Oldest you've smashed???

Originally Posted by 216301baller

42 when i was 20 and hit the daugher a couple weeks later

My homie smashed a couger and her daughter also.   Soo Jelly
27 when i was 23. she was a former wnba player, so that's kinda interesting besides the fact that she was 6'4'' and 2'' taller than me
Originally Posted by likethematrix

^ looks like a newfriend from newt gingrich.

keep your cheese pizza stories on the chan adobe.
Don't be mad cuz I got your baby sister preggo 
32 and i'm 20 lol

Met her at the return line of my local Marshalls

Hooked up for like two months 2-3 times a week till her husband found out and she said they were trying to,"work things out"
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