Osama Bin Laden is dead

Originally Posted by MrDoeBoI

Originally Posted by BigUglyAmerican

Originally Posted by MrDoeBoI

How the F do I know if that's not a picture of what happened in Alabama the other day

joints chiefs..general..sec of defense...

yeah..they give a ***$ about what happened in the south.

Well since u put it that way it could of been the body of Gaddafi son they were viewing or the operations in Libya
That picture in front of Clinton is an aerial of the compound. That same picture has been shown all over the news.
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Neither Bush nor Obama should be given credit for it. 
The military/ para-military intelligence structure was there long before Bush or Obama got into office. 

Credit should be given to the people who grind for the info day in and day out. Whether they are officers or analysts of the DoD/NSA/CIA/Military. 

I don';t think Bush was lying when he claimed that the capture of Bin Laden didn't matter. Yeh, it might've been better to capture/kill him but as far as the  grander picture nothing material changes. Just look at Israel. They've killed terrorist head honcho after head honcho and the problems are still there. 
True, the military deserves the props, but we all know who wins politically -Obama. As far as Bin Laden being insignificant, eh lets be cereal. He founded Al-Queda, and lets be honest - was highly intelligent. I don't doubt that Al-Queda will continue for now, but lets not pretend that the killing wasn't significant. That being said,  I really wouldn't compare Al-Queda to Hamas, but that's a whole nother topic all together. 

He wasn't the founder of Al-Qaeda though. All evidence points to him being a financier during the Soviet-Afghan war but not a significant figure in the Mujahideen
effort against the Soviets. Sometime after the Persian Gulf war he became incensed and started organizing against the US. To call him the founder of Al-Qaeda is a misnomer though. The original founders of Al-Qaeda were the Saudis/Pakistan/ and US. 
Al-Qaeda and Hamas are different. I didn't meant to equate them specifically. Israel has been going after various heads for decades now. One pops up right after another. 
Take your strawman elsewhere.
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Neither Bush nor Obama should be given credit for it. 
The military/ para-military intelligence structure was there long before Bush or Obama got into office. 

Credit should be given to the people who grind for the info day in and day out. Whether they are officers or analysts of the DoD/NSA/CIA/Military. 

I don';t think Bush was lying when he claimed that the capture of Bin Laden didn't matter. Yeh, it might've been better to capture/kill him but as far as the  grander picture nothing material changes. Just look at Israel. They've killed terrorist head honcho after head honcho and the problems are still there. 
True, the military deserves the props, but we all know who wins politically -Obama. As far as Bin Laden being insignificant, eh lets be cereal. He founded Al-Queda, and lets be honest - was highly intelligent. I don't doubt that Al-Queda will continue for now, but lets not pretend that the killing wasn't significant. That being said,  I really wouldn't compare Al-Queda to Hamas, but that's a whole nother topic all together. 

He wasn't the founder of Al-Qaeda though. All evidence points to him being a financier during the Soviet-Afghan war but not a significant figure in the Mujahideen
effort against the Soviets. Sometime after the Persian Gulf war he became incensed and started organizing against the US. To call him the founder of Al-Qaeda is a misnomer though. The original founders of Al-Qaeda were the Saudis/Pakistan/ and US. 
Al-Qaeda and Hamas are different. I didn't meant to equate them specifically. Israel has been going after various heads for decades now. One pops up right after another. 
Take your strawman elsewhere.
Originally Posted by JD214

Originally Posted by MrDoeBoI

Originally Posted by BlazeDHoisanDoi

look, All you guys that is judging Osama bin laden without meeting the guy needs to sit down. To say stuff like "to hell with that scumbag" makes you sound very ignorant. You don't know if he really commited the crime the American government accused him of. I'm not defending the guy but all I'm saying is I live by only god can judge me and I wouldn't want anyone to judge me before meeting me.

I love the USA and I'm very patriotic but I'm not sure if the US government is showing me that same patriotism back. I'm very skeptical about anything a white congressman say on TV and I'm trying to be as unbiased and open-minded as possible.


