P90X Discussion

I wish the Core Synergistics was part of the entire program (not just the supplemental lean). Exercises are pretty intense, but it's tough to get used tothem because they're only done two times a month.

Not sure what I have tomorrow, but I think it's either Kenpo-X or X-Stretch. May add a 2-3 mile run depending on how my knees feel.

Were you a scawny dude going for definition or were you chubby and shedding it all. You can definitely see results man.

I've always had a small rice belly and can never really seem to work it off haha.
I wanna see results of illmatic? where did you see them? I just left 24 hr fitness I'm about 16% body fat.
mannn. Anyways he had his own opinions aboutp90x. lol kind of discouraged me. anyways. i wanna see illmatic noromo
wk1 day2
did the plyometrics
legs started to burn withing 10minutes of the workout but i fought through it. calves were burning up doing the hot foot exercise. havent been dripping insweat like that for awhile. kind of hard for me to get lift on the jumps because of my shin splints.

also, should i stop doing my daily cardio running while on p90x?
Scroll down for the Cliff Notes..

I'll post more photos in a couple days, probably a week into Phase III. I would take some now, but I incurred a horrible sun burn on my back.Unfortunately, I didn't photograph myself daily (mainly because I was skeptical of the program).

In terms of the effects of P90X, I would say I was the perfect candidate. I'm 5'9" and I went from 165-170lbs, to about 150-155lbs. My old dietconsisted of a lot of fast food and red meat. Now my diet consists mainly of veggies, fruits, and high protein (tuna, chicken tenderloin's, protein bars,protein shakes). Waist size went from 34 to about 31-32 (which sucks because I basically have to buy new shorts and pants).

As I stated before, I am pretty satisfied with the results thus far, EXCEPT for my arms. Don't get me wrong, my arms have more definition now and are a tadbigger (very pleased with my triceps), but in comparison to the change I made from my chest/abs/shoulders, it's not as dramatic.

And as for P90X, I've done enough research to know that it's not the end-all in terms of personal fitness. To me, it's more of a stepping stone. Istill believe that in terms of providing a "total package," P90X is about 70% of what you need. But really, what do you expect, it's marketed asan "extreme home fitness program." I also never bought into the muscle confusion concept, mostlybecause I believe it doesn't matter what exercises you do, it just matters how much weight you use and the intensity. And IMO, some of the other videoslike Kenpo-X or Cardio-X are just fillers because they probably didn't want to tell people to just swim, run or bike on the off days. Plyometrics andYoga-X, IMO aren't necessary, but I love to do them because they make me sweat profusely and they're just challenging to do. I mean, I am actuallyconsidering taking Yoga classes at a gym now.

In short, P90X is a great program for the beginner, or someone who is just mildly out of shape and overweight (15-20 lbs overweight). The exercises are verygood, nutrition guide is very thorough, and most of all, it's very convenient and easy to understand.

As for doing other workout (ie: running, swimming, bicycling) while doing P90X, I would not suggest it until the middle of Phase I. For real, during that 1stweek I couldn't even go up stairs or get into my car without grimacing.

1. More pics when my sunburn goes away or after Week 1 of Phase III
2. I was only about 10-15lbs overweight when I started the program. The key is to "bring it" during the workouts, stay true to the diet, and do lotsand lots of cardio
3. Happy with the results from my body (chest/abs/shoulders), still need work on my arms
4. P90X is a great beginner fitness program, but you should research different alternatives after you're done withthe 90 days
5. If you're not accustomed to working out everyday, concentrate on the P90X workouts and focus on adding more Cardio as your body adjusts
Originally Posted by illmaticsoulchild

And as for P90X, I've done enough research to know that it's not the end-all in terms of personal fitness. To me, it's more of a stepping stone. I still believe that in terms of providing a "total package," P90X is about 70% of what you need. But really, what do you expect, it's marketed as an "extreme home fitness program." I also never bought into the muscle confusion concept, mostly because I believe it doesn't matter what exercises you do, it just matters how much weight you use and the intensity. And IMO, some of the other videos like Kenpo-X or Cardio-X are just fillers because they probably didn't want to tell people to just swim, run or bike on the off days. Plyometrics and Yoga-X, IMO aren't necessary, but I love to do them because they make me sweat profusely and they're just challenging to do. I mean, I am actually considering taking Yoga classes at a gym now.

In short, P90X is a great program for the beginner, or someone who is just mildly out of shape and overweight (15-20 lbs overweight). The exercises are very good, nutrition guide is very thorough, and most of all, it's very convenient and easy to understand.

As for doing other workout (ie: running, swimming, bicycling) while doing P90X, I would not suggest it until the middle of Phase I. For real, during that 1st week I couldn't even go up stairs or get into my car without grimacing.

