P90X Discussion

Here's a photo of my progress (Day 48). Going to go to the beach tomorrow, so I'll take more photos after when I have a better tan. No before photos,but lets just say I never exercised, ate junk food all day/night and was 10-15 lbs. heavier.

I am not too thrilled with my arms right now. I actually can't wait until P90X is over so I can structure a plan that involves more lifting. Hopefully Ican get bigger by the end, but if not, I still think the program is worth committing to.

^ good !+!% bruhh! damn I can't wait for that day. YAY. Week 2 is done! LOL time flies! Only skipped one day because of my emotional break down. So since Ididn't do ab ripper x on Friday I did it on Saturday with Kenpo X. LOL. I am happy. Heres a vid of my breakdown.
Originally Posted by Praise The X I

^ good !+!% bruhh! damn I can't wait for that day. YAY. Week 2 is done! LOL time flies! Only skipped one day because of my emotional break down. So since I didn't do ab ripper x on Friday I did it on Saturday with Kenpo X. LOL. I am happy. Heres a vid of my breakdown.
damn man RELAX. getting a 6 pack and being all muscular is nice and all. but the most important thing is just exercise to be fit/in shape, but EATWHAT YOU WANT.

when i started working out for real like a year ago, i was like u man: all hung up over diet and stupid stuff like that and it was really getting into the wayof how i eat, hanging out with friends when they go out... it was just not worth it.

just work out to stay in great shape, no need for extreme definition or anything.

u know u overdoin' it when u post a vid like this vol. oh no my life is over
Originally Posted by nyk buc

Originally Posted by Praise The X I

^ good !+!% bruhh! damn I can't wait for that day. YAY. Week 2 is done! LOL time flies! Only skipped one day because of my emotional break down. So since I didn't do ab ripper x on Friday I did it on Saturday with Kenpo X. LOL. I am happy. Heres a vid of my breakdown.
damn man RELAX. getting a 6 pack and being all muscular is nice and all. but the most important thing is just exercise to be fit/in shape, but EAT WHAT YOU WANT.

when i started working out for real like a year ago, i was like u man: all hung up over diet and stupid stuff like that and it was really getting into the way of how i eat, hanging out with friends when they go out... it was just not worth it.

just work out to stay in great shape, no need for extreme definition or anything.

u know u overdoin' it when u post a vid like this vol. oh no my life is over

Thanks man. I know, you're right. It's just after hs when I blew up 25 pounds it was hard for me. I got sick of hearing people talk about how hard Ifell off, or how fat I was. Got sick of sitting on my bed and eating whole pizzas and hawaiian bbq meal after meal, slurpies during nba finals, food at 4 am. Igot tired of it. Got tired of looking at myself in the mirror and feeling sorry for myself. So this is a big thing for me. A BIG lifestyle change. And I jumpedright into it and HARD. I do not want to quit. I want this to be a lifetime goal. I want the perfectly sculpted body... I am thirsty for it. =x Hopefullylittle by little I will learn it is ok to eat what I want and still party. Thanks for opening my eyes though
Originally Posted by Praise The X I

Originally Posted by nyk buc

Originally Posted by Praise The X I

^ good !+!% bruhh! damn I can't wait for that day. YAY. Week 2 is done! LOL time flies! Only skipped one day because of my emotional break down. So since I didn't do ab ripper x on Friday I did it on Saturday with Kenpo X. LOL. I am happy. Heres a vid of my breakdown.
damn man RELAX. getting a 6 pack and being all muscular is nice and all. but the most important thing is just exercise to be fit/in shape, but EAT WHAT YOU WANT.

when i started working out for real like a year ago, i was like u man: all hung up over diet and stupid stuff like that and it was really getting into the way of how i eat, hanging out with friends when they go out... it was just not worth it.

just work out to stay in great shape, no need for extreme definition or anything.

u know u overdoin' it when u post a vid like this vol. oh no my life is over

Thanks man. I know, you're right. It's just after hs when I blew up 25 pounds it was hard for me. I got sick of hearing people talk about how hard I fell off, or how fat I was. Got sick of sitting on my bed and eating whole pizzas and hawaiian bbq meal after meal, slurpies during nba finals, food at 4 am. I got tired of it. Got tired of looking at myself in the mirror and feeling sorry for myself. So this is a big thing for me. A BIG lifestyle change. And I jumped right into it and HARD. I do not want to quit. I want this to be a lifetime goal. I want the perfectly sculpted body... I am thirsty for it. =x Hopefully little by little I will learn it is ok to eat what I want and still party. Thanks for opening my eyes though
i hope u achieve ur goal and its great to see your extreme dedication b/c that is what it will take. but ur right, to achieve that, its not justworking out, but a complete lifestyle makeover.