What Blaze just said = Mindblown
. I always thought of this

And people having a parade for someone's death
, No matter who it was I still couldn't celebrate it, I'm sure they celebrated when they hit us so we're just looking as bad as them doing it.

You're an idiot. People over there celebrated the killing of innocent civilians. When has our country ever celebrated killing innocent civilians.
He's been dead for weeks. Of course they wouldnt announce this prior to the royal wedding.They make announcement at 10:30 at night to make it seems as if were breaking news when in fact it was not.
If you lived in the five boros you perhaps saw MTA airing for the first time ever safety commercials a couple weeks ago. It all makes sense now.
He's been dead for weeks. Of course they wouldnt announce this prior to the royal wedding.They make announcement at 10:30 at night to make it seems as if were breaking news when in fact it was not.
If you lived in the five boros you perhaps saw MTA airing for the first time ever safety commercials a couple weeks ago. It all makes sense now.
Originally Posted by JD214

Originally Posted by MrDoeBoI

Originally Posted by BlazeDHoisanDoi

look, All you guys that is judging Osama bin laden without meeting the guy needs to sit down. To say stuff like "to hell with that scumbag" makes you sound very ignorant. You don't know if he really commited the crime the American government accused him of. I'm not defending the guy but all I'm saying is I live by only god can judge me and I wouldn't want anyone to judge me before meeting me.

I love the USA and I'm very patriotic but I'm not sure if the US government is showing me that same patriotism back. I'm very skeptical about anything a white congressman say on TV and I'm trying to be as unbiased and open-minded as possible.


What Blaze just said = Mindblown
. I always thought of this

And people having a parade for someone's death
, No matter who it was I still couldn't celebrate it, I'm sure they celebrated when they hit us so we're just looking as bad as them doing it.

You're an idiot. People over there celebrated the killing of innocent civilians. When has our country ever celebrated killing innocent civilians.
Originally Posted by cguy610

Originally Posted by Mo Matik

Originally Posted by cguy610

Can't come up with an intelligent retort, eh?

People are celebrating the fact that this mass murderer of innocent civilians was caught an brought to justice. 
I was trying to make a point.  Everyone copied the top quote, didn't check out the story underneath.

[h3]Graffiti on Portland mosque under investigation[/h3]http://www.pressherald.co...under-investigation.html

I was relieved with his death too.  Not only is Osama responsible for the deaths of more Muslims than Americans, but I was affected by 9/11 too.  I'm born n raised in NJ my dad was working 4 blocks away from the towers that day and I was scared for his life just like any other American would be.

Let me be clear when I say that all this excitement really does scare me as an American Muslim.  I understand relief, and praise, but I celebrate the death of no man.

I'd agree with you under most circumstances but anybody who kills innocent men,women and kids deserves to die in my opinion. 

Also, I think many of these same people would celebrate if they had captured Osama instead of killed him, I know I would. 

I get the feeling that many people disagreeing are doing so just to be different because I have never seen such compassion towards such a mass murderer, ever.  Especially, one that was responsible for the deaths of innocent Muslims also.
I don't think that point of view is unreasonable.  Again let me be clear I don't think it's wrong to be happy that Osama Bin Laden is dead; just the outward display of celebration and the extent to which it has gone.  And it concerns me because it can really be the cause of an increase in tension with the American Muslim population.  I could feel it all day. 

People are uniting around this, which is a good and bad thing I guess.  Republican and Democrat.  Rush Limbaugh congratulated the President.  It's good if you can disassociate the unity against the "enemy" from making unwarranted judgments about Islam as a whole.  Unfortunately that takes knowledge about Islam and the region not very prevalent among the average American.  I expect to see an increase in these kind of anti-Islam incidents.
Originally Posted by cguy610

Originally Posted by Mo Matik

Originally Posted by cguy610

Can't come up with an intelligent retort, eh?

People are celebrating the fact that this mass murderer of innocent civilians was caught an brought to justice. 
I was trying to make a point.  Everyone copied the top quote, didn't check out the story underneath.