1. More pics when my sunburn goes away or after Week 1 of Phase III
2. I was only about 10-15lbs overweight when I started the program. The key is to "bring it" during the workouts, stay true to the diet, and do lots and lots of cardio
3. Happy with the results from my body (chest/abs/shoulders), still need work on my arms
4. P90X is a great beginner fitness program, but you should research different alternatives after you're done with the 90 days
5. If you're not accustomed to working out everyday, concentrate on the P90X workouts and focus on adding more Cardio as your body adjusts

1. Id actually argue that its not a beginner fitness program at all. Its designed for individuals who are already accustomed to working out. (Hence the ideaof muscle confusion, which is real.)
2. You say the Yoga isnt necessary, yet youre thinking of picking it up and doing more of it? Confusing.
I guess I should revise that "beginner" statement. I mean, I was in okay shape in high school and college. I guess the level of difficulty is judgedby how much in shape you are. For me, I consider it a nice start. I also agree that "muscle confusion" is necessary to advance, but I believe you canstill repeat the same boring exercises, as long as you increase the weight and intensity.

As for Yoga, I like it because it enables me to become more flexible and trying to do the balance postures are challenging.

For most people that pick up the program though, I really don't think flexibility and being balanced is a priority (which is why I say it's not anecessity). I mean, when I got the program, my intent was to get more fit and becoming stronger, not to do Yoga. It was a pleasant surprise, but not somethingthat I think is a "must."
i just finished my 2nd day on the program. the workout is no joke but its a nice change from going to the gym and doing the same thing every day.
recovery week has been screwed up...gonna still do a workout each day...and i'm gonna do doubles for phase 2
HAHA. TO be honest, its because when I work out with no shirt I walk between rooms during breaks and I'm going from cold to warm. And my breathingisn't synchronized perfectly with my reps so I get full and gag a few times and a lil p90x comes out at times and sometimes A LOT MORE. lol thanks paul. Iam so happppppppppy right now because I see results and am no where near being done!
I downloaded a few vids of this and gave it a try to see if I can keep up with it, more specifically the Kenpo X and Plyometrics.
Those two weren't bad, good cardio and I still manage to get a 30-45 minutes run afterwards.
The other exercises though, like the corn on the cob pull up, it looked almost impossible and those guys look like their doing wire tricks.

I think I need a week (or two) to get ready. I am not fit in any way but I'll see what I could do with what I have.
The Kenpo X and Plyometrics are fun though, I might work that in with my schedule.
I still need to purchase a band or pull up bar and more weights though. All I have are 15-20 lbs and I think it might be too heavy for most of these workouts.
Awesome work Praise, at only Phase I, your results are very impressive. How much are you using for the bicep curls? Are you using the pull-up bar or bands?

BTW, I just "got" a copy of P90X Plus. Some of the exercises look crazy. I'm still looking into just getting into a lifting program, but some ofthe workouts in P90X Plus look really interesting.
Thanks dude! I am using 15's! And I am squeezing the HELLLL out of my biceps when I get to the top! haha. I tried 25's yesterday for the firt 4workouts. @%%+ THAT! HAHAHAHAH. IT WAS CRAZY! So it made the whole workout harder for me. I'm feeling so good and it's only week 3!
Praise keep up the work man!

Kinda slacked this week. Been busy with my bro's grad this week. Fam over and big dinners. Diet has been hurting.

It doesn't help either when I've started to work in the receiving department either. It gets harder to start the disk, haha

Did Arms and Shoulders today though!
Originally Posted by TheAbove

Praise keep up the work man!

Kinda slacked this week. Been busy with my bro's grad this week. Fam over and big dinners. Diet has been hurting.
yup good work. yea i had the same event this week my brother's graduation it kinda wacked my week out of order
Praise man, good effort.. week 3 - have you been doing any fitness work before?

Im seriously thinking of purchasing this and getting stuck into it.
alright yo... im fat.. i started my diet... what plan should i start out with?? any help will be greatly appreciated..
do they have a food plan.. and how much do the videos cost... pm me if needed...
Went to a FATTY bbq and pool party today. This is what I ate today. GOOD BREAKFAST and then 2 burger patties no bread nothin just mustard. 2 turkey dogs nobun, 1 chicken patty no bun. -_- and then protein shake after workout at night! lol BAD! and something else that you know happens at a bbq.

ANYWAYS, I was COMFORTABLE to take off my shirt. The responses were INSANE. EVERYWHERE i go people refer to me as MR. P90X haha. because they know it's allI talk about and am Motivated. Anyways no romo here are some pics..


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