i tried that and i can't sustain it
. i mean i lost 20 lbs over theyear, but during that span, i still ate at in-and-out w/ my homeboys 2-3x a week, and we eat out 5x a week b/c im a student and cant cook for nothing

to compensate, i just work out 4-5x a week though, but i love the gym. i just dont know how i would do not eating what i want, and trust me, i love eating.

but gl to ya bro. the road ahead is gonna be tough as hell. but once again, it seems like you have your mind set on what u want. and thats a great start. keepit up.
Originally Posted by Praise The X I

^ good !+!% bruhh! damn I can't wait for that day. YAY. Week 2 is done! LOL time flies! Only skipped one day because of my emotional break down. So since I didn't do ab ripper x on Friday I did it on Saturday with Kenpo X. LOL. I am happy. Heres a vid of my breakdown.
Somebody call theWaaaaaAAAaAAmbulance. It aint nothing, one day slip up are you serious? If you're consistent, thats minor. I always givemyself a one cheating/chill day where I eat what I want.
I tell you what NT, I'm about on my 6th go around with trying to follow through with this. I definitely miss and prefer the old fashioned way of liftingvia free weights and doing my power lifts, but I'm hard pressed to get through this whole damn program for something different and just to accomplish thegoal. I'm annoyed with myself for not getting it done...I will though. Promise that. Starting over tomorrow.

I need to get my butt up early to do this instead of waiting until later on. Especially the days when I work 12 hrs.
Trying to motivate myself on those daysis not an easy task.
just went grocery shopping got some healthy stuff about to start the program with a
friend tomorrow hopefully we stay motivated throughout the whole program. Will resistance
bands take the place of dumbells throughtout the program
If I am already skinny and just want to TONE UP LIKE CRAZY. Is a protein shake in the morning and after workout tooooo much?
i started runnin 2 miles a day june 1st to get my cardio up, i think ima look for this online or whatever and get to it starting july 1st
Originally Posted by solesavage

Originally Posted by Praise The X I

^ good !+!% bruhh! damn I can't wait for that day. YAY. Week 2 is done! LOL time flies! Only skipped one day because of my emotional break down. So since I didn't do ab ripper x on Friday I did it on Saturday with Kenpo X. LOL. I am happy. Heres a vid of my breakdown.
Somebody call theWaaaaaAAAaAAmbulance. It aint nothing, one day slip up are you serious? If you're consistent, thats minor. I always give myself a one cheating/chill day where I eat what I want.

well what did you expect making an all or nothing approach?
I always tell people to gradually make changes within themselves, not go all out straight upotherwise you put an incredible amount of pressure on yourself.
I completely lost track of the dates and realized this was my recovery week. Ran about 2 miles and just finished Yoga. Ran about 4 miles yesterday on the beachand my knees are killing me. Diet took a hit yesterday too, ate a half a hamburger, steak, chips and some sugar cookies.

Anyways, looking forward to Phase III. Looks like there is 1 more day of Cardio-X and the weeks alternate between the Phase I and Phase II weeks. Can'twait.

BTW, is Tuesday for the Recovery week for Phase II Plyometrics or Core Synergistics? My Excel spreadsheet is telling me Core and the guide is saying Plyo.I'll probably go with Plyo..

And yeah, the compliments I received at the beach from friends and family members was astounding. I'm still about 30-40% from where I want to be, butcomments about my progress just pushes me even more.
Yesterday I did a Mini-Triathonl Running on 7.0 for 20min, bike level 10 for 20 min, Swimming hard 20 min, and finished with 20 min in the hot tub
I gotbored of the Cardio X rather quickly and the mixture seems to be more fun and keeps things interesting.
damn at least i know im not the only one who is breaking down doing this...i did the whole 1st week solid..last week i missing like 3 days...this week will bemy 3rd week since i started and already missed 2 days....i need to get back on my grind and find that motivation...i think its just work that wears me down...
TrueshotAura damn that sounds SOLID. I think i'ma try that once I get to my rest week next week!

e22s: Come on man! I missed 30 minutes of 1 workout not days. Get back on it. I am on week 3 and I finished day 1 today. SO in total 30 minutes lost on one daylast week and bounce right back hard with kenpo x. If I were you I would start over at week 1. If anything it will be a good burst for you and you are ready.Remember you can extend the program. Start over.
ok, i started up this program again. i did it awhile back, but only lasted a couple weeks.

today, i got my %#* kicked from chest and back. for some reason, i wasnt able to do the pushups as well as i normally could, maybe it is because i haventworked out in months due to an injury. and when it came to ab ripper x, i was already dead and struggling and constantly pausing.