[h3]Graffiti on Portland mosque under investigation[/h3]http://www.pressherald.co...under-investigation.html

I was relieved with his death too.  Not only is Osama responsible for the deaths of more Muslims than Americans, but I was affected by 9/11 too.  I'm born n raised in NJ my dad was working 4 blocks away from the towers that day and I was scared for his life just like any other American would be.

Let me be clear when I say that all this excitement really does scare me as an American Muslim.  I understand relief, and praise, but I celebrate the death of no man.

I'd agree with you under most circumstances but anybody who kills innocent men,women and kids deserves to die in my opinion. 

Also, I think many of these same people would celebrate if they had captured Osama instead of killed him, I know I would. 

I get the feeling that many people disagreeing are doing so just to be different because I have never seen such compassion towards such a mass murderer, ever.  Especially, one that was responsible for the deaths of innocent Muslims also.
I don't think that point of view is unreasonable.  Again let me be clear I don't think it's wrong to be happy that Osama Bin Laden is dead; just the outward display of celebration and the extent to which it has gone.  And it concerns me because it can really be the cause of an increase in tension with the American Muslim population.  I could feel it all day. 

People are uniting around this, which is a good and bad thing I guess.  Republican and Democrat.  Rush Limbaugh congratulated the President.  It's good if you can disassociate the unity against the "enemy" from making unwarranted judgments about Islam as a whole.  Unfortunately that takes knowledge about Islam and the region not very prevalent among the average American.  I expect to see an increase in these kind of anti-Islam incidents.
Originally Posted by tkthafm

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by tkthafm


What ? 

Saudis supplied the manpower and money. US supplied money,military intelligence, and arms. Pakista, via it's ISI, provided the training/ organization as well as weapons purchases with Saudi money.

To the Afghan mujahideen.

Let's not get confused here.

This is far different from claiming they founded "al-Qaeda". This is completely wrong. Little to no evidence exists that the US ever armed foreign fighterss or worked with Bin Laden. The mujahideen in Afghanistan are not and were not the same thing as Al-Qaeda. The CIA certainly did arm the Afghan Mujahideen and some of these elements became the Taliban. Al-Qaeda has been mostly funded by rich donors, including bin Laden himself. There is no credible evidence that the CIA trained or gave money to foreign mujahideen (i.e. non-Afghans). Ayman al-Zawahiri confirmed this in a book, and bin Laden claimed a similar story. There's been speculation to the contrary, but no credible evidence has surfaced and people in the know have said it didn't happen. Bin Laden had no need for Western money and certainly, even at that time, wouldn't have agreed to partner with the US. There are few things al-Qaeda & US agree on, and this is one of them. The ISI/al-Qaeda connection/sympathy is true, but they did not "create" al-Qaeda; and neither did the Saudi's (really, the SAUDI'S ? lol). Remember that al-Qaeda ideology and the mentality of its foreign fighters split off from many of the Afghans/ or less "radical" elements (Abdullah Yusuf Azzam most notably) and it was only at this time did al-Qaeda even begin to truly take shape.Why any of these nations would supposedly arm/train/found a group hell bent on their destruction I can't imagine. I'd love to see credible evidence showing otherwise, be it material aid or implanting the ideology (which one can argue IS what 'al-Qaeda' actually is) that any of these nations "founded" al-Qaeda.
Originally Posted by tkthafm

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by tkthafm


What ? 

Saudis supplied the manpower and money. US supplied money,military intelligence, and arms. Pakista, via it's ISI, provided the training/ organization as well as weapons purchases with Saudi money.

To the Afghan mujahideen.

Let's not get confused here.

