P90X Discussion

just started my third week officially ... im seeing results in my chest/arms like no other routine ive done before ... i cant believe how quick the progresshas been ... i own ab ripper x right not but i still dont have that non flexed 6 pack look so i dunno what to do ... i cant help but wonder what the resultswould be if i actually stuck with the program 100%, meals and all ... but im seeing results which is all that matters for the time being ...
Mine just came in the mail yesterday, and I went and got a dumbell set & pullup bar today...
Unfortunately I'm really sun burnt from the beach Sunday, and my father's bday is this weekend so I'll be pigging out

I'm shooting on starting on Monday, with meal plan and all...I really like the fitness book & nutrition guide, I think this program is really welldetailed and organized with the booklets and stuff that goes with the dvd's.
i plan to start this in april. i been goin heavy liftin for march.........so im gonna use this to change it up for april, get a real dry lean look for spring.
Originally Posted by wanksta23

Originally Posted by ChewToy112

Hey guys,
I just wanted to check in on the progress of people who are going through P90x. I just started it last week, and I must say that it is easily the toughest workout I've ever done, and I consider myself to be in excellent shape to begin with before I started the program. So far, the plyometrics and chest/back routine are the toughest by far, since they are such high intensity, and all of the chest/back exercises go to failure, pretty much. My favourites so far are Yoga and X stretch (lol) because it's a much needed break from the high intensity parts of the program, and because flexibility is an area that I need to improve. In terms of weights, my favourite routine so far is the shoulder/arm routine. Ab ripper x is pretty crazy too, but I'm getting better. The first time I did it, I could only do about half the amount of reps they were doing, but now I can keep up for most of it, though I do need to take some breaks still. I'm already seeing results in my midsection; lower body fat and more defined abs, and I'm only on day 2 of week 2. I'm not completely on the nutrition plan since I've been sick for 2 weeks and I need my nutrients to get better, but I'm still sticking with the principles of it. Once I get better, hopefully I can stick to the nutrition more strictly. I'm really excited to see what results are at the end of this thing.
^what multivitamins are you taking? any weight loss pills also?....and do you think the nutrition plan SHOULD be enforced? or will i be good with another diet?
I just take a regular 1-a-day multi from the supermarket. I only started taking it last week because I wanted to get nutrients while I was sick. I'm not taking any weight loss pills with it. If you can help it, I would stick with the nutrition plan that comes with it if you want max results.I've been slacking with the nutrition a bit, and I still see noticable results already.
uhh...is anyone still doing this?

and how are their results?

i'm thinking about starting it. and would it make sense for a skinny dude like myself who wants to gain lean mass to do this? I'm pretty sure theanswer is yes but whenever i tell ppl i'm thinking about doing it they just tell me that it's going to only make me more cut and not any bigger.
havnt seen this thread in a long time.
what happened to the other thread that said vol spring break was coming.

ive been doing the ab ripper x from the p90x, and im glad to say i like what i see....
Originally Posted by BangDak

havnt seen this thread in a long time.
what happened to the other thread that said vol spring break was coming.

ive been doing the ab ripper x from the p90x, and im glad to say i like what i see....
Cosign...I've been doing ab ripper x now for about a month and some change and its great...I'm takin less and less breaks every time...

My goal is to do the whole thing with no breaks...
Originally Posted by nYcHipHopHippo

uhh...is anyone still doing this?

and how are their results?

i'm thinking about starting it. and would it make sense for a skinny dude like myself who wants to gain lean mass to do this? I'm pretty sure the answer is yes but whenever i tell ppl i'm thinking about doing it they just tell me that it's going to only make me more cut and not any bigger.
I'm still doing it. I'm just finishing the first week of Phase 2 Doubles. Results are pretty good. I have lower body fat, my abs and hip flexors look alot better, and I also see some change in my lats, chest, and a bit in the arms. I'm not positive if you can gain a lot of mass on this thing, that'sthe one thing I'd be unsure of.
Anyways, P90X works bar none! I love the variety in the exercises. And on gym days, I just do crap I can't do at home with P90X.. stuff like squats anddeadlifts and barbell benching..

If you're happy with your regular workout routine, I still recommend the ab program, Ab Ripper X.. Just google for the exercises.. You really don'tneed to buy the program / videos..
You'll need around an hour per day if you do the classic version. If you push yourself like you're supposed to, the weights will take about 45-50minutes, plus you have to do 15 minutes of abs on top of that. Yoga is the only exception, which is 1.5 hours. If you're doing the doubles program,it's more like 2 hours per day for 3-4 days per week.
Originally Posted by nYcHipHopHippo

uhh...is anyone still doing this?

and how are their results?

i'm thinking about starting it. and would it make sense for a skinny dude like myself who wants to gain lean mass to do this? I'm pretty sure the answer is yes but whenever i tell ppl i'm thinking about doing it they just tell me that it's going to only make me more cut and not any bigger.

On week 4..... U gotta commit to the program and that includes the diet plan... they go hand and hand.... and I agree if you are already slim you will cut upbut not bulk up.... For the question about pricing.... IMO go to the P90x website..... its 140.00 BUT you are charged over 3 payments..... not a bad way togo........
just did the chest+back workout. i still have to do abs later on tonight. is it designed to be one after the other, or can u do chest+back in the morning thenabs at night?

and the diet seems to be the hardest part of this, and i'm only doing the portion one

any tips for the portion diet?
I'm going to do the TNation Velocity Diet 3.0 plus program first then this. Once I move especially, I'll have no excuse since they got a full gym rightin the complex
Sorry to grave dig this joint but I plan on starting this Monday...Just got rid of alot of junk food out the fridge earlier this week. Using the meal guidewhile shopping this weekend. Just wanted to see how everyone is holding up. I plan on doing it at the gym after work(on 3rds) that way it will be empty and Ican just load up the vids on ipod/phone and go in..Don't really have a set weight loss goal..just want to get toned and loose this dead weight.
I am on the 6th week of P90X. I went to the gym yesturday to see if I got any stronger since starting P90. My bench went from doing 185lbs 17 times to onlybeing able to do it 9 times. FML. IDK if I am going to keep doing P90. That ab ripper is effective.
I'm on week 8, the second recovery week. GREAT results all around. Way lower body fat, and increased size in lats, arms, and legs. Chest might have gottena bit smaller, though.
that ab ripper x is no joke....but is my lower back supposed to be hurtin after the 3rd exercise?
Just finished day 10 of P90X classic. I look forward to the workout everyday, hopefully the novelty doesn't ware. Its hard work but I've already seennoticable in my love handles and my overall strength.
so i just finished my first day. i would post my numbers but 1) my arms are going to fall off 2) they suck. the ab ripper x is no joke.
hope everyone is finding success in p90x.
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