attempts to take her back to the house, she talks about relationships..I still try, does not proceed to smash

-Last encounter, She always asks how come we dont't ever go out so I set up a meetup, we go to the bar, have drinks, chat..I hop in her car, we go to her house, I proceed to smash

-The last time I heard from her
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