This is far different from claiming they founded "al-Qaeda". This is completely wrong. Little to no evidence exists that the US ever armed foreign fighterss or worked with Bin Laden. The mujahideen in Afghanistan are not and were not the same thing as Al-Qaeda. The CIA certainly did arm the Afghan Mujahideen and some of these elements became the Taliban. Al-Qaeda has been mostly funded by rich donors, including bin Laden himself. There is no credible evidence that the CIA trained or gave money to foreign mujahideen (i.e. non-Afghans). Ayman al-Zawahiri confirmed this in a book, and bin Laden claimed a similar story. There's been speculation to the contrary, but no credible evidence has surfaced and people in the know have said it didn't happen. Bin Laden had no need for Western money and certainly, even at that time, wouldn't have agreed to partner with the US. There are few things al-Qaeda & US agree on, and this is one of them. The ISI/al-Qaeda connection/sympathy is true, but they did not "create" al-Qaeda; and neither did the Saudi's (really, the SAUDI'S ? lol). Remember that al-Qaeda ideology and the mentality of its foreign fighters split off from many of the Afghans/ or less "radical" elements (Abdullah Yusuf Azzam most notably) and it was only at this time did al-Qaeda even begin to truly take shape.Why any of these nations would supposedly arm/train/found a group hell bent on their destruction I can't imagine. I'd love to see credible evidence showing otherwise, be it material aid or implanting the ideology (which one can argue IS what 'al-Qaeda' actually is) that any of these nations "founded" al-Qaeda.
Originally Posted by unique8587

He's been dead for weeks. Of course they wouldnt announce this prior to the royal wedding.They make announcement at 10:30 at night to make it seems as if were breaking news when in fact it was not.
If you lived in the five boros you perhaps saw MTA airing for the first time ever safety commercials a couple weeks ago. It all makes sense now.

So...the guy Tweeting about it as it occurred is apart of everything too?
Originally Posted by unique8587

He's been dead for weeks. Of course they wouldnt announce this prior to the royal wedding.They make announcement at 10:30 at night to make it seems as if were breaking news when in fact it was not.
If you lived in the five boros you perhaps saw MTA airing for the first time ever safety commercials a couple weeks ago. It all makes sense now.

So...the guy Tweeting about it as it occurred is apart of everything too?
Originally Posted by cguy610

Originally Posted by JD214

Originally Posted by MrDoeBoI


What Blaze just said = Mindblown
. I always thought of this

And people having a parade for someone's death
, No matter who it was I still couldn't celebrate it, I'm sure they celebrated when they hit us so we're just looking as bad as them doing it.

You're an idiot. People over there celebrated the killing of innocent civilians. When has our country ever celebrated killing innocent civilians.
Columbus Day and Thanksgiving.
Originally Posted by cguy610

Originally Posted by JD214

Originally Posted by MrDoeBoI


What Blaze just said = Mindblown
. I always thought of this

And people having a parade for someone's death
, No matter who it was I still couldn't celebrate it, I'm sure they celebrated when they hit us so we're just looking as bad as them doing it.

You're an idiot. People over there celebrated the killing of innocent civilians. When has our country ever celebrated killing innocent civilians.
Columbus Day and Thanksgiving.
Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by kix4kix

True, the military deserves the props, but we all know who wins politically -Obama. As far as Bin Laden being insignificant, eh lets be cereal. He founded Al-Queda, and lets be honest - was highly intelligent. I don't doubt that Al-Queda will continue for now, but lets not pretend that the killing wasn't significant. That being said,  I really wouldn't compare Al-Queda to Hamas, but that's a whole nother topic all together. 

He wasn't the founder of Al-Qaeda though. All evidence points to him being a financier during the Soviet-Afghan war but not a significant figure in the Mujahideen
effort against the Soviets. Sometime after the Persian Gulf war he became incensed and started organizing against the US. To call him the founder of Al-Qaeda is a misnomer though. The original founders of Al-Qaeda were the Saudis/Pakistan/ and US. 
Al-Qaeda and Hamas are different. I didn't meant to equate them specifically. Israel has been going after various heads for decades now. One pops up right after another. 
Take your strawman elsewhere.
No, he's absolutely right.  Killing Osama does little against the opposition.  Even all that data recovered does little against the opposition.

The thing that people don't realize is that Al-Qaeda isn't an organized actual terrorist network.  There is no actual terrorist network cell that we once believed.  Sure there are specific cells; but what we are fighting is an idea that is prevalent among young Muslim men.