does anyone else struggle with the ab ripper x, i could only do like 10 reps each time before dying. my abs are burning. i am gonna be sore tomorrow, i dontknow if i can even do plyometrics, but im gonna push through it...
Originally Posted by DMan14

ok, i started up this program again. i did it awhile back, but only lasted a couple weeks.

today, i got my %#* kicked from chest and back. for some reason, i wasnt able to do the pushups as well as i normally could, maybe it is because i havent worked out in months due to an injury. and when it came to ab ripper x, i was already dead and struggling and constantly pausing.

does anyone else struggle with the ab ripper x, i could only do like 10 reps each time before dying. my abs are burning. i am gonna be sore tomorrow, i dont know if i can even do plyometrics, but im gonna push through it...

Welcome back. Don't worry the first day is always hell. Push through it and do plyo tomorrow. It will be hard and on day 3 you are gonna be SORE. But youlearn to love it. So keep staying strong. Today was day 1 week 3 for me and I also struggled with chest and back. I did better the last 2 weeks then I didtoday with my pullups. I think it is because I was going all the way down. And as far as ab ripper goes. My last 2 weeks have been GREAT and I have been good.But today I was also off. Front and reverse bicycles still only burns in my thighs and not my abs. I skipped through 2 of the workouts and just looked atmyself in the mirror and laughed. haha. But I did all 50 mason twists since I didn't go as hard as I should have during the workout. Anymore questions justholla.
Originally Posted by Praise The X I

Originally Posted by DMan14

ok, i started up this program again. i did it awhile back, but only lasted a couple weeks.

today, i got my %#* kicked from chest and back. for some reason, i wasnt able to do the pushups as well as i normally could, maybe it is because i havent worked out in months due to an injury. and when it came to ab ripper x, i was already dead and struggling and constantly pausing.

does anyone else struggle with the ab ripper x, i could only do like 10 reps each time before dying. my abs are burning. i am gonna be sore tomorrow, i dont know if i can even do plyometrics, but im gonna push through it...

Welcome back. Don't worry the first day is always hell. Push through it and do plyo tomorrow. It will be hard and on day 3 you are gonna be SORE. But you learn to love it. So keep staying strong. Today was day 1 week 3 for me and I also struggled with chest and back. I did better the last 2 weeks then I did today with my pullups. I think it is because I was going all the way down. And as far as ab ripper goes. My last 2 weeks have been GREAT and I have been good. But today I was also off. Front and reverse bicycles still only burns in my thighs and not my abs. I skipped through 2 of the workouts and just looked at myself in the mirror and laughed. haha. But I did all 50 mason twists since I didn't go as hard as I should have during the workout. Anymore questions just holla.
im not as flexible as i once was

i was struggling with the leg climbs, like @+%

when dude was counting his last few reps, i was lying on my back dead tired
Originally Posted by DMan14

Originally Posted by Praise The X I

Originally Posted by DMan14

ok, i started up this program again. i did it awhile back, but only lasted a couple weeks.

today, i got my %#* kicked from chest and back. for some reason, i wasnt able to do the pushups as well as i normally could, maybe it is because i havent worked out in months due to an injury. and when it came to ab ripper x, i was already dead and struggling and constantly pausing.

does anyone else struggle with the ab ripper x, i could only do like 10 reps each time before dying. my abs are burning. i am gonna be sore tomorrow, i dont know if i can even do plyometrics, but im gonna push through it...

Welcome back. Don't worry the first day is always hell. Push through it and do plyo tomorrow. It will be hard and on day 3 you are gonna be SORE. But you learn to love it. So keep staying strong. Today was day 1 week 3 for me and I also struggled with chest and back. I did better the last 2 weeks then I did today with my pullups. I think it is because I was going all the way down. And as far as ab ripper goes. My last 2 weeks have been GREAT and I have been good. But today I was also off. Front and reverse bicycles still only burns in my thighs and not my abs. I skipped through 2 of the workouts and just looked at myself in the mirror and laughed. haha. But I did all 50 mason twists since I didn't go as hard as I should have during the workout. Anymore questions just holla.
im not as flexible as i once was

i was struggling with the leg climbs, like @+%

when dude was counting his last few reps, i was lying on my back dead tired

lol those are usually the easy ones! just use more grabs and put your other leg down. I am going to be recording a video of my doing ab ripper on wednesday andit will be posted. hopefully since I'm on video my form gets better. that's my logic in doing it.

First day of my 8-4 shift and I'm feeling lazyyy to start. Pylom today, but I'm probably going to end up running ball instead.

Keep up the good work everyone!
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