P90X Discussion

Originally Posted by ChewToy112

Not bad. Disproportionaly large love handles though, IMO.
I know dude. My boy ALWAYS tells me that. I really don't know how to get rid of them. Any ideas?
done with the first week sticked with my own diet plan cheated a little bit at a bbq because i could resist but pretty much had a good week.
My whole body was hurting for the first 3 days but im feeling pretty good right now now on to week 2 on monday
$%#% looks intense!! But I Think i can manage it...Bout to get the discs from my guy tonight planning on starting monday...I'm a little guy , 19 5'6and about 150...what protein shakes do you recommend?Toughest part for me is going to be my eating habits, tough being a college kid surrounded by fast food...
Originally Posted by Praise The X I

Originally Posted by ChewToy112

Not bad. Disproportionaly large love handles though, IMO.
I know dude. My boy ALWAYS tells me that. I really don't know how to get rid of them. Any ideas?

Nah, there's no way to get rid of them directly; you can't spot reduce. Just keep up the work with diet and cardio and caloric deficit and it'lleventually come off. I used to have them too, not as big, but I had them for sure.
I recommend Jay Robb Whey Protein (can be found at Whole Foods or online) and Biogenessis Ultra High Protein bars.

Since you're in college, a must-buy (if you already don't have one) is a George Foreman Grill. I bought one before I started P90X. It cost about $20 atK-Mart and it's a great way to prepare simple meals.

I know how tough it is to eat on campus, but if you have time, prepare food in the morning and take it with you.
Originally Posted by ChewToy112

Originally Posted by Praise The X I

Originally Posted by ChewToy112

Not bad. Disproportionaly large love handles though, IMO.
I know dude. My boy ALWAYS tells me that. I really don't know how to get rid of them. Any ideas?

Nah, there's no way to get rid of them directly; you can't spot reduce. Just keep up the work with diet and cardio and caloric deficit and it'll eventually come off. I used to have them too, not as big, but I had them for sure.

Damnit. Thanks man. Ya even when I was in good shape a long time ago I had massive handles... emberrasing...
Quick question, do you guys follow the order to a tee?
Because I don't want to do plyometrics or leg exercises on Wednesdays because I play basketball on Thursdays and want to rest my legs.
It shouldn't be a problem to substitute another workout in it's place right? Like Kenpo X in place of plyometrics?

Also, if I do not want to do Yoga X, can I just substitute a 30-40 minutes run instead?
It should be better than Yoga X right? At least burning calories-wise.
Of the "non" lifting routines in P90X, Yoga X is my favorite. It's tough and challenging, but that's the reason I love doing it. IMO, if youdon't want to do Plyo, do Yoga X instead.

So instead of using a run to substitute for Yoga X, just use it in place of Kenpo X, which is somewhat useless IMO.
Thanks for the suggestion.
I rather enjoy Kenpo X though, that is why I like it.
My problem with Yoga X is that it is too long.
With most of these routines, about 15-20 minutes are stretching, which I avoid so it cuts the time of the routinea to 35-45 minutes instead of an hour each.
But the Yoga X is a complete routine of about 1.5 hours.
I just don't have the time to do it. I'll try and fit it in my weekend activities if possible but I prefer a shorter routine if possible.

Just curious, why do you say it is useless?
I find it a good substitute to running, especially when I get home late and it is too dark to run outside, although I feel like I sweat more and lose morecalories with running.
I do not have the cardio X, is it more intense than the Kenpo X?

Also, substituting or switching up an arm routine from a leg routine should be no problem right? As long as the routines are done at least once in a week?
Back in action today...I wonder how long I keep it going this time.
Core Syn today. I really liked it.

I find that the most difficult thing is the diet, lol.
this has prob. been said, but i see a lot of different packages for the p90x online. which one is the cheapest? i just want the workouts and the ab ripper. thegym i go to has seperate personal rooms so i was gonna bring my comp and do them their so i have access to the free weights.
Hey guys, just finished week 1. Burnt out but feel great at the same time. Plyo was BY FAR the hardest one. Not only was my feet and legs taking a crazypounding I also I started to get the feeling that I was gonna throw up. I couldn't even finish it. My friend told me that it had something to do with myblood sugar level dropping. Eating a candy when I got that feeling made it go away.
Originally Posted by DaMysteryMan

Week 5 Day 2...recovery week was weak but back on it this week...really need to fix this diet

I'm on my first recovery week this week and I hate it! i feel like I'm losing all my results and I'm doing nothing. This is rediculous and pissingme off.
Originally Posted by Praise The X I

Originally Posted by DaMysteryMan

Week 5 Day 2...recovery week was weak but back on it this week...really need to fix this diet

Why would you think you were losing results?

I'm on my first recovery week this week and I hate it! i feel like I'm losing all my results and I'm doing nothing. This is rediculous and pissing me off.
on week 2 day 3 not as sore as i was the first time i did plyo. I already lost 5 pounds from the program so im seeing results but gotta take a week break
cause im going to cali for a week. Hopefully i dont cheat to much while im down there
Originally Posted by Praise The X I

Originally Posted by DaMysteryMan

Week 5 Day 2...recovery week was weak but back on it this week...really need to fix this diet

I'm on my first recovery week this week and I hate it! i feel like I'm losing all my results and I'm doing nothing. This is rediculous and pissing me off.
Recovery is just as important as the workout, your muscles are now growing bigger and stronger from all the wear and tear from the past 3 weeks.
I just ordered it for $39.98 and absolutely cannot wait to start the program...

Am I supposed to be receiving 12 dvds? How does this work? They are all labeled with different muscle exercises, where do I start?

Should I wait until I have dumbbells and a chin up bar purchased before I start the program?
Originally Posted by dead in 09

I just ordered it for $39.98 and absolutely cannot wait to start the program...

Am I supposed to be receiving 12 dvds? How does this work? They are all labeled with different muscle exercises, where do I start?

Should I wait until I have dumbbells and a chin up bar purchased before I start the program?

Those are questions that all can be answered in their main website or a simple google search.
i fell off hard. i got thru the first 2 stages and was feelin good but then i got sick for a few days and didnt do anything. i also bought a house during thattime and was kinda busy with the paperwork and phonecalls back and forth to get things done. all in all i havent done a damn thing in 2 weeks. yes, 2 weeks. iread the one guy missed 30 min of 1 day and im thinkin damn what do i do now? i just did 2 days of stretching and 1 day of kenpo just to get loose again. ithink ill do phase 2 recovery then just get into phase 3. i think im gonna restart again after i get done w phase 3. i like the results but i know i can domore. id also throw some extra weightlifting in there too to mix it up. i cant believe i just stopped for 2 weeks.ahhhhhhhh
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