Just as killing Hamas members does little against the opposition; you have to eventually address these underlying issues.

The main issues being:
-The propping up of various dictators in the region (which has hopefully ran its course now)
-The various military bases established in the region
-Most importantly, the Israel Palestine conflict
Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by kix4kix

True, the military deserves the props, but we all know who wins politically -Obama. As far as Bin Laden being insignificant, eh lets be cereal. He founded Al-Queda, and lets be honest - was highly intelligent. I don't doubt that Al-Queda will continue for now, but lets not pretend that the killing wasn't significant. That being said,  I really wouldn't compare Al-Queda to Hamas, but that's a whole nother topic all together. 

He wasn't the founder of Al-Qaeda though. All evidence points to him being a financier during the Soviet-Afghan war but not a significant figure in the Mujahideen
effort against the Soviets. Sometime after the Persian Gulf war he became incensed and started organizing against the US. To call him the founder of Al-Qaeda is a misnomer though. The original founders of Al-Qaeda were the Saudis/Pakistan/ and US. 
Al-Qaeda and Hamas are different. I didn't meant to equate them specifically. Israel has been going after various heads for decades now. One pops up right after another. 
Take your strawman elsewhere.
No, he's absolutely right.  Killing Osama does little against the opposition.  Even all that data recovered does little against the opposition.

The thing that people don't realize is that Al-Qaeda isn't an organized actual terrorist network.  There is no actual terrorist network cell that we once believed.  Sure there are specific cells; but what we are fighting is an idea that is prevalent among young Muslim men.

Just as killing Hamas members does little against the opposition; you have to eventually address these underlying issues.

The main issues being:
-The propping up of various dictators in the region (which has hopefully ran its course now)
-The various military bases established in the region
-Most importantly, the Israel Palestine conflict
Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Originally Posted by tkthafm

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Saudis supplied the manpower and money. US supplied money,military intelligence, and arms. Pakista, via it's ISI, provided the training/ organization as well as weapons purchases with Saudi money.

To the Afghan mujahideen.

Let's not get confused here.

This is far different from claiming they founded "al-Qaeda". This is completely wrong. Little to no evidence exists that the US ever armed foreign fighterss or worked with Bin Laden. The mujahideen in Afghanistan are not and were not the same thing as Al-Qaeda. The CIA certainly did arm the Afghan Mujahideen and some of these elements became the Taliban. Al-Qaeda has been mostly funded by rich donors, including bin Laden himself. There is no credible evidence that the CIA trained or gave money to foreign mujahideen (i.e. non-Afghans). Ayman al-Zawahiri confirmed this in a book, and bin Laden claimed a similar story. There's been speculation to the contrary, but no credible evidence has surfaced and people in the know have said it didn't happen. Bin Laden had no need for Western money and certainly, even at that time, wouldn't have agreed to partner with the US. There are few things al-Qaeda & US agree on, and this is one of them. The ISI/al-Qaeda connection/sympathy is true, but they did not "create" al-Qaeda; and neither did the Saudi's (really, the SAUDI'S ? lol). Remember that al-Qaeda ideology and the mentality of its foreign fighters split off from many of the Afghans/ or less "radical" elements (Abdullah Yusuf Azzam most notably) and it was only at this time did al-Qaeda even begin to truly take shape.Why any of these nations would supposedly arm/train/found a group hell bent on their destruction I can't imagine. I'd love to see credible evidence showing otherwise, be it material aid or implanting the ideology (which one can argue IS what 'al-Qaeda' actually is) that any of these nations "founded" al-Qaeda.
So I assume you have evidence you would like to present ? 

Arming indigenous Afghans through Pakistan =/= Arming foreign Jihadists such as Bin Laden; much the ridiculous claim that they 'founded' al-Qaeda.  
Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Originally Posted by tkthafm

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Saudis supplied the manpower and money. US supplied money,military intelligence, and arms. Pakista, via it's ISI, provided the training/ organization as well as weapons purchases with Saudi money.

To the Afghan mujahideen.

Let's not get confused here.

This is far different from claiming they founded "al-Qaeda". This is completely wrong. Little to no evidence exists that the US ever armed foreign fighterss or worked with Bin Laden. The mujahideen in Afghanistan are not and were not the same thing as Al-Qaeda. The CIA certainly did arm the Afghan Mujahideen and some of these elements became the Taliban. Al-Qaeda has been mostly funded by rich donors, including bin Laden himself. There is no credible evidence that the CIA trained or gave money to foreign mujahideen (i.e. non-Afghans). Ayman al-Zawahiri confirmed this in a book, and bin Laden claimed a similar story. There's been speculation to the contrary, but no credible evidence has surfaced and people in the know have said it didn't happen. Bin Laden had no need for Western money and certainly, even at that time, wouldn't have agreed to partner with the US. There are few things al-Qaeda & US agree on, and this is one of them. The ISI/al-Qaeda connection/sympathy is true, but they did not "create" al-Qaeda; and neither did the Saudi's (really, the SAUDI'S ? lol). Remember that al-Qaeda ideology and the mentality of its foreign fighters split off from many of the Afghans/ or less "radical" elements (Abdullah Yusuf Azzam most notably) and it was only at this time did al-Qaeda even begin to truly take shape.Why any of these nations would supposedly arm/train/found a group hell bent on their destruction I can't imagine. I'd love to see credible evidence showing otherwise, be it material aid or implanting the ideology (which one can argue IS what 'al-Qaeda' actually is) that any of these nations "founded" al-Qaeda.
So I assume you have evidence you would like to present ? 

Arming indigenous Afghans through Pakistan =/= Arming foreign Jihadists such as Bin Laden; much the ridiculous claim that they 'founded' al-Qaeda.  
Originally Posted by tkthafm

To the Afghan mujahideen.

Let's not get confused here.

This is far different from claiming they founded "al-Qaeda". This is completely wrong. Little to no evidence exists that the US ever armed foreign fighters or worked with Bin Laden. The mujahideen in Afghanistan are not and were not the same thing as Al-Qaeda. The CIA certainly did arm the Afghan Mujahideen and some of these elements became the Taliban. Al-Qaeda has been mostly funded by rich donors, including bin Laden himself. There is no credible evidence that the CIA trained or gave money to foreign mujahideen (i.e. non-Afghans). Ayman al-Zawahiri confirmed this in a book, and bin Laden claimed a similar story. There's been speculation to the contrary, but no credible evidence has surfaced and people in the know have said it didn't happen. Bin Laden had no need for Western money and certainly, even at that time, wouldn't have agreed to partner with the US. There are few things al-Qaeda & US agree on, and this is one of them. The ISI/al-Qaeda connection/sympathy is true, but they did not "create" al-Qaeda; and neither did the Saudi's (really, the SAUDI'S ? lol). Remember that al-Qaeda ideology and the mentality of its foreign fighters split off from many of the Afghans/ or less "radical" elements (Abdullah Yusuf Azzam most notably) and it was only at this time did al-Qaeda even begin to truly take shape.Why any of these nations would supposedly arm/train/found a group hell bent on their destruction I can't imagine. I'd love to see credible evidence showing otherwise, be it material aid or implanting the ideology (which one can argue IS what 'al-Qaeda' actually is) that any of these nations "founded" al-Qaeda.

From the research I have done, Osama bin Laden infact was recruited during the Soviet-Afghan war under the auspices and indirect support of the CIA to fight the Soviets. But, it was done directly through the help of the ISI but indirectly through the CIA.

It was not only local Afghans who were the mujahideens.  CIA and Pakistan's ISI wanted to turn the Afghan jihad into a global war waged by all Muslim states against the Soviet Union, some 35,000 Muslim radicals from 40 Islamic countries joined Afghanistan's fight between 1982 and 1992. Tens of thousands more came to study in Pakistani madrasahs. Eventually more than 100,000 foreign Muslim radicals were directly influenced by the Afghan jihad. (Read Ahmed Rashid, "The Taliban: Exporting Extremism", Foreign Affairs November-December 1999)

The Islamic "jihad" was supported by the U.S. and Saudi Arabia with a significant part of the funding generated from the Golden Crescent drug trade.In March 1985, President Reagan signed National Security Decision Directive 166, which authorized the stepped-up covert military aid to the Mujahideen. The CIA, using Pakistan's ISI played a key role in training the Mujahideen. In turn, the CIA sponsored guerrilla training was integrated with the teachings of Islam (basically teaching that Islam was a complete socio-political ideology, and that holy Islam was being violated by the threat of Communism and the Soviets, and that the Islamic people of Afghanistan should reassert their independence by overthrowing the leftist Afghan regime propped up by Moscow.)

The ISI was used as a go between, so these guerillas and mujahideen were indirectly suppored by the CIA through the ISI.
Originally Posted by tkthafm

To the Afghan mujahideen.

Let's not get confused here.

This is far different from claiming they founded "al-Qaeda". This is completely wrong. Little to no evidence exists that the US ever armed foreign fighters or worked with Bin Laden. The mujahideen in Afghanistan are not and were not the same thing as Al-Qaeda. The CIA certainly did arm the Afghan Mujahideen and some of these elements became the Taliban. Al-Qaeda has been mostly funded by rich donors, including bin Laden himself. There is no credible evidence that the CIA trained or gave money to foreign mujahideen (i.e. non-Afghans). Ayman al-Zawahiri confirmed this in a book, and bin Laden claimed a similar story. There's been speculation to the contrary, but no credible evidence has surfaced and people in the know have said it didn't happen. Bin Laden had no need for Western money and certainly, even at that time, wouldn't have agreed to partner with the US. There are few things al-Qaeda & US agree on, and this is one of them. The ISI/al-Qaeda connection/sympathy is true, but they did not "create" al-Qaeda; and neither did the Saudi's (really, the SAUDI'S ? lol). Remember that al-Qaeda ideology and the mentality of its foreign fighters split off from many of the Afghans/ or less "radical" elements (Abdullah Yusuf Azzam most notably) and it was only at this time did al-Qaeda even begin to truly take shape.Why any of these nations would supposedly arm/train/found a group hell bent on their destruction I can't imagine. I'd love to see credible evidence showing otherwise, be it material aid or implanting the ideology (which one can argue IS what 'al-Qaeda' actually is) that any of these nations "founded" al-Qaeda.

From the research I have done, Osama bin Laden infact was recruited during the Soviet-Afghan war under the auspices and indirect support of the CIA to fight the Soviets. But, it was done directly through the help of the ISI but indirectly through the CIA.

It was not only local Afghans who were the mujahideens.  CIA and Pakistan's ISI wanted to turn the Afghan jihad into a global war waged by all Muslim states against the Soviet Union, some 35,000 Muslim radicals from 40 Islamic countries joined Afghanistan's fight between 1982 and 1992. Tens of thousands more came to study in Pakistani madrasahs. Eventually more than 100,000 foreign Muslim radicals were directly influenced by the Afghan jihad. (Read Ahmed Rashid, "The Taliban: Exporting Extremism", Foreign Affairs November-December 1999)

The Islamic "jihad" was supported by the U.S. and Saudi Arabia with a significant part of the funding generated from the Golden Crescent drug trade.In March 1985, President Reagan signed National Security Decision Directive 166, which authorized the stepped-up covert military aid to the Mujahideen. The CIA, using Pakistan's ISI played a key role in training the Mujahideen. In turn, the CIA sponsored guerrilla training was integrated with the teachings of Islam (basically teaching that Islam was a complete socio-political ideology, and that holy Islam was being violated by the threat of Communism and the Soviets, and that the Islamic people of Afghanistan should reassert their independence by overthrowing the leftist Afghan regime propped up by Moscow.)

The ISI was used as a go between, so these guerillas and mujahideen were indirectly suppored by the CIA through the ISI.
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